The Virus Part 8
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 26 August 2003, 5:19 PM
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(Covenant cruiser in slipstream space, 01100 hours, location unknown) The Fight The commander Elite Klar 'Kunamee walked along the well lit hallway with the very familiar Grunt Nosliw at his side. For the time being the Grunt would have to follow 'Kunamee around since they were both witness's to the Plague (the Covenant's terminology for the virus).
'Kunamee had become an important asset to the Council of Masters and their head aide Meko 'Moramee now since he carried vital information with him. 'Kunamee rounded a corner as he was doing this he thought he should share the information with Nosliw. It wouldn't hurt to tell him no one would have to know except for him, Nosliw, the Council of Masters,'Moramee, and the spec ops team that would be assigned to him. That of course made him even more important. 'Kunamee would be in charge of a team of five spec ops Elites and two spec ops Hunters. But if anything were to happen to him then 'Moramee would take over.
Nosliw walked with renewed pride, his head held up high and his spotless pitch black armor that gleamed in the light. He had become a legend in the Grunt community. Not only had he survived two encounters with the Plague but he also had stood before a ship Council of Masters and lived to tell about it. He was the only Grunt to enter a Chamber of Masters in fifty year units and the last one died and it was rumored that he would have to meet in front of the Supreme Council of Masters the head religious and military council of all ship councils. That would be history in the making and if he survived that he would be the first and his legacy would only grow. A smile crossed his face.
"Grunt I must tell you something," 'Kunamee said pulling Nosliw around a corner and into a hallway uninhabited. "What I am about to tell you is highly secret you are sworn to secrecy for the rest of your life do you understand?" 'Kunamee said.
"Yes Excellency I understand I won't tell a soul," Nosliw had no idea what it was that 'Kunamee was about to tell him.
"Now next cycle (the equivalent of tomorrow) the Council has planned a battle with the interlopers on a planet," 'Kunamee said. "Now the Council hopes that the main force fighting the interlopers will hold their own. While this is happening a small team of Elites and two Hunters led by me will make their way around the fighting undetected. Then we will unleash an updated version of the Plague on the both Human and Covenant forces alike. Then when the Plague has taken full affect we will let out an experimental vaccine that biologists had concocted."
"They have made a vaccine?" Nosliw asked interested.
"Yes they will see if it works on both forces. But you must not tell anyone this not even the Prophets or 'Moramee if they ask," 'Kunamee said.
"Yes Excellency," Nosliw bowed.
As this was happening around the corner 'Moramee stood listening with a sound recording device in his hands taping every word they said. He walked away and went to the Prophet chamber. He went through the screen test and entered the chamber. A minor Prophet waited.
"Well what have you got for me Meko?" the Prophet asked.
"He squealed," 'Moramee said as he activated the sound recording and replayed the conversation that Nosliw and 'Kunamee had.
As the Prophet heard this, his blue face turned red and he filled with anger. "Damn that stupid idiot 'Kunamee. Bring him before me and kill him. Then bring the Grunt in and kill him and dispose of the bodies!" the Prophet screamed with an anger stricken voice that echoed off the deep recesses of the cavernous chamber.
'Kunamee was walking to his units barracks with Nosliw behind him when an intercom sounded.
"Klar 'Kunamee and Nosliw report to the Chamber of Masters immediately," a serious voice sounded throughout the ship.
'Kunamee exchanged glances with Nosliw and they both walked towards the chamber. When they got there they both went through the screening and gave their personal weapons to the guard.
They both entered the waiting room and a Prophet aide was waiting for them. "The council is expecting you I don't know why though," the aide said. "Master 'Kunamee they want to see you first," he said.
Nosliw watched 'Kunamee enter through the double doors followed by the aide. He was tense now that he was in the waiting room of the Prophets and why they were summoned remained a mystery that made him uneasy. He relaxed as the double doors closed and he fell into a couch and started to doze off.
'Kunamee entered the chamber which was pitch black. He watched as the aide bowed and left the chamber through another entrance. A light flickered on the corner of the room revealing the minor Prophet who hovered above the ground suspended by his antigrav belt. His face had a dark look to it. He bobbed slightly as a gush of air hit him. "Klar 'Kunamee may I remind you that the council values its secrecy no matter what the cost. And if that means shutting out even the highest ranking Elite so be it. You have disobeyed the council by shooting your mouth off to that damn Grunt. This crime you have committed is punishable by death and that is exactly your sentence," the Prophet said with an anger filled voice.
'Kunamee realized what was happening and made a run for the door. When out of the darkness a Hunter came in front of the double doors blocking it. 'Kunamee slid to a stop. The other three sets of double doors, their green lights turned to red signifying that they were locked down. He was trapped. 'Moramee came into view with a device in his hand he pressed something and a hiss of static filled the chamber then 'Kunamee's voice filled the chamber. It was the recording of 'Kunamee telling Nosliw about the plan.
'Kunamee realized what had happened and he looked at 'Moramee. "You backstabber," 'Kunamee hissed.
"Enough kill him," the Prophet said.
'Moramee held up his Plasma rifle and shot 'Kunamee. Two bolts of energy slammed into his chest and he was thrown back onto the ground. His shields flared he was undamaged.
"Damn his personnel shield," the Prophet hissed.
"You kill a fellow Elite like that ha what kind of proper execution do you call that huh fight me like an Elite," 'Kunamee said as he got to his feet.
"You sign your own death warrant 'Kunamee 'Moramee is a superior fighter and will gladly kill you in cold blood," the Prophet smirked.
