Plasma Burns and Bullet Shells-chapter 3
Posted By: Myth<jumpshotsketch91@aol.com>
Date: 18 October 2003, 5:51 AM
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Plasma Burns and Bullet Shells -Chapter 3 Nov. 28, 2552
"All right, everyone in, let's move!" Davidson ordered to Sierra team and his squad. Scott took over the door-gun and Davidson walked up into the cockpit, standing behind the pilots. The two pelicans took off, heading for Bravo Base. "Hey, look down there!" Harper pointed out. The dropship touched down and Brant ran out to find Jones, Bustrum and Fitzgerald surrounded by bodies of covenant combatants. Mike noticed Carlson's lifeless body and brought Fitzgerald and his men aboard. The pelican ascended and took off towards the base.
)) One week later ((
The two pelicans touched down, unloading its supply of special ops marines. Fitzgerald leapt out and hit the dirt crawling forward. Tyrell wore all black fatigues, a bandanna tied around his head, combat face paints and wielded dual silenced SMGs, with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder. Davidson kneeled beside him, MA6B at the ready. Several helljumpers ducked down behind them along with marines from Davidson's original team. The marines sprinted through the thick forests of Germany. Tyrell's mission clock read 1:14am. A covenant patrol dropped within seconds from the deadly silent bursts. "So far so good." Brant said, his rifle ready. Bustrum ran forward and crouched, signaling to move. "There it is boys, the covenant base." Davidson whispered. Three ODST set up heavy chainguns for covering fire, and Bustrum lead his marines into the base. The marines sprinted in now not worrying about stealth. Painting the wall with covenant. Most of the marines switched to their M90 shotguns and began dispatching countess covenant. "Set that bomb Bustrum-covering fire marines!" Davidson ordered. Matt rushed in pulling out his M9D pistol taking out two jackals. Matt ran to the console, he looked over the controls in attempt to call off a covenant attack but had a better plan. Bustrum sent out a coded distress signal from the base to the combat teams on their way to a human outpost, which was stationed with greatly needed pelican dropships, warthogs, scorpion tanks, along with Longsword and Skyhawk fighters. Bustrum finished the message and set the HAVOC bombs for three minutes. Matt ran outside, two marines lay dead while covenant bodies began to pile up. "Took you long enough!" Tyrell commented, assault rifle blazing. "Package is set sir!" Bustrum yelled over the noise to Davidson. "Okay, let's move!" Davidson bellowed. The marines pushed their way out: 2 minutes 14 seconds left.
Fitzgerald was the last to brake free of the complex, firing rapidly, covering his marines. The 30mm guns lit up fired from the ODST. One marine was cut down by a sniper blast. Fitzgerald pulled off the man's dog tags and sprinted for the pelicans. Tyrell blew past the bodies of the ODST gunners. He jumped over a fallen tree into a clearing to see Pvt. Matt Bustrum catch three plasma blasts in the torso. Tyrell was stunned and saw his buddy drop to his knees staring forward. Tyrell yelled and threw himself at the brute, beating it twice and firing the remainder of his clip into the brute's head. Tyrell looked back to see Bustrum's lifeless body. Fitzgerald leaned over and retrieved his dog tags and added it to the others'. Tyrell jumped into the pelican and the two dropships jetted away from the explosion of the assault teams of covenant and their base. Scott and Davidson sat nearby with the marines. Davidson looked grim. This mission wasn't a complete success Davidson had lost four of the best of the best. Bustrum, Harper, Taylor, and Harris were killed in action. These missions were cutting down his team members one at a time. He wondered how long his squad would last. The dropship soared through the air, but the surviving Banshee fighters flew with new determination. "Banshees!" the door gunner alerted. A lucky plasma blast struck the ODST in the shoulder, and the marine lost his balance, falling from the dropship, screaming. Fitzgerald hurled a plasma grenade onto the anti-grav engine. "Lucky shot." Davidson said. The banshee flew out of control smashing into another that crashed to the terrain below. The engines flared and died almost causing the pelican to crash, but a good pilot brought up the craft again. The pelican pulled up beside the other pilots and flew at their wing until an unexpected explosion destroyed the dropcraft...no survivors. The other pelican quickly accessed a different flight path and headed home.
To be continued: By Myth Guys about the grunt thing, all of them died, so stay cool and hold out for chapter 4