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Drowning In Sorrow - Prologue & Chapter One
Posted By: Phoenix89uk<phoenix89uk@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 September 2003, 1:04 PM
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Drowning in Sorrow... A Halo Fan Fiction by Phoenix89uk
The Forerunner scientist looked up from his work. This genetic work was hard - especially with the timescale he had been given. Why they needed such a powerful weapon was beyond him - there was no enemy in this galaxy - his race had conquered all the others in the vicinity, too. Sighing, he continued twisting and reforming the DNA to create a powerful biological weapon. This was his 47th attempt - each creature he had made was dangerous, but not virulent enough for his masters. This, however, was to be his masterpiece - a mixture of viruses, parasites & poisonous chemicals. As he completed the strand, he saw it begin to multiply into a tiny, yellow-green spore. "At least it's alive," he thought to himself. Now, all he could do was wait for the spore to grow.
Chapter One - Evolution
Some weeks later, the spore had multiplied so much it had formed into some sort of pupa, which was very large. It seemed very delicate - the instant he touched the metre-wide bag it quivered and flexed. He didn't even dare to insert a viewing tube to see what his larvae were doing - for he knew there was more than one in the pupa. A few more hours would do it - the pupa was stretched beyond belief already. Suddenly, however, he saw the pupa quiver, shake and finally exploded in a shower of yellow-green flesh, blood and ten things, which landed on him and pushed him to the floor. He felt an indescribable pain as the things inserted a penetrator into his spinal cord - and took over his body. Soon after, the Forerunner government officials called on the laboratory to see how the project was coming on. However, the sight they saw when they entered the room was not exactly what they had expected. In one corner was a grotesque creature, which seemed to have short, stubby legs, a large torso, which was extremely bloated, and two short, thin tentacles. There were also about seven smaller creatures on tiny little legs. They didn't seem to have eyes, but as soon as they entered the room, the larger creature waddled over to them and exploded, and the little creatures all began milling over them - each attempting to gain control of one of them. The officials tried to pull them off, but still more had come from the larger creature, and soon all ten Forerunners were on the floor, overpowered. The Forerunner civilian liked this spot. The view was spectacular - he felt he could see the entire planet from here. However, today he swore he could hear a strange squelching noise coming from a nearby grate - and she went to investigate. Before she could get there, however, it burst open, and some green-yellow creatures popped out. There seemed to be thousands of the grotesque creatures, and it seemed that some floodgate in hell had been opened. She didn't see much else, however, as one of the larger creatures knocked her round the head with a long tentacle, and she lost consciousness. The infection form could only think of one thing - hunger. It had never eaten anything - and was nearing the end of its tether. It spied a star ship, with many, many creatures going aboard - perfect fodder. It scuttled up the entry ramp, and began the process of choosing a suitable victim. As the ship approached, the Forerunner security team scanned for the ship's ID number. However, all it could get over the link was static - it was as if something had destroyed the ship's AI - but that was impossible - the AI's were the latest technology. The ship landed anyway, however, on the newest place the Forerunner had colonised - the moon of the gas giant Threshold, Basis. As it came in to land, however, it seemed to lurch around much more than was usual. The dock master called for a security team before he gave the door clearance to open. Never, in all his time as head of security, had the Forerunner seen anything like these. Strange, yellow-green creatures spilled down the ramp in frenzy, wave after wave of huge, small and medium creatures - it was like a Flood, the amount of bodies they left. Eventually, however, the creatures overran the dock. Soon, the moon was covered in a Flood of the creatures, and they had been announced as a threat to all life in the universe. A threat to be defended against. A threat to be exterminated.