
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

MJOLNIR, Chapter Two
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 16 October 2003, 11:48 PM

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MJOLNIR, Chapter Two

Slowly, day became night. Special Field Agent Colin "Nemesis" Thompson sat on the balcony, overlooking the streets of New Toronto. Slowly, the groups of men and women dressed in business suits and carrying briefcases were replaced with groups of men and women, carrying big bottles of liquor and a few packs of cigarettes. Nemesis sat in a small chair, sipping at a glass of water. He wasn't a heavy drinker, and usually drank the healthy stuff. He took another sip and chuckled as a nearby hobo jumped in front of a vehicle hovering along the road. The driver stopped and got out. The hobo quickly rushed away, forcing the driver to get back into his car and drive off. The streets of New Toronto used to be a lot cleaner and had a much friendlier environment. But that was when the Covenant were at large and everyone assumed they were going to die. Now that the entire alien alliance was dead, the normal routine returned and the friendly environment disappeared. The local police forces had absolutely no control over this area. They focused most of their attention in the air, watching out for speeding/uncontrolled sky cars. Because of this, most of the new rebel forces being started up started here in the suburbs. Colin finished his glass of water, and then stood up. The sun was nearly gone over the horizon and he could already make out the spotlights shining from the various night clubs being opened. Nemesis tossed the paper cup he used to drink his water from, and then walked into his apartment.

His clothing for the night was laid out on his bed. First, Nemesis took off his casual clothing that he wore when off duty, and slipped into his black combat body suit. As he zipped it up, he began to attach the various armor pieces onto his body. Torso plate, arm/wrist guards, shin guards, shoulder pads, thigh guards, and crotch/groin guard. When he slapped on his last piece of armor, he looked much like a Marine Regular during the Covenant war, except his armor was completely black, unlike the dull brown the marines wore. Colin then grabbed his gun belt and strapped it on around his waist. He then grabbed his USP handgun and slammed in a clip of 12.7 semi-automatic rounds. Normally, the M6D pistol used the 12.7 bullets, but because Nemesis liked the style and craft of the USP, he had his modified. Not only did it fire 12.7 rounds, but there was a red targeting laser he had attached to the bottom of the barrel of the gun. Nemesis quickly held the gun with both hands, and then scanned the room quickly with it, warming himself up if things got rough tonight. He twirled the light weapon in his one hand, and then holstered it. He then pocketed seven extra clips of ammo just in case. Next, Nemesis twirled two nine-inch combat knives in his hands, before pocketing them on the other side of his gun belt. Next, Colin threw on some black clothing. He wore dark, wide-legged pants and a long-sleeved shirt. They were black and somewhat baggy, so that it didn't allow his armor beneath to protrude too much. Following that, he threw his famous black trench coat over his shoulders and slipped his arms into the sleeves. Nemesis was the only ONI field agent to wear the trench coat. The other agents preferred suits and casual clothing. However, Colin had more of a dark side to him and preferred the trench coat. Before heading to the door, Nemesis gazed sadly at his COLT M4A1. His weapon had been modified as well, just like his USP. The assault rifle fired 7.62 armour-piercing rounds, just like the famous MA5B assault rifle. His weapon also featured a silencer and a scope. Nemesis would often switch between burst mode to single fire and sometimes full auto. But because he was a very good marksman, he didn't use auto fire a lot. His COLT M4A1 was his last option when stuck in a fire fight. When he started using that, he knew that he was in trouble. The weapon had a somewhat large kickback, because of the bullets it fired. However, several years of running into tight situations, Nemesis had gotten used to it. The last thing Colin put on was a pair of gloves that were cut at the knuckles, revealing his fingers. Most people called them biker gloves. He didn't complain.

The Special Field Agent stood still for a moment, before walking in front of the mirror hung up on the wall. He fixed his hair slightly, so that it spiked up more, then opened the door and locked it behind him. He walked down several flights of stairs, before reaching the lobby and out the main doors. The night air greeted him as he opened the doors and walked out. The sun was gone and the sky was illuminated with equal lines of sky cars and lights. Colin welcomed the cold breeze that greeted him. Wearing four layers of clothing, including his coat was very hot. Any type of cold breeze helped him get his job done. Colin crossed the street and began walking down it. The "Skin" strip bar was located several blocks east of his hotel. Nemesis simply had to walk down the street and hope that no one would bother him. Groups of gangs and drunken people were scattered all over the sidewalk. Nemesis pushed past them, ignoring the angry looks given to him. The neural implants in his eyes scanned each one of them. Most of them were clean, but the odd few had a small handgun or revolver on them. This made Nemesis slightly nervous, but he could handle it. He cleared the first gang, but was stopped by the second.

