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Fan Fiction

MJOLNIR, Chapter Three
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 October 2003, 5:19 PM

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MJOLNIR, Chapter Three

The dance club event passed quickly and the three days that Robert Watts made Colin wait went by extremely fast. Over the course of those three days, Colin did absolutely nothing. Because he couldn't leave the city at all, in case Mr. Watts called him, he remained on his balcony, watching the sun rise and set everyday. He had a short conversation with Adam Marleau, his employer, but other than that, he did nothing. During the evening of the third day, Nemesis received a call by one of Watts's employees.


"Is this Ian Bishop?"


"Mr. Watts wishes to remind you of your little appointment with him tonight at eleven"

"I haven't forgotten, thank you"

"Your welcome." Colin heard the end of the other line go dead. He put his small phone receiver and sighed deeply. It was now six o'clock, which gave Colin five hours to get prepared. He picked up the phone again and dialed a number.

"Office of Naval Intelligence" a lady's voice said.

"Adam Marleau please" Colin said.

"One moment," there was a brief pause, followed by the Lieutenant Colonel's voice, "Marleau"

"Adam, this is Nemesis" Colin said.

"Ah, Nemesis, good, what's up?" Adam asked.

"Just got a call from one of Robert's men, tonight's still a go" he said.

"Good, what's your plan?" Adam asked again.

"I go, I get the weapons, I leave" Colin suggested.

"Not exactly my friend. Because we want you to get in closer to Watt's organization, I've arranged for a small surprise" Adam said. This worried Colin right away.

"A surprise?" he asked.

"Yes, I've took the liberty in tipping off an extremist faction called the Slaughter Men. They are extreme enemies of Robert Watts, since he apparently killed their leader several months ago. At exactly midnight, they will attack. Defend Robert Watt's and his men, and hope that he admires this and let's you join" Adam explained.

"Makes sense. How many do you reckon?" Colin asked.

"Twenty, maybe thirty, they are actually quite large" Adam said.


"Oh please, it's nothing you can handle" Adam said, chuckling.

"I suppose. I have to call in one favor though" Colin said, suddenly thinking of a small snag.


"I need a truck, a big one preferably. I need something to carry all these stupid weapons" Colin said.

"You got it, we have one heading to you now" Adam said.

"Great, I think that's it. I'll be heading out in a couple of hours" Colin said.

"I got to go for now, conference meeting before I leave for home" Adam said.

"What are the plans for tonight?" Colin asked.

"Pray you'll be okay" Adam said.

"Pray? Why would you-"

"Gotta go, bye." Colin held the phone receiver away from his ear as the line went dead. He shrugged, and then hung up the phone, shaking his head afterwards. Adam liked to joke around, and this one just one of those times that he was trying to make Colin worry. He wasn't worried. Rebel factions had unclear, very disorganized battle tactics. Colin would simply be shooting ducks running across an open field.

For three of the five hours he had left, Colin simply relaxed. He leaned back in his lawn chair on his balcony and watched the sun set over the building rooftops. It felt like he was about to go to the dance club to meet Robert Watts again. The atmosphere was very familiar. Groups of drunken people gathering at street corners, drug dealers and hobos harassing people. It was as if every night was a party night for these people. Colin stood once again and got dressed in the same clothes that he wore three days ago to the dance club. While he was loading his weapons, and pocketing extra clips of ammunition, a black civilian-class Warthog pulled up in front of the hotel room. Colin did another quick check of himself, then grabbed a black duffel bag and put his COLT M4A1 into it. He swung it over his shoulder and walked down to the vehicle. The driver, an ONI agent stepped out of the driver's seat and offered his hand.

"Agent Nemesis?" he asked. Nemesis took the man's hand and nodded. "Field Agent Dark Wolf, been given strict orders to assist you tonight" the man said. Nemesis cocked an eyebrow.

"Dark Wolf, I work alone" he began, but the man shook his head.

"I know, so do I, I don't want to be here more than you want me here, but I have orders" he said. Nemesis stared at the agent for a moment, and then shrugged.

"And we all know how wrong it is to disobey orders" he said, rolling his eyes and throwing his bag into the bag of the vehicle. Dark Wolf laughed.

