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The Journey Part 5: Rebellion
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 February 2005, 12:00 AM
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Part 5: Rebellion (September 23, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace") The Elite clad in bright yellow armor stared at the large gathering of Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and other Elites that had amassed around him. He scanned the faces of the crowd; all had anger and hatred twisted within their faces. "Brothers, the Brutes have shed innocent blood! Members of the High Council who threatened to resign were killed at the hands of the merciless race. They were killed for disagreeing with the Hierarchs...outrageous!"
The crowd went wild, chanting threats and taunts to the Brute race. They stood outside the entrance to the series of hallways and rooms that surrounded the Holy Chamber and the Prophets who dwell therein. The protest had started with a few dozen and steadily grew to hundreds who occupied every open space available such as Phantom landing and execution audience platforms.
The Prophet of Magnificence watched via monitor as the large protest grew to hundreds. More and more Covenant flocked to the platforms. His face twisted in anger and he banged his fist on his imperial dais. "We silenced one heretic and another arises. This within our own city!"
The Prophet of Sorrow—who hovered next to him—looked at Magnificence. "They are protesting the Brutes and the deaths of the two Council members."
"Attarus!" Magnificence bellowed.
"Yes, you Grace?" the Brute bowed in front of Magnificence and Sorrow.
"Why did you kill the two Elites in front of everyone?"
"Great One, they were threatening to resign and I questioned them. One challenged my authority, push turned to shove and I simply had to defend myself from them," Attarus answered still bowed.
"Indeed, you could have done it in secret at least. Next time do not act on impulse and seek approval from the Council as for a killing so it can be considered and execution as opposed to a murder."
"Yes Excellency, I have learned from my mistake." Attarus said, still bowed.
"The impact of your actions is bad yes...but the killings themselves are no mistake," Magnificence said.
Attarus smiled and stood. "What of the rebellious crowd and their heretical chant?"
"Get an armed assortment of troops and kill all those who take part." Magnificence said carelessly. "Round them up and slaughter them in groups if you have to, see to it personally."
Attarus bowed again and was about to leave when Sorrow's face twisted with surprise and anger. "KILL ALL OF THEM! THERE ARE HUNDREDS!" Stop Attarus, I countermand that order." He glared at Magnificence. "Do you know what type of signals this would send the rest of the city as well as the fleet itself?!"
"Yes, it will tell them that if you rebel then you will be killed," Magnificence said.
"Preposterous, there would be an uprising for sure! They would overrun the Brute Honor Guards and sweep upon us like a great wind. There would be anarchy!" Sorrow blurted, his voice was filled with anger and hints of concern for their safety from their own forces.
While Sorrow blindly yelled at Magnificence for making such an order, Magnificence twitched his claw at Attarus who nodded. The Brute pulled a red plasma rifle from his belt and depressed the firing mechanism. A stream of energy bolts struck Sorrow squarely in the chest. The Prophet's dais flipped onto its side and Sorrow hit the ground. The large mantle that was placed upon his shoulders fell off and clanked onto the deck. The Honor Guards rushed forwards but Magnificence held up a claw and they backed off. Purple/black blood pooled around Sorrow and his claws clung to his chest.
"Finally I am rid of you!" Magnificence said. "Attarus finish the job."
Attarus stepped onto the raised platform on which the Prophets were only allowed to step upon. The Brute walked over to Sorrow who lay sprawled on the ground, his skin color fading to a pale gray. Attarus hovered over him and aimed the plasma rifle at Sorrow's head.
"Bu...but...why?" Sorrow rasped. He coughed up blood and a river flowed from his mouth.
"You have always been critical of my decisions and challenged my authority. This will be and end to your incompetence and your death shall help in my cleansing of this rebellion." He looked to Attarus. "We will say that one of the now dead Council members killed him, and for this reason we killed them. Why didn't we think of this before?"
Attarus smiled and blasted another volley of plasma into Sorrow's head. He whipped away a splatter on his fur and stepped off the platform. "What of this mess, Great One?"
