
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Michael Quarterman<www.naga_warrior@hotmail/.com>
Date: 22 May 2003, 7:03 PM

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Master Chief thought as the UNSC Pelican transport craft brought him to downtown Earth City.
How could the covenant have set up these planetary cannons around the city, and how on earth were they defended?
He thought these things because his mission as to knock out a cannon that was slowly whittling down the UNSC aircraft. He looked at the crowded Marines that would be helping him destroy the cannon, which ONI or anyone had yet to classify by a name.Most Marines called them BFG's.(you should know what that means). He put these thoughts at the back of his mind, as he saw that they were approaching the LZ.
"Heads up, it's gonna be hot!" said the pilot over the intercom to the soldiers.
Master Chief was quickly and painfully reminded of Foehammer, a Pelican pilot who had almost survived the horrors of the ring world called Halo.He also shunted these thoughts and pulled out his sniper rifle. He brought it to his shoulder and use the intergrated link to his visor to sight in on some Covenant that were running for cover or already firing on the pelican. One of the Marines in the Pelican next to him took a needler round through the hand. Chief dropped his rifle, grabbed the needle and ripped it out. The Marines curses of pain and agony were drowned out as Chief threw the needle out the bay door. The needle traveled a few feet and then exploded in a flash of red light. He picked up his rifle and looked at the Marine. The Marine next to him was bandaging the wound and injured Marine nodded his thanks. Chief nodded back and put the rifle to his shoulder agaian and sighted in on a Jackal that was in front of a crimson Elite. The Jackel hadn't yet turned on its shield. Chief centered on the the middle of its chest where the bullet would also pass through into the Elite.
One shot, two kills, he thought, and squeezed the trigger.
The bullet passed cleanly throught the Jackel and into the Elite, which stumbled backward with a sniper bullet lodged in its stomach. He turned his aim left and saw that there were only grunts left, which were running at the loss of their leader. They retreated into the insides of the cannon and sealed the door. The Pelican landed and the Marines spread, with haldf of the 20 men going towards the cannon door. Chief jumped out with them and pulled out a sub-machine gun. He advanced with the Marines going to the door and saw that the ohters were already making a defendable position. When they got to the door he nodded to one of the Marines and the soldier pulled out a pack of C-12. The Marine applied the powerul satchel charge and time it. Chief and the Marines scattered for cover before the explosives blew.Chief jumped behind a Covenant supply crate and crouched down. The explosives blew up with loud roar and rending shriek of metal. Chief jumped straight over the two meter high crate with the use of his augmentation and his MJOLNIR power armour. He heard the Pelican finally leaving and wondered why it hadn't already left, he turned before he entered the cannon and sae=w around a dozen Ghost shells laying smoking in the rubble of the city. They must have come while he wasn't paying attention. He knew that the Pelican had probably taken them out.
Must have happened during while the bomb blew, that's why he didn't hear it. He went into the cannon at the head of the Marines. The entrance split up two ways, and he signaled the Marines to go to the right, he wanted to go alone to the left because them to take the out the power generators while he mopped ut the remaining Covenant in the upper levels. He went up until he reached a good sized romm, about the size of a honeymoon suite, and saw two Hunters standing by the entrance. He emptied the sub- cmahine gun at them, but the rounds just bounced off their thinck armour. He dropped the sub-machine gun and pulled out his sniper rifle. He sighted in on the Hunter that was sheilding its partner and fired a round into its exposed "belly". The round went throught and he heard two shrieks. Both Hunters dropped to the ground, dead.
Two shots, four kills, Master Chief thought. He continued on his way, mopping up only a few little grunts, then he heard human foodstep and heard an explosion. He sat down on an overturned crate and rested, the mission was won. He always won.
