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The Journey Part 2 Mole
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 29 January 2005, 8:06 PM
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Part 2: Mole (September 21, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace", Sanctum of the Hierarchs) "How did it go?" the High Priest Prophet of Magnificence asked staring at the holographic 3D image of the Prophet of Truth.
"It went as any other sentencing goes. A large crowd is drawn to see the guilty one being punished," Truth replied.
"Indeed, now let's get to the point." Magnificence sat upon his dais in the Holy Chamber. The only others present in the massive chamber were a handful of Honor Guards standing inanimate along the walls and in front of the doors. Truth was alone as well in another Holy Chamber on the other Holy City "High Charity" (which was by the destroyed Halo and Divine Grace was three hundred million miles from the solar system). High Charity and Divine Grace were sister ships (so to speak). They were both massive space stations that were capable of Slipspace jumps and inside they were giant cities...and homes to the Prophets. "Of all the Elite race why do you think that this specific Elite should become the Arbiter?"
"The Heretic who has begun an uprising has taken his base to the planet Threshold. He grows stronger by the day...we all know how delicate the Covenant alliances are. The destruction of Halo is his error...but we all know that he is not the true heretic. The one who begun the uprising is the true doer of heresy. When we sentenced him, we were very zealous. Halo's destruction hit us hard...but we found another," Truth smiled and pressed a button on one of the armrests of his dais. Another hologram appeared in front of Magnificence. This one was a large ring...Halo.
Truth smiled as Magnificence's face turned from a scrunched look of confused anger to awe and sheer joy. "Excellent."
"We found this Halo after the trial. This is the ultimate weapon to complete the Great Journey," Truth said.
"Very well...make this Elite your new Arbiter. However, make sure that you put him on perilous mission as past Arbiters have...suicidal missions with no guarantee of survival, so that the council will have the body of the Arbiter," Magnificence said.
"Yes High Priest, he will quell this heretic on Threshold. The High Charity is soon to depart for the new Halo," Truth said.
"I will send most of my fleet Unsettling Silence with High Charity when you leave...so inform me when you do," Magnificence pressed another button on his dais and the hologram of Truth snapped off.
Magnificence sighed and twitched his claw. The doors opened and 'Unamee entered. He walked up to the raised platform in which Magnificence sat, and bowed, his black cape draped over him. "Great one, what is your bidding?"
"By High Charity there is an Elite who speaks against our holy words, calls the Great Journey a lie, and is gathering quite crowd of followers with his tongue that speaks of heresy."
"Your Grace...may I inquire as to what this has to do with me?"
"You may, there is a mole within our own fleet. This mole boarded one of the many ships that jumped into Second space (Covenants terminology for Slipspace) from high Charity to here. This mole has started gathering followers here."
"Noble Hierarch, I am the leader of the Honor Guards. My sole purpose is to protect you and lead others to do the same," 'Unamee bowed even lower.
"This mole has also targeted me and the Prophet of Sorrow for assassination," Magnificence said. He suppressed a smile as 'Unamee's face turned pale and a cold look came about him. He clenched his mandibles.
"What will you have me do?" 'Unamee said, his voice shrouded with anger.
"Kill the mole and bring us his head as conformation that the task is done," Magnificence said.
"With pleasure master...although why not send a spec ops team of Elites or a Hunter Killer unit to get the job done?" 'Unamee asked with an obvious hint of pleasure with saying "with pleasure master".
"I don't want word to spread of a mole and an assassination attempt on the Hierarchs. The Elites taking part in such a spec ops unit would spread word to their comrades and they would do as well. Thus word would spread like a virus and could instill fear and possible rebellion...such knowledge can have a very powerful influence," Magnificence replied, neither his voice for his facial expressions showed any hint of emotion.
"I see now, Great Hierarch, I will not speak of such things."
"I know, that is why I assigned you—and you alone—to this task. Now see it done."
"His head is rightfully yours," 'Unamee bowed his head, stood, and left the Great Chamber.
'Unamee stood in the troop bay of the Phantom as it made its way from Divine Grace to the Covenant Destroyer Sacristy and Sacrifice. He had removed his red and yellow Honor Guard armor and his cape and replaced it with the regular yellow armor of a high-ranking Elite to keep his identity and actual high rank secret. He clipped a plasma rifle to his belt as well as a plasma sword. In his hands, he held a Covenant carbine.
The Phantom lurched up and settled as it docked in one of Sacristy and Sacrifice's shuttle bays. 'Unamee moved to the door and opened it. He stepped out and walked over to a set of double doors. They opened and he exited the massive shuttle bay and walked into a hallway that was unsurprisingly filled with Engineers, Grunts, Jackals, and Elites walking about to unknown destinations and carrying our unknown tasks. 'Unamee walked through a series of hallways to the ships cafeteria. He entered and looked around. At several tables; there sat Grunts sucking down food nipples and Jackals gnawing at meat. He saw an Elite in black armor sitting in the corner of the room eating while reading a holopad. Recognizing the Elite, he walked over to him and sat down in front of him.
