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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: From the Maw Onwards>>> (Part 1) (Chapter 1)
Posted By: Mr.Master<Mr_Master_BB@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 October 2004, 4:08 AM

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(i)This is my first fan fiction story and I'd like to thank LostRock, Velker, and SlitThroat for my inspiration. I'm open for recommendations and comments. E-mail me.(/i)

(b) 0200 hours
Approx.20000 klicks from gas giant Threshold
Exact Date unknown. Approx 20 mins. From destruction of Halo
LongSword Interceptor(/b)

The Master Chief groggily came awake. He started to move his hands in order to rub his eyes, and encountered his visor. Wow, I must have been out cold for a while, thought John. Suddenly Cortana's voice burst into his helmet. "Chief? Chief!" "I'm here, Cortana, responded the Chief. What's our situation?". "You've been out for about 20 minutes, starting when the sudden acceleration of the Longsword fighter caused your head to smash against a bulkhead. John got up and looked at his reflection in the viewscreen. Sure enough, there was a small dent near the back of his helmet. "Is there any recording device on this ship that could have captured whatever happened from the time I wiped out up to now?" "Pop me into the data slop and I'll see if I can't access the external video cam. It may have been wiped out by the explosion's Ionization rays," replied Cortana. The Chief inserted Cortana in the Data Slit and watched her hologram pop up on the display tray. "Let's see...got it! The external cams aimed in the direction of the explosion should do it. Transferring video clip to you helmet." The Master Chief saw a small blip appear on his HUD, and depressed a small button on his helmet. The video stream activated, and suddenly John was staring out of the camera's 'eyes'. John watched The Pillar's hanger slide by, then the whole Autumn disappear and then he was staring at Halo. Just then, an interestingly bright dot appeared on the bottom of Halo. The dot rapidly increased in size, until it was a distinguishable mushroom cloud. The cloud continued to grow, until a distant rumbling could be heard, and the ring cracked cleanly into first two, then four, then seven pieces. Slowly, what remained of Halo drifted towards Threshold, gradually gaining speed as they were sucked in by the gas giant's incredible mass. With smug satisfaction John shut the video clip down. "How are the ships vital functions holding up, Cortana?" "Power: ninety-eight percent. Oxygen: ninety-seven percent. Engine Coolant: Full. Computer database: Fully Functional. Navigation Database: Fully Functional. Controls: Fully Functional. Cryo: one hundred percent. All Minor Systems functioning at full capacity". "Excellent. How Far to the nearest remaining colony?". "I've been keeping us in slipstream for about ten minutes, on a straight trajectory to Plemus Prime, one of the farthest out remaining colonies. We should arrive within two days." "Hmm..... sounds good. I'm going to prime the weapons, just in case." The Master Chief backtracked to where he had woken, and found his trusty M90 Shotgun and MA5B assault rifle awaiting him empty, scratched and burnt from his furious fight through the Pillar. He then went to the Armory and found a few AR clips, a M6D pistol, and some pistol clips. No shotgun shells, though. Or, for that matter, the shotgun he'd been expecting to find on its customary rack. Strange, thought the master chief... John also grabbed a couple of frags and a medkit to take to the bridge. As The Chief rounded the corner leading out of the armory his visor was suddenly filled with glistening black Armour as he came face to face with a Spec. Ops. Elite! As John dived back to the armoury the Elite took a swing at him with the butt end of the stolen shotgun, impacting with the Chief's left arm. John had not felt the need to activate his shield, and the blow came fast and hard followed by a resounding (i)crack(/i)! Rolling out of the way John restabilized himself and was about to reinstate who's boss with his .55 cal pistol only to have to dive away yet again as a spattering of shotgun bullets ricocheted off the floor where he had been only moments ago. Crouching behind a bulkhead, the Master Chief hastily reinstated his shield. As he waited for it to slowly recharge, he took stock of the situation. If he weren't on a ship, the obvious answer would be a frag. Alas, a grenade inside a Longsword was not a good idea. However, it slowly dawned on John that in any standard UNSC Longsword, the armory was specially enforced and armoured in the case that ammunition blew, or a frag detonated. Quickly the Chief pulled the pin on his frag and waited about two seconds before lobbing it at the Elite. It detonated the moment it landed at the Elite's feet, before he had a chance to react. The explosion shook the entire craft. Peering out behind the bulkhead, John saw the Elite's body and stepped out, now (i)fully(/i) awake. Cortana, silent until now, spoke up. "Chief, how's you're arm?" He responded with a groan of pain, buckling over. Slowly he stood up and made his way to the main medical closet. There he picked out a flexible cast, NuSkin spray, and a bottle of painkillers. He took one right away, sighing with relief. Whew, I haven't been hurt like that in a while, thought John. "Chief, are you all right? Answer me! "I'm fine, Cortana. Just direct me to the Cryo chamber so I can sleep this off till we arrive at Plemus Prime. "It's straight across the hall from the Armory. How could you miss it?" "Shut Up." "Hmm....That Elite must have already been aboard when we took off from the Autumn" mused Cortana as The Master Chief lied down in the Cryo tube. "Monitor the systems while I'm out. Wake me if anything unusual happens". "Copy that, chief. See Ya"
As he swiftly fell asleep, John's last fleeting thought was wondering what he would find at Plemus Prime........

