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Defending The Beaches (Part 1)
Posted By: MT<Brevard1986@hotmail.com>
Date: 3 March 2004, 9:41 PM
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The Pelican dropship flew low over the sea. Wing gyros and motors whirled and the thrusters roared, leaving a wake of burnt ozone. Glistening off the waters, the nearby star shone upon the lone Pelican as it approached a large, oval shaped island. Inside the Pelican blue tinted cockpit was her pilot, Lieutenant Carter. Hammering away at buttons and commanding the Pelicans smooth flight through the use of a flight stick, Carter was carrying a cargo of one M12 "Warthog" light reconnaissance vehicle that was attached to the under side of the Pelican, and eight space marines in her transport bay towards the lone island ahead. Inside the bay were the seated eight marines. The remainder of 25th Strike Force from the Pillar of Autumn which was a mixed specialist assault unit of men from several outlying sectors of human space. Each was in his own right veterans and heroes from the numerous battles fought between human and Covenant. They all had a grudge.
The entire squad were seated in the gloom of the interior Pelican illumination despite the blazing sunlight lancing down at the Pelican. Some were staring out towards the ocean but never truly looking at it. Others looked down at the bays metallic floor or straight ahead. Unlike the greenhorns, they knew when to shut up. Blinking out at the light beyond, Sergeant Estael gripped his rifle tighter. It has been almost two days since they landed on this ring world, and only a mere hour since Captain Keyes' rescue. The news of the heroic rescue travelled fast through communications and it was an incredible boost to morale for all the soldiers who survived the space battle above. The story was that a SPARTAN unit saved the Captain and brought down an entire Covenant CCS cruiser (presumably a heavy class) called the Truth and Reconciliation. Estael didn't believe it. From his understanding, all SPARTAN units were killed back on the planet Reach. It would be a miracle if one were lucky (or unlucky, depending on the way you look at it) to survive on board the ship. True or not, orders were sent out, and the camps where groups of marines rallied were thrown into frenzied action. They were to scavenge all known sites of supplies from Pelican or transport cargos and bring it back to the camps. A Pelican, loaded with ammunition and heavy weapons, was known to have crash on the island ahead and this was where the 25th Strike Force was going to look.
The Pelican soon reached the shorelines on the island. It swerved sharply and flew parallel to the water. High cliffs were several hundred feet inland but still threatened to smash the Pelican up. It finally slowed over a clear patch of beach and mechanical holding struts that held the Warthog to the Pelican released their load. With a loud thud, the vehicle hit the sand adding another cloud of dust to the ever growing one surrounding the Pelican from its landing thrusters. As soon as the Warthog hit the beach, the Pelican moved again, hovering a few feet away, and just as high. Estael shouted at his Corporal, "Cardoso, hurry your squad, and get your collective ass' outta here!" Three marines closest to the edge started to jump down onto the beach. Cardoso took passenger seat whilst the other two took their respective positions. The Corporal looked up at Estael and said, "One hour?" There was only a curt nod in response from the Sergeant. As the Warthog speed off to the east of the island, along the shore, there was no message of luck from the remaining marines. They learnt from experience that luck had nothing to do with their survival. The com-unit in the Sergeant's helmet sounded. "Sir, the LZ looks clear. Permission to circle around then land," said Carter. "Granted," came the reply. The landing zone might look clear but it's not always the case. Circling around gave Carter one last chance to view the surrounding area before declaring it safe or hot. This procedure has become routine for Carter after she learnt it at the cost of her flight captain nine hours ago. As the Pelican slowed at its landing zone, the rest of the marines started to pile out, combat ready. At a glance, it was clear to the marines the best position to set up a temporary camp was among the large boulders scattered between the shore and bluffs. Estael estimated that it should take none of the marine more than fifteen seconds to get up the bluff and hide among a couple of small boulder outcrops if they had to hastily set up a defensive position. Holding out among the boulders was out of the question. There were too many directions of attack available to the Covenant. "Hopkins! Garwood!" Estael motioned for the two to come over. Two marines ran to his position. Hopkins was a young man with a face most would call handsome if only there wasn't a plasma burn scar on the right side of his neck up to his check. Garwood, looked exactly like his name: wooden and old with a face gnarled by wind and years as much as plasma bolts and bullets. He was the oldest in the squad at the age of forty one. "I want you two to go down the beach." Estael pointed to the opposite direction from where Cardoso was going. "For about two hundred meters and scout around. Hug the cliff face or swim the two hundred meters, I don't really care, but don't get spotted. Report back if you find anything, Covie or the downed drop ship." They started at a jog towards the cliff face to carry out the scouting mission. The other two marines were already at the