"Well, this meeting of yours starts in a few minutes, let's hit the road" he said and jumped into the driver's seat. Nemesis nodded and climbed into the side seat. The interior of the Warthog was extremely spacious. It was designed for four people, but Dark Wolf had removed the two back seats, providing more room in the back. Nemesis strapped himself in.

"You know where you're going?" he asked. Dark Wolf nodded and started the engine.

"UNSC Hangar D-5, abandoned ten years ago" he quoted. Nemesis nodded and laughed. Dark Wolf stepped on the gas and their vehicle roared forward, scaring a group of drunken hookers off the road. Dark Wolf was a very violent driver. He didn't stop for anyone, and the streets were crowded with people, majority of them drunk. However, the horn of the Warthog and its loud engine made them move quickly. Before Nemesis knew it, they were exiting the city, and driving along an empty road. He turned to the agent beside him.

"What are your plans when we get there?" he asked the man. Dark Wolf didn't even look at Nemesis and kept his eyes focused on the dark road.

"With Mr. Watts's permission, I'm going to accompany you into the base, because the rebels will be approaching from the road, and will most likely shoot me. If Watts does not agree, I'll probably hide in the car and ambush them from behind" he said. Nemesis nodded. His original plan was completely messed up now.

"Do you have a name?" he asked. Dark Wolf smiled.

"Name's Jim Reynolds" he said, adapting a Texan accent. Nemesis chuckled at this.

"All right, here we go" he said, as Dark Wolf pulled the Warthog into the parking lot of the abandoned hangar. It wasn't much to look at. A row of large hangars, which normally would've held sky/space vehicles, but were now abandoned. Nemesis jumped out of the vehicle and noticed three men walking towards him. One of them activated his flashlight.

"You Bishop?" he asked. Nemesis nodded. The man looked at Dark Wolf.

"The agreement was for you to come alone" the man growled, a gun slowly being pulled out from under his coat. Bishop held his hands up.

"He's my second-in-command, I needed his truck and he asked to assist me, that's all he's here to do" he said. The man looked over at Dark Wolf, who smiled and waved. The man finally nodded.

"Bring your car to the second hangar" the man ordered and began to jog in that direction, the other two henchmen flanking him. Colin climbed back into the Warthog.

"Second hangar" he said and Dark Wolf drove to their destination. He parked the Warthog out front of the opened hangar, dust skidding out from the huge tires. Nemesis got out first, closely followed by Dark Wolf. Out of the hangar, came Robert Watts Junior. He smiled.

"Mr. Bishop, good to see you" he said, then paused as he noticed Dark Wolf. Colin quickly stepped in.

"He's just here to help with the guns Mr. Watts. Jim Reynolds is a close friend and supports my views against the UNSC" he said. Robert offered his hand.

"Robert Watts" he said. Dark Wolf took it.

"I'm Jim Reynolds, pleasure to meet you" the agent said. Watts smiled.

"Not a problem, now, let's do business" he said and walked inside. Nemesis and Dark Wolf followed him, flanked by the three men who had greeted them when they first pulled in. Watts lead them into the very middle of the hangar, which was light up by a single spot light in the center of the ceiling. The light shone down on a large table, which held all of the weapons that Colin had asked for at the dance club. He grinned and looked them over; making sure that everyone was there. He reached out to touch one, but one of Watt's henchmen interfered. Nemesis looked at Robert, who smiled.

"Where's my money?" he asked. Nemesis smiled and looked off to the far left of the table. A laptop sat on it, revealing an empty bank account. Nemesis kneeled in front of it and allowed his hands to hover over the keyboard. Another henchman appeared and pointed at the screen.

"Simply type in the amount of money you wish to transfer, and the account in which it comes from" he said, his breath heavy with nicotine and alcohol. Nemesis nodded and typed away. He finished with the typing and pressed "Return." A blue bar appeared and was immediately filled up to red. A box appeared, blinking "TRANSFER COMPLETE." Nemesis stood up and looked at the henchmen standing behind him. He nodded at Robert, who smiled.