"Take it away from my sight. Now cleanse the heretic filth that resides beyond these walls. In addition, if you find 'Unamee kill him," Magnificence pointed to the massive double doors of the Holy Chamber. The Prophet watched as Attarus smiled and walked out.
'Unamee walked onto one of the landing platform and came to see several hundred Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and Elites crowding the landing platforms and yelling anti-Brute chants. There was an Elite standing on a crate in front of the double doors that led to the Holy Chamber, who was yelling about the deaths of two Council members. 'Unamee's face twisted in anger and he listened intently as the Elite spoke but his voice was drowned out by the screams of the mob.
Eager to learn what happened to the Council members 'Unamee grabbed an Elite in blue armor and the Elite turned around to face him. "Soldier, what happened to the Council members?"
The Elite snapped to attention and stared straight ahead. "Excellency, the leading Brute Attarus killed two High Elites who were on the Council. They were threatening to resign and he approached them, jumped them, and killed them both," the Elite said.
A stab of realization knifed up 'Unamee's spine. "Rolomee..." he whispered. He nodded to the Elite and was about to leave when Attarus exited the double doors. All eyes in the mob turned to the Brute. The Elite standing on the crate looked down at Attarus. A long line of Brutes walked out of other double doors and surrounded the crowd that was in front of the Elite standing on the crate.
"See brothers! The Hierarchs send the Brutes to silence us!" the Elite shouted. The mob went silent staring at the Brutes that surrounded them; each Brute was equipped with a Brute Shot and a red plasma rifle. The hundreds of Covenant that were around the main crowd that was surrounded by the Brutes began to back off.
Attarus snarled and drew his plasma rifle, the same one that had killed the Prophet of Sorrow. The Elite stood completely still for a moment then he grabbed for his own plasma rifle. Attarus squeezed the weapons grip and a hail of plasma slammed into the Elites chest. The Elite did not have his personal shield activated and a shower of purple/black blood sprayed from his chest and he fell off the crate and onto the deck dead.
There was a second of shock throughout the mob and the Brutes surrounding opened fire with their Brute Shots. The Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and Elites dove for cover as grenades landed within their ranks and erupted. Grunts and Jackals did not have a prayer as grenades sent bloody chunks of flesh soaring into the air. Elites and Hunters on the other hand were able to last a little longer and several Elites jumped out of the fray and begun shooting at the Brutes. Many Hunters shot their hand-held fuel rod beam at Brutes that cut them down quickly. Many Covenant from outside the initial slaughter began the shoot at Brutes or jump on them. One by one, the few dozen Brutes were overwhelmed by the mobs and were brought down. Attarus shot at several and entered the double doors, which led to the Prophet's Sanctum. The doors closed behind him and turned red, they were locked.
'Unamee had been behind the main mob and had jumped out and ducked behind a pillar as the battle raged. He stood up when the last Brute was killed and watched as Attarus entered the double doors. Several Elites banged on them. 'Unamee watched as most of the hundreds of surviving Covenant ran or limped away to either find hiding places or to seek vengeance. He examined the main mob; at least a hundred Covenant had died and twice as many were wounded, most of them were Grunts and Jackals but a dead Elite or Hunter could be seen here and there. They lay in a massive sea of bodies and blood that flowed in rivers to the edges of the platform and dripped off.
'Unamee was about to find a way into the Hierarchs' Sanctum when a voice caught his ears. "Master 'Unamee!" He whirled around to see two of his Elites who were former Honor Guards running to meet him. They stopped in front of him.
"'Hasamee, 'Garomee...where have you been?" 'Unamee asked eagerly.
"We were listening to the Elite who spoke against the Brutes when the Brute hordes came and slaughtered most of the mob. We managed to capture a Brute alive and question it but it will only spit upon us," 'Garomee replied.
"Is this Brute of high rank?" 'Unamee asked more eagerly.
"He bore a flag on his back...a symbol of Brute power," 'Hasamee answered.
'Unamee looked at them with an intense fire burning within his eyes. "Take me to him."