'Moramee threw down his energy rifle and deactivated his shield. He walked out of the pool of light and disappeared into the darkness. He returned with two wrist mounted devices and slid one onto his wrist he threw the other on to 'Kunamee who caught it in mid air. He too slid it onto his wrist and deactivated his shield.
'Kunamee knew that 'Moramee was a very good fighter and he outranked him by at two full levels. He squeezed his fist and a sudden blue beam of energy shot out from it. He brought his arm up and the plasma sword was in front of his face. 'Moramee powered his up and charged 'Kunamee.
'Kunamee took three steps backwards as the two swords met. He swung his in an arching motion but was countered by 'Moramee's blade. 'Kunamee jumped back as 'Moramee swung his from side to side. "Moramee made an Xing motion and 'Kunamee made a stabbing swing at his stomach. 'Moramee blocked it and brought his up above his head and swung down. 'Kunamee blocked it and with his free hand sent a jab into 'Moramee's stomach. 'Moramee jumped back out of breath. He leaped forward and arched his blade at "Kunamee driving him back.
'Moramee brought his arm back and pushed forward. 'Kunamee hit his blade against the left side of his opponent's blade with such force it knocked 'Moramee off balance who tumbled to the ground, did a somersault and came to his feet. He ran forward and swung his blade at 'Kunamee's head who ducked then rose and dodged another swing that was aimed at his stomach. 'Moramee threw three more swings at 'Kunamee who dodged each one and attacked 'Moramee by bringing his blade above his head and brought it crashing down. 'Moramee countered the attack by bringing it above his head and the blades met. 'Moramee made a half circle motion and the tip of his blade grazed 'Kunamee's stomach, he swung the blade and cut 'Kunamee's chest then threw another blow of the blade which cut his cheek.
'Kunamee jumped back bleeding in three places. He was out of breath they were almost evenly matched. He caught his breath as 'Moramee lunged at him and their blades crashed into each other. 'Kunamee pushed 'Moramee back and hit the side of 'Moramee's blade once again knocking him off balance with tremendous force. 'Kunamee did not wait he leaped forwards and slashed his blade at 'Moramee who was sitting up his blade and arm on the ground next to his leg. 'Kunamee's blade grazed 'Moramee across the chest. 'Moramee jumped to his feet and lashed out with his blade cutting deep into his chest. 'Kunamee jumped back and leapt forward, his blade aimed strait at 'Moramee who knocked his opponent's blade aside and jumped forwards hitting 'Kunamee in the head with his arm. At close quarters 'Kunamee pushed 'Moramee back and scythed his blade at him.
'Moramee blocked the attack and lashed out his blade. 'Kunamee jumped back then forward, he swung his blade at his enemy who was occupied with blocking it. As 'Moramee was doing this 'Kunamee spun around and kicked his opponent square in the chest. 'Moramee was propelled back and disappeared into the darkness.
'Kunamee ran out of the illuminated section and vanished into the blackness. 'Moramee stood up shook his head and ran into the pool of light. He looked around for his enemy. A faint blue light swished past and disappeared into the darkness. He looked around his blade at the ready. The chamber was so dark that no one in it could see 'Kunamee's blade.
Suddenly 'Moramee felt a stab at his stomach. He felt blood running from his mouth and looked down to see a blue spear of energy protrude from his stomach. The blade pulled out and hit the wrist mounted device disabling 'Moramee's blade permanatly.
'Kunamee walked in front of the wounded 'Moramee and brought his blade up. He placed the tip of it next to 'Moramee's throat and cut. An arterial jet sprayed almost instantly from the fresh wound and covered 'Kunamee.
Meko 'Moramee stood there for a second then collapsed to the floor. A pool of blood formed around him from a river of blood that ran from his wounds.
The Prophet stared in disbelief at this and with a wave of his hand the room flooded with lights. "How...how can be...there's no way in...but...your...AAAAAHHHHHH....kill him KILL HIM NOW!" the Prophet screamed in rage.
The Hunter came forward and a bright green light blazed from its arm. It began to walk forward closer to 'Kunamee.
"No you fool do not discharge your weapon in the chamber!" the Prophet shrieked.
The Hunter dropped its arm and the green light faded. IT brought its massive shield in front of it and charged forward.
"Kunamee stood his ground until the Hunter was a foot from him. His timing was perfect and he side stepped the Hunter and its shield. 'Kunamee spun around and his blade cut deep into the patch of exposed orange blood. He dug deeper until the blade was sticking out the other end. Thick orange blood was running from the wound and dripped to the ground like a waterfall.
The Hunter growled in pain and staggered fighting to stay alive. 'Kunamee twisted the blade and must have hit an artery because a spray of blood splashed from the wound and onto him. The Hunter gave a loud "GRRRRRRGHGHHHHHHHHHH" and slammed into the deck. A loud echo pinged off the deep confines of the chamber and it felt as if the ship had been struck by a meteor because the entire chamber shook as the Hunter impacted with the deck.
'Kunamee slid his blade out of the Hunter and shook his head. He looked around the world was blurry but he forced his vision to focus. The Prophet was screaming into a com link yelling for security to come to the chamber on the double.
'Kunamee got up threw off his blade and ran out of the chamber leaving the dead 'Moramee, Hunter, and the Prophet behind him. He ran into the waiting room picked up a sleeping Nosliw and ran out past the security force that past him.
As 'Kunamee was running past an Elite in gray armor who was holding an invisibility generator, 'Kunamee grabbed the generator from the Elite and 'Kunamee vanished into thin air. Other Covenant who were walking past saw a heat wave and a Grunt floating in mid air flying past.
The two Covenant exited the Covenant ship via a stolen Dropship. The Dropship vanished into the black of space.
To Be Continued...