"Currency, where would the world be without it" he said, laughing. Nemesis chuckled as well and took another look at the weapons laid out on the table. The vast amount of power that Robert Watts had gathered in three days was quite amazing to him. He started to worry what other powers he had and what he would do with him. Hopefully, if all went well, he would eventually find out.

Robert Watts had brought ten henchmen with him, who all started to pack up the weapons in separate duffel bags and carry them out to Dark Wolf's Warthog. Nemesis and the ONI agent also helped out, chatting with Watts about possible battle plans he was going to use against the UNSC. They all gathered around the Warthog, tossing the big bags of weapons into the bag. Nemesis carefully placed four Hades rocket launchers, and then looked at his watch. 11:52 blinked at him. He looked around for a second to the main road, before heading to the front of the Warthog. His COLT M4A1 was still in the small backpack he brought along. Nemesis checked to make sure that it was still fully loaded, then assisted more the henchmen with transferring the weapons. Dark Wolf seemed to notice the attack would be coming soon. He had stopped helping for a moment and was looking in the driver's seat of the Warthog.

The roar of engines startled Nemesis and he whirled around to see what it was. Three Warthogs appeared out of the hangar, each of them with a M41 LAAG chain gun on the back. Robert Watts smiled at Nemesis's surprised face.

"Relax Mr. Bishop; there are the babies that brought us here. Stole them from a UNSC highway patrol station" he said, patting the lead Warthog. Nemesis nodded.

"Nice job, you even got the ones with the chain guns on the back" he said, marveling at the huge mounted weapon.

"We made a few adjustments to it. It's more accurate, since we made the barrels slightly smaller. The rounds themselves are somewhat explosive, so when they hit something, they exploded into shrapnel" he said.

"Impressive" Nemesis mused. Suddenly, one of the henchmen nearby walked toward Robert.

"Hey boss, we got a problem" he said, pointing down the road. Nemesis and Watts both turned to see a column of five vehicles driving full speed down the large road, headlights blinding them. Nemesis realized that these were the Slaughter Men. He looked at Watts, who was glaring at him.

"You brought the heat you son of a bitch" he growled, pulling out his pistol. Nemesis raised his hands.

"Mr. Watts, I assure you, Reynolds and I came alone, these goons are not with us" he said, pointing to the advancing group of vehicles. Robert wasn't buying it and he cocked his pistol.

"I always hate this part of weapons dealing" he said. Nemesis thought that he was going to pull the trigger, when thousands of bullets flew at them, pinging off the armor of the Warthogs. Nemesis dove forward, taking cover behind one of the lead Warthogs. The gunner of the back turned to fire, but large volleys of chain gun fire smashed into him. The henchmen fell off the back of the vehicle, dead.

The column of vehicles parked themselves a few meters away from their position. Nemesis squinted through the blinding lights and could make out figures dressed in black armor jump out and move in towards them, MA5B assault rifles up and firing. He pulled out his modified USP and fired off four rounds, killing on of the advancing rebels. He sidestepped, avoiding bullets fired at him, then fired again. Robert Watts lay on the ground near him, panting and holding his arm which was bleeding. Nemesis crouched beside him and reloaded.

"I told you, these aren't mine" he yelled. Watts nodded, and then was dragged off by two of his henchmen. Nemesis watched him go, before running to Dark Wolf's Warthog. The ONI agent had a M6D pistol out in his hands and was firing wildly at the rebels approaching them.

"This is fucking insane, rebels don't have these kind of battle tactics" he roared, watching a flanking group of rebel soldiers lay on the ground, providing Dark Wolf with a harder target to hit. Nemesis shook his head.

