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Fan Fiction

Ragnarok Special Forces: MaranIV
Posted By: Pat Rains<dackix@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 September 2004, 2:30 AM

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Ragnarok Special Forces: MaranIV

The only noise was that of hard sole steel boots on sheet metal. A knife slid into a sheath. Bullets were loaded into a clip. Everything was surrounded in complete darkness. A metallic click. And then a resonating voice "Alright boys, lock an' load, we're down in two" The blunt echo was followed by four replies of "Affirmative".

The heavy steel loading door opened, revealing an eerie stillness, and the image of the great planet MaranIV, the coasts of the three great continents alight. Five figures fell forward into the abyss, clad in class III titanium A ceramic re-entry armor. The armor was 5 inches think, not a single point was left exposed, this suit could survive a hit from a .54 nuclear warhead. The left shoulder of each suit was emblazoned with the image of a simple skull, a single trickle of blood trickling down the center of the forehead

The massive black soldiers plummeted to the surface of the planet at mach 2, their suit protecting them utterly from both the environment, and the blossoms of direct plasma fire exploding around their heads during their rapid descent. They slammed into the surface of the tropical ocean, leaving a massive wake. The water seemed to engulf them entirely.

"Master O'shava, you highness" a low ranking elite belched to his superior
"What is it" was the disconcerted reply. "Sir, five large unknown objects have just landed off the couth coast of the continent. There is no heat signature, but there is offshore movement detected at five points. Again, they are not recognized as either friend or foe."
The commanding elite was chilled to the bone, The lowly blue-clad elite saw his masters pupils widen in the reflection of the black armor, not daring to stand from his kneeling position. "Move all units, get boats on the water". The thought darted across his mind over and over again. They sent the mighty ones clad in armor of green, do the gods wish our death?

They were not Spartans, but they were the next best thing.

"Discard heavy armor, enact alpha-gee-seven" the five figures popped the seals on their re-entry armor, and equipped compact re-breather units. They left the suits for the covvie patrols to find. All five of them adorned identical black fatigues, no armor besides a light impact absorbent vest, a 7' combat knife on the front of their left shoulder. They all had the same bloody skull insignia cut into their forearm, not tattooed, it was cut into them with the bone of the first covenant they had each killed. Each had a U-17 special forced pistol strapped to their thigh. It had an integral suppressor, and used .407 revolving bored magnum rounds. They all had different guns strapped onto their backs. An M-85 high-velocity shotgun, a silenced compact P-112 sub-machine gun, A .415 extended barrel semi-automatic rifle, a 4 gauge long range PAAW (personal anti-armor weapon), and a standard Battle rifle, equipped with a silencer, extended clip, laser sight and bipod.

Returning to his master, O'shava, the blue elite stood for a moment on the deserted beach, taking in the magnificence of the ocean. A black figure rose out of the warm salty water, a single round left the chamber of his pistol, and left a dime size hole in the head of the covenant, the aliens shield had no effect on the round. The magnum rounds reverse polarization aloud it to pass straight through without interference. The body fell limp, no blood splatter, no screaming, no alerting his colleagues. As the special forces marine stepped up to the body a second elite walked into the small clearing on the edge of the tropical rainforest. The elite looked from the corpse to the human standing over it. A deadly plasma sword powered up, and sped for the marine. The energy blade made no contact, the elite found his arm stopped in the grip of a human hand.

The marine was A. Collins. He was adept at close combat, stealth attacks, and killing aliens. He was only twenty-one years old, but had been rushed from standard UNSC training to that of an advanced stealth strike team, known as Ragnarok. He was only a private in the military but he was a man that demanded respect from even Admirals of entire fleets. He had single handedly destroyed many covvie encampments, and killed hundreds of aliens, and that's what he liked to do best.

He grabbed the wrist of the lunging alien and smashed the shield generator around it's waist. The shield flickered an disappeared. The stunned elite quickly assessed the situation and decided to remove the threat as quickly as possible. Collins saw the other set of claws reaching for his chest. He was too quick. He met the alien hand, and pulled the arm straight out, and smashed the elbow with an open fist. He grabbed the creature by the throat, preventing a scream as the arm shattered and fell limp. The plasma sword fell to the ground and disengaged. He pulled the knee of his opponent forward so it was kneeling, he then jumped off the top of its knee, spun, and landed the heel of his heavy duty boots in the face of the covenant elite. The red clad creature fell unconscious. Collins finished the job by opening a hole in the top of its head with his 7'combat knife, leaving no traces of a struggle besides some shifted foliage and the two prostrate elites.

McIntire, another Ragnarok SF, kicked in the face of the last remaining jackal. Out of the patrol of 6 of them, and two elites, all that was left was a large puddle of mixing purple blood, and 8 almost non-recognizable corpses, laying in all directions.

