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Plasma Burns and Bullet Shells-chapter 6
Posted By: Myth<Jumpshotsketch91@aol.com>
Date: 23 October 2003, 1:49 AM
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Plasma Burns and Bullet Shells -Chapter 6 Dec. 17, 2552 Sgt. Fitzgerald's mission clock: 1000 hrs, Forests of Berlin, Germany
Tyrell Fitzgerald sat in the troop bay of the pelican with Brant and Scott. A few marine teams needed assistance and evac. This was a mission that needed being done while the company sergeants and lieutenants discussed the battle strategy for taking the covenant primary base. The pelican would drop them in and stay on standby to pack up the survivors and escort them back to Munich. His mission was to clear the area of covenant troops and rally as many marines as possible. The dropship landed and the three marines bailed and headed for the emergency beacons. Scott, Brant, and Fitzgerald wore green fatigues, Tyrell wore his bandanna as usual, all wore face paints and bore shotguns and assault rifles. "All right boys we've got marines 12 o'clock, HUSTLE!" Fitzgerald ordered. Tyrell and his marines burst into a clearing with an outpost and four marines- and the covenant. "Firing!" a marine called opening up with his SMGs. Fitzgerald filed in firing, as did the others. One Elite brought up its sniper weapon and took aim at Scott, but a marine with a plasma rifle melted its face off. Tyrell used his M90 as a club smashing the head of a blue Elite. After a few more shells and burns this area was secure. "Good work boys." Fitzgerald commented. "Dropship Delta 14 we're ready for evac." He continued. "Roger, I'm inbound." The pilot responded
'Ulmammee was now exhausted and trying to haul himself back to base with the other survivors. Tama had killed fourteen humans, but the price he would have to pay for, yet a second failure would quite possibly be death.
The covenant cruiser, the Avenger hovered over the covenant base...Tama and the Elite survivors would stand trial in it. 'Ulmammee truly hated the prophets and their ways of running this war. Tama knew this wasn't going to be a time for promotion. 'Ulmammee cycled through the security measures ran by two Golden Elites. Tama removed his rifle and his sword and one of his pistols, for security allowed a sidearm in case of emergency. Tama removed his other holster and walked inside.
After a long day of fighting and helping out, finally the dropship headed home with its marines. When the pelican landed, Fitzgerald and all the other marines were called to the conference room of the city to discuss the battle plan. And after two hours of only battle strategies, the attack force of 200 marine-regulars, 75 helljumpers, and 25 navy seals. The teams of seals and helljumpers with the Chief would go for the Avenger, by clearing and securing a launch by upon the Avenger, and lock it down...the Chief could handle that. Then the jumpers and seals would fly in on dropships. Meanwhile on the ground, the marine regulars would have to take care of the battle on the dirt. Fitzgerald mulled this over. His squad included: Lt. Conner Davidson, himself, Corp. Michael Brant, Corp. Sam Jones, PFC. Richie Scott, Pvt. Jimmy Ryan, and Pvt. Sean Deep. Davidson had gotten two new marines. The teams of regulars would hit the base from different positions with their own squads. "Okay marines, we move out at 0100 hrs tomorrow morning." Davidson stated. A series of "Yes Sir's" followed.
Tama 'Ulmammee cursed as he walked out of the counsel room. The prophets hadn't been happy, and he was almost demoted. He made his way to the training room. Instead of barking orders, he dueled a red Elite with an energy lance, and after that he took up his rifle and jogged to the firing range and shot down the artificial targets. "Ulmammee, your on the reconnaissance shift." A superior Elite ordered. "Ah...Yes Excellency." Tama replied.
Tama walked outside and jumped into his Ghost next to an another member of the Elite. He pushed the engines and the vehicle left the base with the other.
Fitzgerald took a deep breath and crashed to his bed. This would be the last rest he would get in a while. Tyrell unbuckled his pistol belt and set it on the table. He stretched his arms and legs and fell into a deep sleep. Brant was staring at the ceiling, and cleaning his pistol then soon set it down and fell asleep.
At 0100 hrs Tyrell found himself half-asleep and pulling on his battle armor. He buckled two pistols to his hips and took a MA5B off the rack and set it down on the bench. He spotted Scott taking a SAW gun and a M9D pistol. Tyrell walked over, the soldier was tired but alert, dark circles hung below his eyes and his usually spiked dark hair hung down lazily. "Morning sir" he said sleepily. "Morning marine." Fitzgerald said walking by. Jones stood grabbing ammo for his sniper rifle, and Tyrell found Brant in his tank top changing out and selecting his weapon set, he had the MA6B, two pistols and a combat knife. "Hey Fitz." Mike said yawning. "Hi." Fitzgerald replied. "So you ready?" Tyrell asked. "No." Brant said, "I'm hungry and tired." Tyrell continued to suit up and laughed for a few seconds. Davidson walked into the armory, which to the marines was a locker room, completely suited up in full armor, except a helmet, and grabbed a M90 shotgun and a sidearm. Ryan and Deep were swapping for shotguns. Deep twirled his pistol, he was Australian and his accent showed it. Ryan walked over to the explosive racks donning a rocket launcher and Sean grabbed a flame-thrower. "You boys look ready to roll." Tyrell commented. "Yes sir!" they replied. Tyrell heard the Pelican Dropships landing outside and warthogs and scorpions pulling in. Tyrell swiped a helmet off the rack and ran outside after grabbing a few extra magazines. His squad was close behind. An attack line of the seals and ODST were loading into the ships. 27 pelicans sat there. It had been all they could muster in all of Germany. His squad into a pelican and once they all filled up they began taking off. McCoy slid into the dropship in the next to Tyrell. "Good to see you again Private." Davidson said. McCoy looked over and nodded. The 27 pelicans lifted off to the battle that awaited them.