"Guess we underestimated them" he said. Dark Wolf nodded, and then reloaded. Nemesis moved to the back of their Warthog and grabbed the nearest duffel bag. He ripped it open and took out two MA5B assault rifles. He loaded both of them, then stood on top of the Warthog and fired. The twin assault rifles sprayed bullets at the advancing rebels, forcing them to take cover. Nemesis's eyes adjusted to the blinding headlights, allowing him to be more accurate in his shots. He could make out five M12 LRVs parked in front of them. The rebels ranged in the twenties, not including the five men on the chain guns. They turned and targeted Nemesis, who dove off the Warthog to the right, still firing as he flew in the air. He landed and rolled, then dove back behind the Warthog, reloading his assault rifles. Robert Watts's henchmen were gathered around the three Warthogs, firing their handguns, and missing horribly. Nemesis tossed assault rifles to them, and then grabbed another duffel bag. He pulled out a Hades rocket launcher. Grinning, Nemesis slammed a rocket pack of two 110mm rockets into the large chamber and held it over his shoulder. The small targeting eye piece flipped out and switched to infrared, allowing the agent to see clearly. Nemesis activated the heat vision mode and fired off the first rocket. It flew straight, then arched into the air and slammed into one of the Warthogs firing at them. The vehicle flew up into the air, fire and wreckage trailing it. The gunner on the back lay dead a few feet away. Nemesis fired the other rocket, and a second Warthog erupted in flame. The agent tossed the empty rocket launcher aside and rushed to get more weapons. Two henchmen moved past him, firing their assault rifles. Dark Wolf had grabbed a battle rifle and was doing his best to pick off the advancing soldiers. The headlights that were still turned on, on the enemy Warthogs blinded them and prevented them from targeting their enemies with precise accuracy. Nemesis eventually found his COLT M4A1. He smiled and cocked the weapon; double checking to make sure the clip of 7.62 armor-piercing rounds was still in it. Satisfied he crouched beside one of the massive wheels of his Warthog and brought the weapon up to his shoulder. He switched to burst mode and opened fire on the nearest group of rebel soldiers. The weapon kicked back against his shoulder as the bullets flew out of the barrel and slammed into their targets. Two of the five rebel soldiers fell dead from head shots. Nemesis fired two more additional bursts, killing two more soldiers. He then pulled out his USP and finished off the clip on the last soldier. He reloaded both of his weapons, and then moved into the open, holding both of them aloft. He fired continuously, hitting each of his targets. He was about to rush at the enemy, when his guns stopped firing. Two bullets slammed into him, cracking off his armor. Nemesis grunted in pain, and then retreated, still holding his empty weapons. Dark Wolf rushed to him.

"You all right?" he demanded, helping Nemesis sit down. The agent nodded.

"I didn't get pierced, everything's fine" he said, breathing heavily. Dark Wolf nodded.

"We gotta get out of here buddy, there's too many of the bastards and we can't see shit" he said, firing his battle rifle again. Nemesis nodded and reloaded both of his weapons. He stood and rushed to where Robert Watts lay. The man was okay, but his arm was bleeding badly from a bullet wound. He looked up at Nemesis, who crouched beside him.

"We have to leave, there's too many for us to handle" he said. Watts nodded.

"Load up the 'Hogs!" he yelled. His six remaining henchmen stopped firing and began to prep the vehicles for departure. Nemesis helped Watts off the ground and placed him in the side seat of one of the Warthogs. The henchmen of the same vehicle climbed into the driver's seat, but a volley of bullets slammed into him. He slumped forward on the wheel, dead. Nemesis swore and dumped the body out onto the ground. He looked at Dark Wolf, who was getting into his own Warthog, along with another henchman. Colin jumped into the driver's seat of the Warthog beside him and revved the engine. He looked behind him to see the other Warthogs ready. Bullets still flew at them, and the enemy chain guns were being manned. The henchman on the back of Dark Wolf's 'Hog held a Hades rocket launcher. He fired the two rounds, destroying two more of the Warthogs. Nemesis stepped on the gas and the vehicle roared forward, skidding along the sand. Bullets pinged off the armor plating, but Nemesis didn't stop. He reached the road, the other three Warthogs behind him, still shooting at the rebel soldiers. Slowly, the abandoned military hangar disappeared, and the chain guns stopped firing. Nemesis breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Watts, who was staring forward. The man turned and nodded at Nemesis.

"You did well tonight, no one that I've ever known would've stayed to help fight off those enemies. Welcome to Genocide13" he said. Nemesis looked at Robert Watts for a moment, before nodding, then turning back to the ground. His mission was going well so far, he was inside the snake's nest...

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