boulders and Estael quickened his pace as the Pelican behind started moving away. They only had two hours to search the entire island, and Cardoso was doing an initial shore sweep which would take one hour. After, they would go deeper into the island and spend an hour looking for the downed Pelican and her cargo. Estael cursed silently; all of this because the beacon on the Pelican wasn't working. As the sergeant approached the two marines, he saw Tyson Green eyeing a small high rise after the bluff. He smiled at the squads' sniper's ability to pick up good sniper positions in any area. He guessed from the angle that the sniper would have a sweeping view over the entire shore as well as an important flank of the boulders and bluff. The rise also gave Green a perfect defensive position to shoot from as it came out of the ground at an angle keeping most of a man's body behind a solid rock underside. "I want to see what view I get from the rise Sarge," Green said to Estael as he approached. "I think you already know Green-eyes." The other marine chuckled and said, "Why so eager Ty? Think you won't kill enough Covies on this one?" The sniper shrugged, "Thought we should take up some kind of defensive position since there's only three of use left. Having a sniper on your back is a lot more helpful than one on the ground dead next to you." Estael grinned, "Got you there Soell, and I've never seen you turned down sniper support. Hell, you scream out the order for them to fire before I do!" Both the marines laughed, and Green started off towards the bluff still smiling. Their position was relatively safe. For now at least, thought Estael. Looking up, he saw the other side of this ring world. He was still in awe at the construct, but there was also an undertone of fear. Not of the Covenant, but of something more primal and deadly. He didn't know anything about the place he found himself and his men fighting on but he was glad that they didn't die in the harshness of space. They will go down fighting like many of their dead comrades. He sighed and signalled for Soell to take up his position. The warm breeze of air on this alien ring world had a soothing affect on them despite their intense private emotions. Estael and Soell, each looked at the different sides of the shore. Estael took the west side and watched two distant figures coming towards them. Both Hopkins and Garwood kept up their quick jogging pace until they were upon the boulders. "We went out for approximately two-sixty but didn't get a whiff of Covenant, or any sight of the Pelican," said Garwood. "But we did find some inlets going deeper into the island and some modest rivers too. About one-eighty for the inlet, one-thirty for the river I'd reckon." Estael did a calculation and decided that the inlet would be the best approach inside the island and the river would serve as the best exit allowing them to cover much of the interior of the island as possible in one hour. "Very good, take up positions around these boulders. Green is covering or backs, but any sign of trouble, get to the bluff. Our backs might be up against the cliff leaving us not much option for a retreat, but there's some good cover there and it's a good position to fire from." "Yes sir," replied Garwood. Garwood started walking toward Soell, and Hopkins looked up at Green before taking his position two boulders away from Estael.
Carter tapped in and Estael reach for his head unit to acknowledge. "Yes Carter," said Estael. "Trouble sir," replied Carter, "I count three Covie dropships heading to your island. They've got some Banshee escorts too. I think I can lead those awa-" "Denied Lieutenant," interrupted Estael, "we're going to need you for evac later." Estael hesitated. "Stay low and try not to get spotted, I'll radio in when we need evac." "Yes sir." Carter's voice was toneless, which was a feature all Pelican pilots had learnt quickly: Staying cool and unemotional was the only way to survive when you have fire all around you. As your voice is a physical outer manifestation of your emotions, its best to keep it in check. However, it didn't mean that the pilots did not indulge their emotions. On the contrary, they probably had more emotion then your average marine, and Estael was aware of what Carter felt. She wanted to help however she can and maybe allow them to survive a little longer. Already he could see the Covenant dropships in the far distance. Their distinctive U-shape design wasn't clear at this distance, but there were three larger dark specks to two smaller ones. The smaller ones were Banshees and started to accelerate and soon became more distinct. Estael tapped his com-unit. "Cardoso, I need the 'hog over here. Three Covie drops inbound and a pair of Banshee escorts. I need Stephens and his rockets." "Roger." There was a pause. "Going to be fifteen minutes sir." Estael cursed under his breath. He calculated that the Covenant dropships will be on them in five minutes, and they will probably hold out for a further three or four minutes. It was very likely that the Banshees were going to take them all out much earlier. "Try to be quicker," was all he said. "Roger." The five Marines were huddled among the boulders as two Banshees shot overhead. Estael knew their best chance was to hide among the boulders and then run to the bluff when the dropships arrive. Green was edgy as he was unable to see much other than the boulder in front and the cliff face behind. He wanted to be back on his high position so he could watch the dropships approach, but he knew he would get spotted and cut up by the Banshees. The Banshees circled around and came for