The Battle For Sigma Octanus Chapter 6 New Orders
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 March 2003, 6:38 PM
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(Sigma Octanus star system Sigma Octanus IV location unknown time unknown) Stacker had no idea how long he was driving. He had driven in the same direction for what seemed like an eternity. The only thing that was on his mind was to get his men out. Stacker remembered seeing Harland and his warthog. He hoped that they made it out alive. The pain in his shoulder increased with each movement. The painkiller was starting to where off. Stacker tried to reach Harland but his com link was dead. He heard a distant pop of gunfire,most likely Halrnad. (Sigma Octanus 300 yards south of Cote d' Azur) Harland sent the last Elite to the ground with its chest pocketmarked with holes. He let go of the chain gun and let the blood flow again. He had been firing for ten minutes straight when the enemy finally stopped coming. "Eighteen covies dead and I killed them," Harland murmured to himself with relief. "Sir its those blue things," Fincher screamed at him. "Drive dammit drive, drive," Harland screamed back he gripped the fire control on the chain in a death grip. Fincher stomped on the gas and the warthog drove off ahead into the direction of grid 13by24. (Sigma Octanus location unknown) Stacker had set Travis and Maddox against a tree to tend to their wounds."Whats your ammocount?" he asked. "I'm down to two clips for my MA5B and one grenade," Travis said. "One clip and no grenades," Maddox said weakly as he held a blood drenched rag to his leg. Stacker nodded and ran over to the warthogs ammo locker. He opened it up and inside was the mother load. He found an M90 shotgun with two cases of ammo, an ammo belt full of MA5B and MA2B ammo, and the last things he found were a bandolier of grenades, and a thermite charge. Stacker handed the bandolier of grenades to Maddox and the thermite charge to Travis. He strapped the ammo belt around his waist and slung his MA2B around his shoulder. Stacker checked his pistol, he had two clips for it. He handed each of them extra clips. Then he remembered something. He ran over to the passenger seat and opened the glove compartment. Inside was a lock box. He pulled it outand set it on his lap. Stacker pulled out his pistol and shot the lock open. Inside was a portable motion tracker and a GPS pad. "Hell yah we're in business," Stacker grined widly as he palmed the pad. The GPS was used by satellite, he was suprised it was still in orbit. The small map display zoomed in on their position. Stacker hopped out of the passenger seat and went over to the drivers seat. He turned the ignition switch...nothing. "Well we're gonna have to move on foot now, the hog must of been badly damaged during the ambush," he said. "Ah hell what am I supposed to do I can't even walk," Maddox grumbled. "I know but we have two chices we either move on foot or wait for covie patrols to come and fry our ass's," Stacker hated complainers Maddox nodded and gave a quick grunt of frustration and looked away. "So what do we do now where do we go?" Travis asked. "Well we're two klicks west of command base Alpha and now five klicks south of Azur and three klicks from Bravo where we came from so I say we hall ass to Alpha the closest one and get an evac," Stacker said. Travis nodded adn Maddox mumbled something to himself and turned away. "Okay we take a quick breather and rest for five then we move out," Stacker said. Stacker pulled out a william cigar one which he had been saving for a fiing occasion but he figured he would never get another chance. He pulled out his lighter and lit it. Stacker relaxed as he puffed a cloud of smoke and stuck the stogie inbetween his clenched teeth. Travis was about to fall asleep when he heard the unmistakable roar of pelican engines. He jumped to his feet and looked up. The pelican screamed past low over the treetops. He listened as the sound became distant and faint. "Did anyone else hear that," he asked. "Yep alright boys lets sattle up and move out we gotta hurry and catch a ride," Stacker said as he loaded his M90. Travis acknowledged and picked up his assault rifle. Stacker and Travis helped Maddox to his feet. The bandage fixed around his leg wound was beginning to leak but he was able to limp. The three marines headed west towards the UNSC military base Alpha. To Be Continued...