Three men turned to face Colin. The agent kept walking and watched as the middle man stepped forward and lowered his shoulder. Their shoulders met and the man was thrown back by the force from Colin's push. His two buddies stepped in front of him. Quickly, Colin punched both of them in the stomach, then in the head. They flipped over backwards, holding broken noses. The other man stood up, but Colin simply turned and slammed his fist into the guy's face, breaking his nose as well. He slumped over, moaning. Colin stood straight, and then kept on walking. Several drunken girls from across the street staggered over to him, clapping and cheering.

"Way to go girl" one of them said.

"That's not a girl you fool" her friend retorted. Nemesis left the group of girls to bicker at each other. No sooner did he get away from them and closer to the flashing lights from the strip bar, than another problem came by.

A mugger appeared out of an alley, a gun in his hand. Nemesis could hear him following him as he continued walking at his somewhat slow pace. He could hear the man cock the weapon and cough slightly. Colin eventually stopped and turned around. The man held the weapon up and grinned. It was a silver Desert Eagle, quite a powerful gun. Nemesis however didn't show any emotion and looked at the man, who was chuckling. He also seemed to be drunk.

"Give me your...your thing...the...the wallet thing" he said, staggering slightly. Nemesis pretended to be scared. He held his hands up.

"Okay sir, okay, just don't shoot me" he whined. The man laughed and moved in to push him. Nemesis lashed out, grabbing his hand and broke the man's wrist. The mugger screamed and dropped the gun. Colin grabbed it as it fell, and then whirled around, kicking the liquor bottle that was held in his other hand. It flew onto the street and exploded. The man staggered backwards, but Colin fired a single shot, hitting him in the back of the knee. The drunken mugger fell, yelling and cursing in pain. Colin turned and began walking away, smirking. He took out the clip of ammo and tossed the gun to a nearby hobo, who was laughing at the mugger. The rest of the walk to the bar was undisturbed.

As soon as Colin reached the bar, he nearly fell over from a seizure. From what he could, some people already had beaten him to it. The amount of flashing lights used in decoration was huge and blinded him as the agent walked up to the line of people. Three huge guards stood in front of the main entrance, letting people in one at a time. Nemesis walked right up to them and held out a ticket that was given to him by his employer, Adam Marleau. The one guard nodded and opened the door. Nemesis walked inside and was practically blasted away by the huge, pulsing beat of the techno music being played. Nemesis walked through a line of curtain and entered the Skin strip bar.

Adam Marleau had been mistaken. Although the amount of scantly-clad women was huge, the place was more of a late night dance club than it was strip bar. There were no nude dancers, showing off their body to onlookers. There was a huge, multi-coloured stage in the middle of the large square room. Along the sides was the actual bar, loaded with people and a dozen bartenders. Nemesis looked up to see a second level, which had tables and chairs. There was obviously some sort of snack area up there. Nemesis began pushing his way through the people dancing. Groups of girls giggled and gave him appraising looks as he passed. Nemesis ignored them. He never thought he was good looking and maybe he wasn't. The girls were probably just horny and wanted someone easy to get. Sadly, Nemesis was here for business, not pleasure. He walked around the large stage, which was loaded with dancing girls and men. Colin also noticed that the majority of the people here were girls. They walked around in groups, wearing revealing clothes and even showing off their breasts to onlookers and groups of men with currency credits in their hands. Nemesis shook his head and found a seat at the bar. He did a quick look around to see if his target was near. Robert Watts Senior wasn't present he finally concluded, and then turned to a bartender who approached him.

"What's up? What can I get you?" he asked. The man was somewhat old, mid-fifties. However, his hair remained a light brown and his eyes sparkled. His voice was very hoarse, suggesting overuse of cigarettes. Nemesis nodded at him.

"Hey, can I get a martini?" he asked. The bartender nodded.

"Wow, haven't made one of those in awhile. You don't seem like the one to be partying like the rest of these hoes, what you here for?" he asked, as he began preparing the drink. Nemesis realized that this man might be part of Robert Watt's faction.

"Business sadly, I'm looking for Robert Watts, you know him?" he asked. The man laughed as he began pouring the martini.

"Robert Watts was killed almost thirty years ago. Captured by the UNSC" he said. Nemesis shook his head.

"I'm looking for Robert Watts Senior" he said, correcting his mistake. The man paused as he grabbed an olive. He looked at Colin, and then handed the glass over.

"What do you want with him?" he asked. Nemesis took a sip of the drink. It was quite good and he waited for the warm liquid to flow into his body.

"Just want to meet him, I'm thinking of joining his faction" he said. The bartender leaned back and nodded.

"Wait here. Shorty! Take over for me" the man said, yelling at a nearby bartender, who nodded at him. The man then disappeared into some sort of back room. Nemesis took a moment to look around. Watching the people dancing and jumping around was making his head twirl and he looked away for a second. He noticed doors positioned around the bottom level of the club. He squinted slightly and could groups of men and women going into them with excited looks on their faces. Nemesis rolled his eyes. Private rooms for private pleasure. As he sipped away at his drink, a man wearing dark clothing walked up to him.

