The Battle For Sigma Octanus Chapter 7 No Way out
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 March 2003, 4:11 AM
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(Sigma Octanus 300 yards from UNSC military base Alpha HQ time unknown) Stacker almost collapsed in the mud, he was so tired. They had been running for what seemed like eternity when the motion tracker showed that they were 300 yards from Alpha base. Stacker set Maddox down and sat down under a tree to rest. "we can rest here for a short time, the nearest covie patrol is a klick behind us we'll rest for five then get the hell over toAlpha," Stacker told them. But they didn't answer they were to tired. The two klick run had took it out of them. That wouldn't be hard for a Navy Seal or an ODST but marines lacked their training. As the three of them sat there without a word listening to the sound of the jungle, a rustling noise came from the bushes behind them. Stacker instantly trained his shotgun on the bushes. "Sarge is it the covies?" Travis asked in a whisper he lay next to Stacker with his eyes glued to the bushes. "Theres no way in hell the motion tracker would have picked them up," Stacker whispered back. "No...th..the cov...covenant can mask their...ther..their signatures...thats h...ow they can hide from the motin..tacker because it...picks up...the heat that comes off of covenant," Maddox stuttered. "Well why of all the other covenant on this planet are they wearing thermal mask things or whatever?" Travis looked at Maddox with a puzzled look. "Well maybe thei-a bolt of plasma that smacked into the tree interupted Maddox. Stacker pumped five casings into the bushes, which erupted into a shower of green. Blue blood spattered the trees around the thick foilage and two dead Grunts fell to the ground. More Grunts at least a dozen of them charged from out of the bushes and fired their plasma rifles and needlers. Stacker ducked as needles bounced off the stump that he had taken cover behind and shot shot two shells at them killing half. The rest fled in cowardice but were mowed down by Travis and Maddox. Travis glanced at the motion tracker which flashed with red. "Sarge covie patrols on our six," he screamed. Stacker fired off the last of his rounds and looked at the motion tracker. "Travis you cover our six, Maddox take the leftand right, and I'll get take the front," Stacker barked. Travis took one look at the motion tracker which showed no enemies on their left or right. He aimed he scanned their six with his assault rifle. Several bushes moved. He blasted away with the assault rifle until they were still. But from out of no where five Jackals popped out and rained hell on Travis. He ducked...returned fire...ducked...returned fire, the rounds bounced off their energy sheilds. Maddox looked at the tracker and saw that there were no patrols trying to take their right and left flanks. He put his back against a tree and fired at the waves of Grunts who fell to the ground as their attempts to overthrow them failed. Stacker quickly reloaded and fired off another two shells at the last of the aproaching Grunts. He couldn't waste his shotgun shells on the little Grunts who proved no threat. A gold commander Elite with a plasma sword popped out and charged at them. Travis shot at it but the rounds bounced off its energy sheild. The Elite came face to face with Stacker and brought its sword down on him. Stacker jumped back as the edge of the blade grazed his cheek. Stacker blasted away with his shotgun as he fell to the ground. The buckshot at such a close range took out the Elites sheild. Stacker shot off another round which ripped off its arm with the sword. The Elite growled and held its stump of an arm,blood spurted through its fingers. Stacker jammed the barrel into the Elites head and squeezed the trigger. The Elites head exploded spattering brain, bone, and blood on Stacker. The corpse was propelled backwards into a tree. Stacker felt the deep cut on his cheek. That was going to leave a deep scar. The fire from the covenant was tremendous. They had taken cover behind trees and rocks that scattered the jungle. The three marines couldn't hold them off for long. Stacker pumped the last two casings for the shotgun, into an advancing Elite. He ditched the shotgun and pulled out his MA2B assault rifle. He quickly emptied the first magazine. He exhausted the clip and reloaded. "Hold the line," he yelled at Maddox. "Sarge I need a 5B mag I'm out," Travis yelled over the pop of gunfire. Stacker yanked an MA5B mag from the ammo belt and tossed it to Travis. "Maddox use a grenade," Stacker yelled as more plasma peppered the trees around them. Maddox nodded and pulled four grenades from the bandolier of grenades. He handed Stacker two frags. Stacker pulled the pins and lobbed the two frags. Maddox did the same. "Frags out get down," Stacker yelled, he hit the dirt as the grenades exploded. Four consecutive blossoms of fire bloomed into the air. Covenant were hurled into the air and came crashing down severl yards from their perveously occupied positions. "Hey when I throw this thermite charge get up and hall ass outta here," Stacker said. He turned around, pulled the pin on the charge, and hurled it. He immediatly got up and picked up Maddox and ran as fats as he could. Travis closely followed. The charge detonated making one hell of a barbaque of anything that was within its blast radius. The world around Stacker grew hot. His back burned and blistered. Stacker stopped as two Jackals who survived shot a salvo of plasma at them. He put Maddox down and opened up with his MA2B. The rounds bounced off their shields. Stacker switched to shredder rounds and exhausted the spent AP clip. A bolt of plasma smacked into the ammo belt on him. Stacker tore it off and chucked it away as the superheated plasma melted the rounds inside and exploded. The belt exploded and bits of metal pinged off Stacker's steele reinforced titanium body armor. Another plasma bolt grazed his arm. Stacker screamed and held the fresh wound. Stacker took aim and fired the last of his clip as a plasma bolt hit the MA2B disabling it. Stacker swore bitterly and pulled out his pistol. Maddox chucked two grenades and the Jackals were blown into the air. "Sarge more covies closing fast," Travis yelled,looking at the tracker. Stacker signaled for them to move out. As they ran the trees around them exploded and plasma shot past. Travis was hit in the back and fell to the ground in the mud. Maddox who was limping turned around and shot a quick burst at the advancing covenant. A dozen bolts of plasma slammed into his chest and stomach. Plasma hit the bandolier of grenades slung around him. The plasma melted into a grenade and sparked the explosive. Maddox was torn to pieces as grenade after grenade exploded sneding the advancing covenant back. Stacker hit the ground and waited until the explosions past. Shrapnel pinged off his body armor. When the dust settled he got up and ran over to the unconcious Travis. He picked him up and ran towards Alpha HQ. To Be Continued...