McIntire was 6"5, and could lift the front of a military jeep clear off the ground. His size could make almost any man quiver in fear at the mere sight of him. He picked up his shotgun, blew the smoke away that was wafting from the barrel, and loaded 3 more shells into the reserve. He didn't use stealth to defeat his enemies, that was cheating as far as he was concerned
He slid his knife back into its upside-down sheath, and retuned his 3 foot long retractable "beating stick", a 1 inch thick metal pole, to its holder at his rear right.

Ranere repelled 40 feet to the bottom of the room where 5 brutes sat, asleep. He hadn't had any action in months, and wanted a little fun before continuing with the mission. He removed their heavy weapons, and placed them under a toppled bookshelf, out of the way. *Bang* he slammed his foot to the cement ground and woke the five massive creatures. He would have preferred a larger room but this would have to do. They all got site of him, and raised off the ground, a look of hate in their eyes. Nobody ever said Charles Ranere was a smart man.

The first brute swung viciously at his head but he ducked and his boot slammed into the side of the beast, when it doubled over he smashed the face with his knee, and when it was forced backwards he thrust a knife through the bottom of its jaw into its brain, then it lay motionless. He then grabbed another knife from his belt, and held one in each hand, up-side down, the grips cradled lightly in his palms, blades towards the ground. The other four ape-like creatures gave out a scream of rage and charged at him. He kicked a leg out from one of them, tripping another in the process. They got back up and went again. He brought his elbow to chest of the largest of them, knocking the wind out of it. Then, in a blur of motion he took a volley to each animal, a hand to the face of the closest, then a high-kick knocked another over, When the last tried to grab him he swung with his knife, removing four of its fingers, and the with the other knife he stabbed the tallest in the heart. He drew his pistol, and fired one round into another. Three down. His threw up the pistol, dropped a knife, and grabbed the pistol in his other hand, and smashed another Brute in the face with the handle. Before the knife hit the ground he kicked it, and sent it flying. It landed between the eyes of a Brute on all fours, raising himself off the ground, but then it met the ground one last time. He jumped, and made him self horizontal. He put one foot on the last animals shoulder, and with the other one thrust into the creatures head, turning it violently and snapping the neck. He rolled onto the floor, and immediately stood upright once again. He only said one thing "Take that, ya hairy bastards!" He wiped blood of his fatigues.

The covenant patrols returned with 5 large black heaps of armor, and no-one inside. They assumed that the humans had disposed of them from a ship in orbit and there was no immediate threat.

The other two troopers stepped out of a bush, just as a hunter rounded the corner of a large cement wreck that was once a building. A bullet rammed out of the barrel of the PAAW and smashed the helmet of the hunter, obliterating the skull. A cascade of orange blood settled in a 5 foot radius around the blue behemoth. The steel slug continued through the concrete wall behind it and finally lodged into a tree where it stopped. Three silenced pops ended the lives of a few grunts unfortunate enough to be caught unawares. Samson looked through the scope of his battle rifle at a squad of jackals getting into formation 50 meters down the beach. Usually such a squad could take on a full 3 squads of marines, and suffer no casualties, but these weren't marines, there were the Ragnarok Special Forces. Six shots sounded, and hit any exposed point beyond the blue plasma shields. A hand was removed with a bullet, then an ankle shattered. He ricocheted a bullet off a shield and hit another jackal in the head with the bullet. The PAAW fired two more slugs, and sent 3 of the bird-like aliens reeling backwards; two of them were dead, bullets in their foreheads, before they could recover their stance. The last standing jackal had backed towards the forest. A hand pulled a knife silently across the jugular of the jackal from behind, where the covenant had stood out of the forest stepped Collins, wiping off his knife, his P-112 slung on his back.

Commander O'shava stepped out of his tent to see what all the noise was. His rifle was kicked from his hand, and he was quickly subdued and put into a holding container, much like a cryo-tube, only mobile. "Delta five, the package is wrapped, request courier" the tallest man with the battle rifle barked into his comm.-link. He spoke again "Ragnarok, break radio silence, status report". "McIntire here, encountered 3 covvie patrols, 32 contacts, 32 corpses." And then there was another reply over the comm. "Ranere reporting, main covvie recon base neutralized. 18 contacts, 18 dead alien scummies. 5 brutes I might add I took out single handedly, only 1 shot." All four other marines on the channel shook their heads. "Regroup at LZ in five, we get picked up with the package." Collins kicked the container, and the elite snarled at him. Like it would like nothing better to do that kill him with its bear hands.

They had a covenant prisoner. They had eliminated the covenant presence on MaranIV, while it was in its infancy. It was a good day.

Hey, please give me feedback, if u like this story I might make more of 'em, maybe a series. Even if u don't like it, I always appreciate constructive criticism.