The two Elites under 'Unamee's command led him to a hallway that had three other Elites and two Hunters in it. Sitting against the wall with two plasma rifles to his head was a Brute who was clutching multiple wounds in its chest. It looked up at 'Unamee and snarled. "Lord Attarus should have killed you when he had the chance!"
'Unamee pulled out his energy sword and activated it. The blade shot out of the handheld device and pulsed red. He lifted his arm and pointed the twin blades in front of the Brutes face. "What is Attarus planning to do with the Weapon!?"
"You can rot, you Elite scum!" the Brute spat.
'Unamee took the blade and it a centimeter into the Brutes shoulder. The Brute grimaced but did not make a noise. 'Unamee withdrew and blood ran from the wound and soaked the creature's fur. "WHAT ARE THEY PLANNING TO DO?"
"You'll have to kill, me!" the Brute roared.
"That can be arranged. Now I will not ask you again. What are they planning to do?" 'Unamee said in a solid voice. He grabbed the metal helmet that the Brute wore on its head, removed it, and he jabbed the butt of his plasma rifle onto the exposed flesh and fur.
The Brute howled in pain and began to slide onto its side. "Okay...ok....okay! They are going to enter the Slipspace and jump to the human planet. When they reach it they will activate it and the Great Journey...shall be complete!"
"Will the Weapon only destroy the humans?"
"No...no, it will kill all life within a distance of two...hundred million miles," the Brute wheezed.
"But, that will kill the fleet which is already attacking earth." Garomee gasped.
"The fleet will be enough to destroy the humans and their home world but such a blast will destroy Unsettling Silence. This fleet is composed of most of the ships we have at our disposal. Moreover, even if it destroys all they life within such a radius the remaining human worlds will gather their remaining forces and attack our home worlds. We will be severely crippled and with this rebellion, as well...we cannot allow them to destroy the fleet. The Great Ones know I will continue my fight against humans but the fleet is far too vital to lose," 'Unamee said.
"You cannot stop them...by the time you find a suitable transport to get you too the Weapon, we will be near earth and the Great Journey will be complete!" the Brute laughed.
"The Great Journey is a lie!" 'Unamee yelled. He took his blade and sliced the edge of it along to Brutes neck. An arterial jet sprayed from the wound and onto 'Unamee. The Brute slid onto its side and a pool formed around it.
"The Forerunner structure in the middle of the city is a Weapon. We must not let the Prophets or Attarus get to it and activate it. We have to stop them before it's too late!" 'Unamee said, his voice was on edge.
"There is one more thing. Before we found you, the Brute said that Attarus killed Sorrow...Magnificence ordered it," 'Hasamee added.
"Then we have one less Prophet to deal with." He faced the three other Elites and two Hunters. "We will need your assistance."
All of them bowed. "We follow you, Excellency," one of the Elites said.
"Good, now let's go back to the landing platforms." He pointed to himself, 'Hasamee, and 'Garomee, "We will get onto Banshees and fly to the Weapon." He pointed to the other Elites and Hunters. "You will need to find a Phantom, which I don not think will be a problem as there are several of them on the platforms. Once you get on one, follow us to the Weapon. We will figure out what to do next when we get there. Now activate your communication links, all of you."
'Unamee ran down the hallway with all the Elites and Hunters at his heals. When he got to the platforms, he stopped mid-stride. All over the place Brutes, Jackals, and Drones that were still loyal to the Prophet were battling rebellious Grunts, Elites, and Hunters. He spotted a Phantom that was parked on it skids, its bay doors were closing. He caught a glimpse of Attarus standing behind the closing doors. "FIND A TRANSPORT!" he shouted to the Elites and Hunters who stopped behind him.
'Unamee ran as fast as he could towards the Phantom that was taking off. He pumped his legs to the point where they pumped battery acid. When he was within three feet of the Phantom that was lifting off, he jumped. 'Unamee grabbed part of the Phantom and held on for dear life as the craft lifted off the platform and accelerated towards the Weapon in the middle of the city. He climbed to the top and held on tight as the strong wind of the Phantom accelerating rushed passed. He looked ahead and saw the Weapon structure getting bigger as the Phantom inched closer.
To Be Continued...