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A Spartan's Path - chapter 7
Posted By: Myth
Date: 15 December 2003, 4:44 AM
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A Spartan's Path - Chapter 7 Entering Sol System
The "Athens" entered normal space just outside of Mars. Explosions stretched across the surface of the planet. Spartan Ryan "Myth" Barkley thought of the marines fighting against the Covenant forces planet side. The human warship was now clean of Covenant, though their battle was just beginning. Captain Fredrick Kemp gave Barkley leave for the drop bay.
"First Lieutenant 417, sir!" The nine Spartans said. Myth's helmet was secured tightly to his suit, two holsters on his hips sported SMG 900s and he held a M90 shotgun in his hands. "All right Spartans, w we're going planet side, lock and load our RV point is at grid thirty two by forty four," Ryan said. "You read me Spartans?" they responded in unison: "Sir, yes sir!" Myth took the short elevator ride to the forth dropship rack. A team of his marines was lined there smartly. Including the seemingly invincible PFC Chris Xavier, though now bearing with two proud arcs indicating Corporal on his left shoulder pad. His sergeant was next to the marine, wearing his sergeant's cap backwards, a M90 shotgun in his hands, a born to kill tattoo marked his right forearm. Two Australian marines stood next to them, one of them the team sniper, armed with an S2 AM and a M6D pistol, the other was their explosives expert, he carried a M19 SSM rocket launcher and the newly made battle rifle. The others carried light weaponry: assault rifles, SMG 900s, battle rifles and one bore a flamethrower and a shotgun slung over his shoulder. Myth smiled. "Entering Earth's defenses." Kale said. "What are you waiting for marines, let's go!" The sarge smiled and ordered them into the pelican. The atmospheric doors cycled closed, the humans pulled down their harnesses. Sergeant Miller locked his shotgun beneath his feet and pounded on the door to the cockpit: "go". Nine pelicans elevated from their racks, fed fuel to their engines, with Myth's dropship taking point. Myth jolted and rattled as the dropship sped at mock 3. Ryan could make out Covenant starships and then a flock of Longsword Interceptors flew wing for the drop craft. Wings and wings of Banshees swooped forward from a carrier. The Longswords ripped the agile craft to pieces. Myth pulled himself out of his seat, and opened the door to the cockpit. The co-pilot was busy navigating while the pilot: none other than Flight Commander Jack Finn was flying the ship while firing tow of the pelican's rocket pods. "Turn at 45 degrees!" Kale ordered Finn, which just dodged a mini cruiser trying to block the way. One of the pelicans didn't or couldn't pull up and smashed into the hull of the ship. Myth hoped that none of his Spartans were on that dropship. The squadron of human craft finally made it to Earth. The orbital MAC guns were blazing, Barkley saw a Covenant Destroyer take a hit from nose to tail. The pelicans jostled as they breached atmosphere, but finally made it through. Myth could make out the scenes of battles that were seemingly sewn into the ground. The scene below was South America, Brazil- Now the hottest war-zone on the God forsaken planet. The dropship continued, revealing to Myth a gigantic city, rising above clouds. The city base could not be seen, but it appeared to float. Ryan Barkley had never seen "humanity's dawn" as the marines called Earth when he was five years of age. The pelican touched down on the platform. Myth slammed the last shell into his shotgun and turned on the safety. Miller bailed out and led his team down a narrow causeway and to the lower level of Brazilia. Myth hesitated but chose the other path. Injured marines lined the drop zone, medics helping them into the pelican. Two red clad Elites emerged from an apartment door. The marines guarding it were cut down by the blue hot plasma, two medics reached for side arms but their faces were melted. Myth turned and fired the shotgun for the first alien. It took the barrage of bullets and stumbled backwards, the second fired a random shot and leapt behind a barricade. The blue bolt hit the shotgun in the barrel..."Holy Crap! How the heck did that happen?" Myth said out loud as he dropped the melted shotgun. He reached for his SMG 900s and threw sheets of slugs at the Elite.
A void filled the mind of Spartan 119. With all his thought he couldn't picture what was happening. He made himself open his eyes, his right did so but his left couldn't open the left. He felt around the eye, and made the horrible discovery that the skin above the eye had melted over. The Spartan stood up; his armor charred and marked with three bloody holes punched in his side, though he couldn't feel it. His mind finally began responding to his thoughts. He was in a...Covenant cruiser! He shed his worthless armor, standing in a light jumpsuit. 119 searched the room for life, but only saw a few dead combat forms, but found what he was looking for; his helmet. He had survived by a combat form standing in front of the frag grenade, then another carried him here for what he feared most: infection. He sighted a dead cobalt armored Elite. 119 had no idea of his name, though he found a M6D pistol in his holster that had GHOST etched into the handle. Ghost pulled up the limp body and searched it for breaches; none. And shields appeared to be in operation. He pulled the armor off the corpse and regretfully slipped into it. The armor quickly slid on, the suit surged him with plasma electricity and the suit immediately molded to his shape. He favored the helmet that his eyes or now eye could see through, and the armor was as light as MJOLNIR and even a little more comfortable. His HUD translated to English (which amazed him) and his shields went live. He was alive and ready for anything around the next door. He reached down and pulled the M90 shotgun from the dead combat form. Pounding and weapons fire dented the door, tentacles and infected fingers slid through the crack, and tried to pry it open. "Bring it on you SOBs, you can't kill me, I've already died!" Then the door gave and enemy was upon the Spartan.
to be continued