The Virus Part 11 (Finale)
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 September 2003, 11:13 PM
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(Zeta Doradus 3, Zeta Doradus system, 1120 hours Pm, 2550) Sergeant Holmes stared down the barrel of Brooks M6D. He stood frozen trying to think what to do next. Brooks struggled to his feet. Brooks said nothing as he held the pistol; his face was bleeding from the nose and mouth.
"Its over Brooks put down the gun," Holmes tried to reason.
"No its not over Argos has probably already opened the cylinder. He's let out Deforma and you thought you could stop us," Brooks said.
"I can't let you kill 300 human lives now the Covenant I understand why you would want to kill them but humans are you stupid ONI has always been paranoid about its damn black ops whatever it takes right," Holmes stared unblinking.
"You're in way over your head Holmes this mission is for the good of humanity, we had to do what we did. You have no idea what the virus is capable of it could end the war in a second. But now you've screwed around with the wrong people you and your men are as good as dead," Brooks said.
"ONI has turned my life to shit. You think I wanted this to happen. My platoon out of all the UNSC had to be picked as your little lab rats well you picked the wrong sarge to mess with. If you pull that trigger you're the dead man not me. Your so stupid ONI thinks that this damn plague can end the war my ass it can. It will kill are men as well as the covies. You know why, you freaks haven't developed a cure for it. Go ahead pull the trigger," Holmes spat.
Brooks stood there for a second thinking when a gunshot rang out. Not from his gun but from Maddox. A 12mm armor piercing slug shot through Brook's head. Blood sprayed out and Brooks fell to the ground.
Holmes spun around to see Maddox lying on the ground holding a pistol. He chucked it over to Holmes. He caught it and looked at Maddox.
"Go get him end this damn thing," Maddox said as he struggled to get to a sitting position.
Holmes said nothing and disappeared into the trees. He in Argos's direction and he ran for two minutes when he ended up in a clearing with scattered trees. Dead Covenant all spec ops Elites and two spec ops Hunters lay dead with plasma burns. Holmes had never seen a spec ops Hunter nor had any other human this was something to tell about. He was surprised that the Hunters each had cuts as if from a plasma sword the Covenant always carried around. Also little canisters and syringes made from the Covenant, were scattered among the dead.
Holmes was about to go on when Argos jumped out of the trees and landed on Holmes they both fell to the ground. The pistol was thrown from Holmes hand. He struggled to get to his feet.
Klar 'Kunamee awoke to the sounds of struggling. He opened his eyes and saw two humans fighting. One had a metallic cylinder in his hands and in the other he had a human projectile weapon. 'Kunamee closed his eyes but kept them just barely open so he could watch. Already the plague was taking full effect and he could feel the burning sensation throughout his body. He was so hot he could barely take it. Beads of perspiration ran down his face. 'Kunamee would have to inject himself with the vaccine or else the one to spread the plague and kill hundreds of Covenant would be him. 'Kunamee turned his personal shield all the way up in hopes it would stop molecular interchange and cease the airborne virus particles from spreading. He grasped his plasma rifle in one hand.
Holmes was beat to a pulp as Argos punched him in the face repeatedly and Argos stood up. He leveled his pistol to Holmes face, who lay on the ground. Holmes eyes widened and he filled with fear he had failed. As Argos was about to squeeze the trigger two plasma bolts struck him in the chest. He fell to the ground dead.
Holmes lay there in disbelief. "Whoa...did that....just happen?" he asked himself in astonishment. He had just come face to face with death and it suddenly backed away. Holmes remembered the plasma fire which could only come from an Elite. He scrambled to his feet and looked around. A tall Elite in gold armor rose from the ground. Holmes didn't wait a second he ducked grabbed his pistol.
'Kunamee looked at the human he guessed he had saved its life disgusting. 'Kunamee opened fire. Human projectiles smacked into him and his shield flared. He ran after the human who was running away.
Holmes turned around and sidestepped two plasma bolts. He opened up on the Elite with his pistol. The Elites shield flickered and died. Holmes put three rounds into the Elite. He ran out of ammo and he threw down the M6D and ran away.
'Kunamee's shield died and he felt two impacts. The first ricocheted of his rifle and grazed his neck. The round cut through the beck and his artery, blood sprayed from the wound. The second round smacked into 'Kunamee's chest, and the third smashed into his hip. 'Kunamee fell back and slammed into the ground.
Holmes ran in the direction of his men. Two minutes later he arrived at the clearing. Maddox and Street sat next to a tree with Wilkes lying against it. Holmes walked over and flopped to the ground.
"Is it over?" Street asked looking at Holmes.
"Yah its over lets get the hell out of here," Holmes said. He picked up the metal canisters full of the virus and strapped two grenades and a thermite charge to it. He pulled the pin on the grenades and lobbed it out of the clearing. A large fireball lighted up the night. The virus was incinerated. Holmes and his men left back to their Pelican and lifted off into space back to the UNSC Constellation.
Nosliw ran over to a clearing scattered with trees. Bodies of spec ops Elites and Hunters were scattered everywhere. He saw 'Kunamee among them. He was bleeding from several places he looked weak. Nosliw walked over to him.
"Excellency human forces are coming we must leave immediately and is it over?" Nosliw asked.
"Gru...grunt...Nosliw yes....it..is over we have won...the plague issss no more," 'Kunamee barely made out the words.
"That is great news come Excellency we must leave the humans are coming we must go," Nosliw sighed now that the plague was gone. He looked down at 'Kunamee, he was lying in a pool of blood which continued to form from a wound in his neck. Blood seemed to pump from it as if from a jug. 'Kunamee was bleeding from the chest and hip. In one hand he was clutching a syringe.
"Take this needle... and...put it in...me it isss the vacccine," 'Kunamee said.
Nosliw pried open his hand and took the syringe and stuck it into 'Kunamee's arm. He pulled it out and tossed it away. "There now lets go," Nosliw urged him.
"No no noooooooo it is...toooo...late for me. Nosliw go now my time has come. So...long Nos...liw..." his voice trailed off.
Nosliw watched as all life was drained from 'Kunamee and his body stiffened then went limp. Klar 'Kunamee was no more. Nosliw sat there for a second then put 'Kunamee's plasma rifle and plasma sword on 'Kunamee's chest. Nosliw stood up and saluted the fallen Elite. He turned around and disappeared into the trees.
In the events following the virus there was much controversy. Sergeant Holmes and his men were sworn to secrecy and were left alive, assigned to a new unit. The same happened with Nosliw. He was sworn to secrecy for the rest of his life and the Council of Masters made Nosliw a high ranking Grunt. At ONI its Biological Weapons Division was scrapped of all its funding and all research of the Deforma virus was dropped. Any remaining information about was handed over to the Office of Naval Research who handed it over to a struggling corporation called Uplink biotechnologies Inc, who buried the information in its highly secret files. Uplink technologies were in bad need of money and funding so they were signing military contracts. The Council of Masters discontinued any further research on the plague and buried it for all times. The virus was gone and would never return or so you think.
The End of part 2 in the Virus series Next the Mutation.