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The Journey Part 1
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 January 2005, 4:28 PM
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Author's note: Well after a year or so of a "break" from HBO fanfiction, I'm back. Since the release of Halo 2, I've been brewing up this story. It is largely based on the H2 storyline. The storyline will be connected to the H2 plot but will not be about it. When reading this first few chapters you may wonder what the plot is but as you read on you'll see. Enjoy ______________________________________________________________________ Part 1: Heretic (September 20, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles beyond solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace", Sanctum of the Hierarchs) The human race had few ships left in there rapidly vanishing fleet. The complete opposite could be said for the Covenant. They had thousands upon thousands of ships at their disposal. Each was incredibly well equipped and could take on several human ships all at once. The fleet that had amassed three hundred million miles from the solar system and earth was a perfect example of the Covenant's might and supremacy over the inferior race.
Twelve hundred ships kept positions around a massive, bulbous planetoid. The Covenant Holy City Divine Grace was massive. It was shaped like a massive mushroom or an umbrella. The Divine Grace floated silently in space, illuminated by the thousands of ships that encircled it.
Deep within the Divine Grace, protected by Honor Guard Elites, was the Sanctum of the Hierarchs. The Holy Chamber was massive; it was at least fifty feet high with brilliant lights that illuminated the chamber. The walls were decorated with exotic metals and mirrors from far off places. They were inscribed with alien texts and strange symbols...words of the Holy Ones. The chamber was at least thirty feet wide. To the right and left were Honor Guard Elites; they wore red and yellow armor and tall head pieces, each was armed with long spears in hand and on their belts were plasma rifles and energy swords. Above them on both sides were the leaders of the high races. To the left sat high-ranking Elites in jet-black armor, on their heads were triangular headpieces. In addition, to the right sat Minor Prophets with no headpieces and no signs of authority.
On the far end of the massive room sat two Prophets. Each hovered a meter off the ground in their imperial dais's. Upon their heads were headpieces made of gold and exotic gems. On their shoulders were magnificent mantles made of precious metals. They wore richly embroidered red and gold robes that cascaded over their daises and almost touched the ground like a waterfall.
They faced the wall. A sudden hologram flickered in front of them and three 3D holograms of Prophets appeared. The two Prophets stared at the holograms. The long-range communication allowed them to talk over great distances.
One of the two Prophets began to speak. "Fellow Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret it is good to see you again."
"As it is you, High Priest Prophet of Magnificence," the hologram of the Prophet of Truth said. Regret and Mercy nodded.
"We have much to discuss so we will get right to it," the Prophet of Sorrow who sat next to the Prophet of Magnificence, said.
"Tell me...how was Halo destroyed?" Magnificence demanded in a calm voice.
"The human who wears the special armor destroyed it. This demon managed to kill all of our forces who encountered him as well as combat the parasitic Flood...and live," Regret answered.
"The casualties do not matter! WHAT MATTERS IS THE FACT THAT THE HOLY RING WAS DESTROYED!" Magnificence shouted.
"Yes...my apologies, High Priest," Regret whispered looking away.
"Accepted...now is the guilty one coming to your council?" Magnificence asked.
"Yes, the Elite in command of the battle group that pursued the human ship with the demon onboard will come before us," Mercy answered.
"He is defiantly the one responsible for letting the holy ring being destroyed," Regret said.
"What punishment is suited for such an act of...heresy?" Sorrow asked.
Magnificence's face twisted with anger. The Holy Ones had left behind such great monuments of their greatness...and Halo had been destroyed. The Elite had let the humans desecrate the ring with their footsteps and then it was destroyed...heresy. "Heresy no doubt...let the punishment equal the failure."
"Yes, do you wish to take part in this council?" Truth looked at Magnificence.
"No, we have many issues to address."
"Very well, we shall meet again soon," Truth, said.
"Oh and one more thing," Magnificence said.
"Make the message clear."
"Very well," Truth nodded his head and his hologram snapped off. Regret and Mercy did the same. Sorrow and Magnificence turned around and faced the chamber.
"This is but a taste of the incompetence of the Elites. Their race grows more careless by the day. And with them the Grunts and Jackals and Hunters," Sorrow angrily whispered just high enough for Magnificence to hear him and none of the Honor Guards.
Magnificence nodded and made a gesture with his claw. The massive double doors opened and an Elite entered the chamber. The Elite wore the red and yellow armor of the Honor Guards, it wore a headpiece in the shape of two twin pillars that curved upwards and made it all the more intimidating. Attached to its back was a long black cape that brushed the ground as the Elite strode towards the Prophets. It stopped before the raised platform on which the Prophets were. The Elite kneeled and bowed its head.
"Great Prophets of Sorrow and Magnificence, I have come as you have summoned," It said in a deep voice.
"Rise Ona 'Unamee," Magnificence said. 'Unamee rose before them. Have the security measures been rechecked and strengthened as we have ordered?"
"Yes, noble Hierarchs, we have increased our numbers to significant size and rechecked the security measures as you have requested," 'Unamee answered.
"Very good," Magnificence stared down at 'Unamee, the leading Elite of the Honor Guards of Divine Grace was the most loyal and faithful to the prophets.
"Now what of the status of the fleet?" Sorrow asked.
"Every single ship in the fleet is ready and awaiting orders to jump to High Charity."
"The Prophet of Regret is attacking earth as we speak, no humans will he encounter. Truth and mercy have plenty of ships of their own we will not jump," Sorrow said.
"Yes, great one," 'Unamee got up and left the chamber.
As 'Unamee exited a Brute entered and walked towards the Prophets. As 'Unamee and the Brute walked past each other they made eye contact and on their faces was the slightest hint of hate.
The Brute stopped in front of the Prophets and bowed deeply. "You're most high Prophets of Magnificence and Sorrow."
"What news on the weapon...how are repairs progressing, Attarus?"
Still bowing Attarus smiled.
To Be Continued...