another pass. This time, the Marines had to rely on the shadows to keep them hidden. The shadows failed. The lead Banshees nosed down straight at Green. The second peeled away and head out along the beach hoping to strafe the boulders from the side. Green dived to the side as blue plasma bolts spat out from the Banshee. They burned the spot on the boulder where he was just huddled down at. He heard the rock sizzle and boil and saw the large black scorching the plasma bolts left. Estael saw Green barely diving out of the plasma's path. He instantly raised his assault rifle and issued the order to return fire. The recoil of the assault rifle was strong, but not as strong as one would expect from such a rapid firing weapon. He led the Banshee and watched his tracers rake its underbelly. Soell braced himself against a boulder and fired in short successive bursts one after the other hitting the Banshee accurately. Hopkins and Garwood both attempted to shoot at the second Banshee that was now inbound. Tracers pierced the sky towards the two Banshees, and Green now had the chance to see where the dropships were at. They were close now, no more than a minute away. The other marines did not have a chance if those dropships get here. He dashed towards the position he was at before, and the second Banshee turned to strafe him. Seeing this, Hopkins shouted at Green to get down. Garwood emptied the rest of his ammunition at the Banshee hoping to distract it. A large green plasma bolt erupted from the Banshees fuel rod cannons and landed widely off from Green. The explosion was loud and bright even from Greens distance. He silently thanked Garwood and increased his running speed. Reloading his rifle, Garwood grabbed Hopkins and pulled him onto the ground. Another large green explosion erupted from behind them as the first Banshee missed and hit their boulder which held firm against the blast. Soell shot at the Banshee speeding pass whilst Estael fired at the second one. Another explosion and plasma bolts snaked through the boulders hitting Estael to the side of his chest. He screamed in agony as the plasma burned and melted through his armour and through his skin. It left a heavy and painful burn on his side, but did not reach any organs. However, he was bleeding heavily now and blood dripped down his arm and legs. Cursing loudly he saw Soell stop his firing, wondering whether or not to help his commanding officer. "Keep shooting you fool or you'll get us both killed!" Estael clutched at his wound with his left hand and fired the assault rifle at the second Banshee making another run. Suddenly a Pelican raced into view and went across the path of the lead Banshee. The two were dangerously close, almost crashing into one another. The second Banshee broke off his attack run to give chase to the now fleeing Pelican. The lead Banshee hesitated before also giving chase. With his bloody hand, Estael tapped his com-unit wincing in pain from his now exposed wound. "Damn you Carter," he said into the com-unit. "Just doing my job sir," Carter said. "Just stay alive lieutenant." "Will do sir."
Green watched the Pelican cross the lead Banshees path and the two Banshees give chase. There was a moment of pause before the sergeant moved the squad into the bluff and motioned to Green provide covering fire. Already the first dropship hovered above the beach, one of its sides facing the cliff face, and its plasma turret swivelled around taking aim at the retreating marines. Taking out his pistol, he started firing at the Covenant dropship in hope of distracting it. It worked. The plasma turret rotated slightly before unleashing purple rays of energy. Green hugged the ground and thanked the slight rise that meant the plasma would not reach him. The Covenant dropship stopped firing as soon as it lowered itself a meter or so at the ground. It would only be moments before it would open itself revealing the Covenant troops within. Green now positioned himself and his sniper rifle to cover the marines. The outer walls of the Covenant dropship open upwards as if it was a fat purple bird lifting its wings open to reveal its flabby sides. Each of the side was a hollow cylinder which housed separated individual sections where a Covenant soldier stood. Green saw two Elites and two Jackals on his side. There was one red Elite and one blue Elite with two yellow shield Jackals. The contrast between the two couldn't be greater. The Elites were well over eight feet tall and giants to both the marines and the Jackals which were only over five feet tall. Where the Jackals seemed weak, and relying on their round energy shields which was more than capable of withstanding bullets, the Elites were monsters with all the strength they need to kill a man. They also had the speed and accuracy that all marines feared. Green aimed at the red Elites head and fired a single round. The armour piercing bullet went straight through the Elites energy shield and through its cranium. The Elite fell face first into the sand before he even got off the dropship. The blue Elite hit the ground running towards the boulders leaving the two Jackals who had crouched behind their shields. Green centred his sites onto the running Elite. It had an almost catlike grace and was damned fast. He fired another shot hitting the blue Elite fully on the chest. The round did not penetrate the shield but it did stop the Elite who felt the force of the sniper round and his shield dissipating from it. Still with his sight on the Elites chest, Green fired the second fatal shot. The Elite clutched its chest and fell backwards. He died before he hit the ground.