The Battle For Sigma Octanus Chapter 8 The Spartans (Conclusion)
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 March 2003, 9:55 PM
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(Sigma Octanus IV 10 yards west of military base Alpha HQ) Stacker ran as fast as he could. He slipped in the mud and fell into the dried river bed. Plasma shot passed only inches from his head. He felt the air crackle and an intense heat above him. Stacker scrambled to his feet and took cover behind a large boulder. He popped out from behind the boulder and lobbed his last two grenades at the mob of advancing Grunts. The ground shook as the grenades detonated. The two dozen grunts were blown into the air,the remaining five cowardly retreated. Stacker shot three of them with his pistol and the rest disapeared in the jungle. Stacker ran over to the unconcious Travis who was sprawled on the ground. He picked him up and ran for the base. AS he was runiing he felt a sudden burning pain that hit his side and ran up along his spine. He crumpled to the ground as the pain increasd. Stacker looked around to see a Gruntrunning towards him. Stacker pulled out his pistol and pumped five rounds into it. The Grunt hit the ground in a pool of flouresent methane and blood that spouted from the bullet holes that pocket marked its chest. Stacker exhausted the spent clip and loaded another one in his pistol. He tore off a piece of cloth and held it tp his side. He looked at the wound. Blood flowed from the wound and formed a pool. Already the cloth was soaked in blood. Stacker took his blood smeared hands and got up he picked up Travis and slowly made his way to the base. After a half hour of running since they had fled the ambush, Stacker and the unconscious Travis, made it to military base Alpha. Stacker's green eyes widened at what he saw. Hundreds of men lay on the ground in the blood laden mud either dead or wounded. Some were trying to crawl away. Dozens of burnt warthogs scattered across the base burnt to a crisp, with several charred bodies laying around them. In the distance thick black smoke filled the air. Fires were everywhere. Stacker looked straight ahead to see dozens of tall figures in iridesent green armor,standing around a pelican. They were Spartans. Stacker had heard of them before but he thought they were only rumors. Stacker set Travis down. His vision blurred. He collapsed and slowly drifted in and out of consiousnes. He saw a towering green figure looming over him then all was black. Stacker awoke again to hear the sound of pelican engines and voices. "Sir we got two hundred banshees on our six closing fast," a female voice said. "I'll take care of it prepare for EMP," a male voice answered. Stacker looked around, he saw several civilians and Spartans sitting in seats. Lying next to him were several marines either wounded or untouched. He looked at Travis who was breathing steadily. He was glad to see that Harland had made it out alive. Stacker lifted his head and pulled off his sergeant cap and scratched his blond hair. Stacke let the tears stream down his face and mix with the dried mud, and blood that covered his face. Why had he made it out and not his men? Were they lives wasted or spent? He pondered the thought searching for an answer. The pelican shook as the HAVOK tactical nuke that the spartans had placed in Cote d' Azur exploded lighting up Sigma Octanus IV. They had won but not without a cost. Stacker found the answer he was looking for. They wern't casualties of war, they were casualties of society. As soon as you steped on that transport you were a casualtie of society. Society didn't give a damn about the soldiers fighting for them. All they cared about was their lives and living them. The covenant didn't give a damn about humanity. All they cared about was carrying out their holy war and killing the pathetic human race that was desparetly clinging to their boot, fighting not to get scrpaed off. In Stackers mind, humanity was a flower adn the covenant was a bee. The bee wanted to suck the flower dry of is nectar. But the flower was no ordinary flower they were going to fight off the bee and protect its nectar. This war was an unexpected one. Only one race was going to make it out alive. Stacker was going to make sur that they made it out alive. He may not be the one to do it,but someone else would someone far more powerful and skilled than Stacker. Stacker fell into a long deep sleep as the pelican disapeared over the horizon. The End