"Nemesis" he whispered. Colin whirled around and looked at the man. He had his one arm outstretched and Colin could make out a small disc protruding from his coat. He took the man's hand and shook it. The disc slide into Colin's hand. He retraced his arm and nodded at the man, who returned the nod, then walked off. Nemesis put his drink aside and looked down at the disc. It was an audio message from Adam. He held it up to his ear.

"Nemesis, new game plan. Our original idea was for you to meet Robert Watts Senior as an arms dealer, wanting to do business. We just found out that Mr. Watt's fake background check indicates that he is an arms dealer. I want you to meet him, but act as if you wish to buy weapons. I'm sure that you're familiar with the various weapons in this world. We've set up a secure bank account filled with 5 million credits. Buy some guns, and use that money to pay for it. Act nice too; maybe he'll let you join his faction. Good luck." Following the message, the numbers of a bank account entered his ear. Nemesis quickly memorized the numbers, and then pocketed the disc. He turned around in his seat and watched the same bartender approach him.

"Robert Watts Senior is in number thirteen private room" he said, pointing along the wall surrounding the dance floor. Nemesis gulped down the rest of his drink and nodded at the bartender.

"Thanks for the drink" he said, then walked off. Number thirteen was located in the far corner of the square room. Nemesis pushed his way through groups of girls and swore to himself that he felt several of them reach for his crotch. Colin shook his head and kept on walking. He reached the door and turned the knob. It opened, leading into a small hallway. Another door greeted Nemesis. He opened it and walked into a spacious bedroom.

Robert Watts Senior stood in the middle of the room, zipping up his pants. On the bed were three girls, all giggling and licking their lips. They also wore nothing but there underwear. Colin shook his head as he walked in, and then closed the door behind him. Robert turned around and smiled at him as he finished getting his pants on.

"How you doing?" he asked. Colin nodded and offered his hand.

"Mr. Watts, I'm Ian Bishop, ex-marine from the UNSC" he said. Robert wiped his hands and shook Colin's hand.

"I'm Robert Watts Senior as you already know Mr. Bishop, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"I hear that you are an arms dealer?" Colin asked. Robert nodded.

"Yes, yes, and wide variety of weapon I sell, from small handguns and sedatives, to large explosive shit" he said. Colin smiled.

"Well, I need some weapons, can you hook me up?" he asked. Robert grinned and turned to the girls. He bent over and tossed them their clothes.

"Okay ladies, time to go" he said. They all pouted, by got dressed. Watts moved to his coat and removed three small bars of credits, which he handed to the girls, They giggled to each other as they left, staring at Colin as they went. Watts began putting his shirt on.

"Devils they are" he chuckled. Colin laughed as well.

"I bet" he said.

"You planning on getting some tonight?" Watts asked, as he threw his coat over his shoulders.

"Nah, got mine yesterday, taking a break" Colin answered. Watts laughed at that, and then sat down on the bed.

"Please, take a seat" he said. Colin complied and sat down. Watts leaned forward. "What can I get you?" he asked. Nemesis quickly thought for a second.

"I need thirty M6D and M8D pistols, thirty MA5B assault rifles, twenty MA7B Battle rifles, thirty SMG 500s, ten S3 A4 sniper rifles and ten M19 SSF Hades rocket launchers" he said, calculating quickly in his head. Robert Watts did the same, before leaning back.

"My my, planning on starting a war?" he asked, laughing. Colin shrugged.

"Perhaps, the idea of starting up my own faction came to my mind, but I'm still not sure. Could you hook me up with those weapons?" he asked. Watts thought for a moment.

"For a price naturally" he said. Nemesis laughed.

"Of course, this is my favourite part. I offer two million" he said. Watts immediately shook his head.

"Seven" he said.

"Four fifty?" Nemesis offered.

"Six" Watts said again.

"Five, that's my final offer" Colin stated. Watts smiled.

"Run out of money?" he asked. Colin grinned. "Very well, five million credits" Watts said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pad and pen. Nemesis then recited the weapons he wanted to the man and Robert wrote them down. He stood up.

"Three days from now, I'll meet you in the abandoned military hangar on the outskirts of the city, you know of it?" Watts asked as he and Nemesis walked to the door.

"Yeah, been there before trying to loot the place, not much there" Nemesis said. That wasn't true, but he had used the place as a hideout once. Watts nodded.

"I've already looted it" he said, laughing. "Three days, I'll meet you there. Just arrive alone; my men will escort you to me. Make sure you have that money by then" he said. They walked out of the bedroom and entered the dancing area. Nemesis nodded.

"Got it" he said. The two men shook his hands.

"I'll see you soon then" Watts said and began walking through the crowd. Nemesis gave a small wave, and then exited the bar after grabbing another drink. The streets were filled with more groups of drunken people. It was now twelve o'clock in the morning. Nemesis looked down both ways of the streets. He couldn't think of anything else to do. He gave one last look at the bar, and then with a swish of his coat, he waved off down the street, back to his apartment...

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