The Elite looked up at him. 'Unamee nodded and the Elite returned the hello gesture.
"What may I do for you?" the Elite asked.
'Unamee remembered that if you were interested in joining the rebellion then there was a certain code phrase. "I was wondering where the path lay?"
"I see master Elite...right this way," the Elite got up and walked out of the cafeteria closely followed by 'Unamee.
The Elite lead him to another shuttle bay and they walked through it to a maintenance room. The room was large and had several docked Banshees, Phantoms, and Ghosts that were being repaired. It was dimly lit and they were the only two in it.
The Elite faced 'Unamee and shook his head. "So my brother you know that the Great Journey false and that the Prophets speak lies?"
"Since I joined the Covenant I knew that ultimate salvation in the Great Journey was utter fodder," 'Unamee lied.
"Yes, yes, yes the Prophets are false and frauds. You have opened your eyes. By the way my name is 'Orsomnee, mole for the Truthsayer," 'Orsomnee turned his back and opened a crate.
'Unamee knew that the "Truthsayer" was the heretic on Threshold that as of this moment was being taken car of by the Arbiter. 'Unamee drew his carbine. "That is where you are wrong, Heretic. Raise your hands and turn around!"
'Orsomnee smiled and laughed, his hands still in the crate. "Ah who better to send to do the Prophet's dirty work than the head of the Honor Guards? How does it feel to be a victim of their will?"
"Shut the hell up and raise your hands, assassin!" 'Unamee roared.
"Ha! Whatever you have been told is a lie. I am a simply a messenger who is hear to spread truth to all those who listen."
"You are an assassin sent to kill the High Prophets of Magnificence and Sorrow!" 'Unamee's voice was filled with anger.
"Lies, lies, LIES! I am only a messenger! You have been lied to!"
'Orsomnee pulled a plasma sword from the crate and whirled around and cut 'Unamee's carbine in half. 'Unamee jumped back, pulled his own plasma sword from his belt, and activated it. He charged 'Orsomnee and slashed at him with his sword. 'Orsomnee dodged his attack and brought his sword down on 'Unamee who blocked it with his own and sent a jab with his fist to 'Orsomnee's stomach. His fist hit against 'Orsomnee's gut and the Elite doubled over. 'Unamee swung his sword down to 'Orsomnee's back but the Elite rolled out of the way and sprang to his feet.
'Unamee breathed heavily. 'Orsomnee was no easy Elite to take down. He was almost as skilled as 'Unamee in the art of sword fighting.
'Orsomnee smiled, "You disappoint me Ona 'Unamee. You could have escaped from the Prophets fowl grasp and realize the truth...but instead you choose to fight. You cannot win."
"The one with the fowl grasp is the heretic who holds vermin like you in it. Now I will spill your blood upon this floor and give your head to the Prophet's on a silver platter."
'Unamee jumped at him and swung his blade in and Xing motion. 'Orsomnee dodged this way and that. He sent a kick to 'Unamee's groin, 'Unamee caught sight of and blocked it. In this split second when 'Unamee's attention was turned 'Orsomnee swung his sword at 'Unamee who jumped back in time to avoid a fatal blow but the twin edges of the blade grazed his chest. 'Unamee let out a scream and clutched the deep cut with his hands, purple black blood seeped in between his fingers and dripped to the floor. Then he remembered his plasma rifle one his belt. He reached for it and nothing was there. He looked around and saw it lying on the ground ten feet away. It must have fallen off sometime during their fight. 'Orsomnee hadn't seen it yet.
'Unamee lunged for it. 'Orsomnee saw what he was going after and jump to intercept him. 'Unamee stopped just short of it and did a somersault. He grabbed for it but lost it and the inertia of his somersault propelled him further. He came to his knees and jumped for it. 'Orsomnee was already there and picked it up, too late. 'Unamee tackled the Elite and stabbed his sword into him. They crashed to the ground and 'Unamee lost hold of his blade. He scrambled to his feet, ran for the plasma rifle and pointed it at 'Orsomnee. The Elite sat against the crate, 'Unamee's blade protruded from his chest. Blood ran down like a waterfall from the wound and pooled around him. A trail of blood was left from where 'Unamee had stabbed him and 'Orsomnee had crawled away to the crate. He breathed heavily and coughed up blood. 'Unamee walked up to him and looked down in disgust at his dying opponent.
"Now you may wade in your own blood, assassin," 'Unamee spat.
'Orsomnee's mandibles moved. "You...you...you have won this fight but the Tru...Th...Truthsayer...will...pre...vail."
"Rot in hell you pitiful heretic!" 'Unamee said.
He shot 'Orsomnee twice in the stomach. 'Orsomnee's head fell to the ground. 'Unamee walked over and picked up his plasma sword which had deactivated. He squeezed it and the spear of energy shot out from the handheld device. He grabbed 'Orsomnee's body by the head and in one swift motion sliced it off. "The Prophets shall be pleased."
To Be Continued...