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Halo 2: From the Maw Onwards>>>(Part 2) (Chapter 1)
Posted By: Mr.Master<Mr_Master_BB@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 October 2004, 1:20 AM

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This is my second installment and i hope it turns out to be good......

1225 Hours
Exact Date Unknown. Approx.2 Days Since Destruction Of Halo
Central Planet of The Plenusian System, Plenus Prime
Longsword Interceptor

As John slowly came awake in the Cryo tube, Cortana began briefing him. "Chief, sir. We've entered the Plenusian System. Plenus Prime should be coming into view about now. I suggest we head to the Bridge." "Of course Cortana" replied John. Stepping out of the Cryo tube, he flexed his left arm, no longer broken or even visibly damaged. Remembering the Elite that had caused the injury, John activated his shield, heading for the bridge, stopping off at the Armory for some firepower. There would be no surprises this time around, thought John as he pumped his M90 Shotgun. At least, that's what he thought until he was squinting through the front windscreen in disbelief at a Covenant Corvette engaging a UNSC Cruiser. "Oh, my god." mouthed The Chief.

Instantly becoming a flurry of movement John reinstated manual controls, Inserted Cortana into the Data slip, buckled up in the pilot's seat, and activated the intercom. Instantly the roar of voices died down on the radio as the Chief tuned in to the UNSC Destroyer The Relentless' Communications Officer. "This is Spartan 117, Rank Master Chief, onboard a Longsword, coordinates 63-54-68. Does anybody read? I repeat, does anybody read? "Roger Spartan 117. This is the communications officer Leut.Sparrows of the UNSC The Relentless. We have a visual on you". "Roger Leut.Sparrows, this is Spartan 117, requesting permission to speak with the highest in command on you're ship". "Permission Granted. Transferring now." "This is Admiral Kardoza. You can explain yourself later. At the time, we have over twelve million settlers on Plenus Prime and a large resource stockpile. These resources are vital. I am asking you to accompany my very best Marines in the Defense of this planet against the hundreds of dropships that have already set up camps across the planet." "I'd be glad to help, sir. After all, it's my job, isn't it?" "Right you are, Master Chief, right you are. You may dock at hanger 5, closest to the Armoury, where I suspect you'll like what you see." "Roger Kardoza".

The moment the radio died down John was all business, directing Cortana to fly the Longsword into Hanger 5 while running down the hall towards the Armoury. At the Armoury John quickly grabbed a MA5B, some clips, more Frags, more Pistol Clips, and a pair of high explosive Satchel Charges. Hefting his Shotgun, John waited patiently for Cortana to land the Longsword. However, before he pulled Cortana out of the Data Slip, he told her to download the Longsword's external camera vidreel to his MJOLNIR battle suit. The information contained on that vidreel could prove vital if proof of Halo's destruction was needed. Quickly he slipped Cortana into her slot and stepped onto The Relentless. Hanger 5 was in Chaos. Marines were running everywhere, shouting curses and oaths, charging in and out of the huge main hallway doors. Warthogs zipped along carrying important engineers and Marines. About 20 warthogs were lines up at one end of the Hanger, with about five meters between them. One by one, a Pelican clamped onto them. Suddenly a Marine was pointing in the direction of the Pelicans, and gesturing him to follow suit as he ran to the Pelicans. John noticed that ten of the Warthogs were troop carrier editions, nine were standard with LAAG guns mounted in the back. One was actually an ATV. The Marine gestured to the Pelican with the ATV and shouted over the noise "I'll take you to the Armoury and inform you of the weaponry upgrades, but from them on you're in command-come back to the Pelican after we've been to the Armoury." As John jogged to the Armoury, he noticed that the standard white lights had been deactivated and replaced by low-power red lights. Apparently the Covenant has done some damage, thought John. Best to get off this ship ASAP. As soon as the Marine had typed in the entrance code to the Armoury, John was handed a strange looking rifle resembling a cross between an MA5B and an M6D. Sleeker, more compact, and packing a 3x SmartLink scope, the Battle Rifle was fit for combat in the 25th century. John was about to head to the Firing Range when the Marine shouted over the chaos that there was no time. The Covenant had scored a critical blow against The Relentless and the ships main power supply was dying out. Without engines, the Covie Corvette could easily maneuver behind the Destroyer, out of the way of the MAC Cannons and most of the newly installed Lantern Rocket Pods. John realized that the Destroyer would be helpless against such an attack. Admiral Kardoza had apparently come to the same conclusion as Evacuation Klaxons began going off. By this time The Chief had already buckled up as the Pelicans took off from Hanger 5. On his was down to Plemus Prime John was filled in on the story by Sgt.Bellhouzer, a German. He explained how the Covies had exited slipspace on the opposite side of the Planet as The Relentless was shipping supplies planetside. As the enemy prepped to fire The Relentless was then only just coming to full combat state. The Corvette scored the first hit with a volley of Plasma aimed at the Bridge. The Admiral managed to swing the ship to the side, causing the Plasma to impact the side of the ship. However, the Plasma had hit a power generator providing power to hundreds of Lantern Rocket Pods. The Destroyer managed to fire a volley of MAC rounds and Rockets at the Corvette, disabling its shields. However the next volley of Plasma impacted the belly of The Relentless, damaging the main Reactor and causing power to stutter and the engines to shut down. Even as the Sergeant spoke, hundreds of escape pods jettisoned towards Plenus Prime. Covenant boarding parties hastily latched onto the empty docking bay clamps. This cant be happening again, thought John as he watched The Relentless activate emergency thrusters, vectoring towards Plemus Prime. As John watched the UNSC Destroyer roared past his Pelican.....

