The Virus Part 10
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 15 September 2003, 11:02 PM
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(Zeta Doradus 3, Zeta Doradus system, 1105 hours PM, 2550) The Elite Klar 'Kunamee ran through the trees. He ducked as stray human projectiles snapped past overhead. He continued his run to find the small team of Spec ops Elites and two Hunters. The spec ops team would unleash the plague (Covenant's terminology for the virus) onto the human and Covenant forces then let out an experimental vaccine. 'Kunamee had left the Grunt Nosliw back at a gun emplacement to keep any human or Covenant from interfering.
Nosliw sat behind the controls of the Shade. He saw movement ahead and depressed the fire control. Ahead of him plasma splashed onto the movement. Nosliw checked his infrared scopes. The movement was human. He opened up more and plasma bolts hammered the human forces. A few tracers snapped past him and a couple bounced off. Nosliw relaxed as the last of the heat signatures vanished off his scopes. He hated he plague, ever since he had first seen it 22 year units ago. His life had now been plunged into chaos since he had seen that Elite's body on New Bisson. Nosliw was enraged at 'Kunamee who had put his life in this pit of death and deception. Now Nosliw was a fugitive and he was running from the Council of Masters and its puppets. It was 'Kunamee's fault. Nosliw wished he had never told 'Kunamee in the first place. But he did and now here he was standing on a thin line of life with death at all sides. Nosliw blanketed the thought when another signature flashed on his scopes.
'Kunamee crouched behind a patch of thick bushes. Ahead of him about 20 feet units, the small spec ops team was busily prepping the small canisters of the plague and the vaccine. The group of six veteran spec ops Elites and two massive spec ops Hunters was in an open grass field with patches of bushes and trees scattered around it. Four of the Elites were sticking hypodermic needles into the canisters and extracting blood samples of the plague. The other two did a quick perimeter check. The Hunters were standing next to each other talking in their deep grunting language.
'Kunamee crouched down as one of the Elites walked past. 'Kunamee slowly came up behind the Elite. His plasma sword flashed to life. He brought the sword back as if to punch the Elite and thrust forward.
The Elite felt a sudden stab of pain snake through his body. Purple black blood sprayed out from his stomach. The Elite looked down to see a blue energy blade protrude from his stomach then the blade pulled out. The Elite soon realized what was happening, he tried to make noise but a hand gripped his mouth and he felt the cold liquid sensation of the blade touch his throat. The sensation cut across the side of his throat and blood spouted out. The Elite's eyes were wide when its final breath escaped from its nostrils.
'Kunamee looked down at the dead Elite. He reached down and commandeered its plasma rifle and four plasma grenades. He walked over to the bushes and activated two grenades. 'Kunamee lobbed the first one at an Elite who was standing up looking at the ones who were extracting the plague from the canisters. The other grenade landed in front of the Hunters.
The first grenade landed on the Elites stomach. The Elite ran around screaming for three seconds when the grenade exploded. The Elite was blown to bits while the three others were engulfed in the blast. The Hunters weren't even scratched just enraged beyond recognition. The other Elite who was sweeping the perimeter went into hiding.
The first Hunter stepped forward. 'Kunamee activated his plasma sword and hurled it at the Hunter. The sword flipped through the air and the tip dug into the Hunter's exposed skin. Thick orange blood pumped from the wound. The other Hunter screamed and charged forward. 'Kunamee dodged the Hunters charge and he whirled around. He dove for the plasma sword as a blob of green plasma hurled past and exploded. As 'Kunamee was prying the sword out of the dead Hunter another fuel rod bolt exploded behind him. 'Kunamee's shield was instantly gone, he was thrown to the ground by the force of the blast.
The Hunter stepped forward, extremely pissed by the loss of his bond brother. 'Kunamee pulled out his rifle and opened up on the Hunter. The plasma slowed down the Hunter's advance. 'Kunamee scrambled to his feet and activated another plasma grenade. He shot the Hunter twice and chucked the grenade which landed by the Hunters head.
The Hunter danced around waving its hands in the air trying to get the grenade off when it exploded. The Hunter wasn't even scratched but 'Kunamee opened up with two plasma rifles on the Hunter. These confused the Hunter.
'Kunamee jumped for the plasma sword but the Hunter charged ahead and hit him with its massive shield. 'Kunamee was thrown to the ground. The Hunter stood above the helpless 'Kunamee. It leveled its Fuel Rod gun at his head.
'Kunamee lay there helpless he looked around for a weapon. He looked to his left to see a syringe. He reached for it and clasped it in his hand. As the Hunter charged its gun 'Kunamee took the syringe and jumped to his feet. He circled the Hunter and stuck the needle into the patch of exposed skin behind the Hunter's neck. The virus immediately was injected into the Hunter's blood stream and began to attack its blood cells. The virus was so close to the brain that the virus particles began to go right for it.
The Hunter groaned with a loud "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH" and staggered. 'Kunamee grabbed the vaccine and stuck into the Hunter so the plague would not spread through the air. He then picked up his plasma sword and cut deep into the Hunter's exposed skin. The Hunter staggered for a second then fell to the ground dead in a growing pool of thick orange blood.
'Kunamee took a deep breath and walked away when an arm grabbed him and he felt a prick in his back. It was the other Elite. 'Kunamee grabbed the arm and clawed at it until blood flowed from it the Elite screamed. The Elites grip loosened and 'Kunamee whirled around and stabbed the Elite several times.
'Kunamee felt around his back when he felt a syringe sticking out of it. He pulled it out and looked at it. He hade been infected with the plague. 'Kunamee dove for a syringe full of the vaccine. He fumbled with it for a second when a sudden sharp pain shot through his spine. The pain was so intense he instantly blacked out.
Nosliw was deep in thought when he saw several Grunts and a wounded Elite run past. One of them screamed "The humans are here". Nosliw looked at his scopes and saw several heat signatures, he was about to open fire when an explosion shook the ground. He looked ahead to see rockets streaking towards him. The small team of Grunts and the Elite were quickly put down by the rockets and Nosliw opened fire. A flash lit up the black world and Nosliw new what it was. He stopped firing and dove from the gunner seat. The 102mm projectile smacked into the Shade and it exploded into molten fragments. Nosliw got up and shook his head he could see the humans running forward and he ran into the forest in the direction of 'Kunamee. To Be Continued...