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Fan Fiction

Chapter 2: The Past Revealed
Posted By: Michael Montazeri<zelda2k2@msn.com>
Date: 16 June 2004, 8:33 PM

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New Mombasa, totally under covenant control, needed the chiefs help. At arrival he set off, with his battle rifle. Looking around he saw a huge covenant cannon stationed on a building. A quick call to longswords took it out. He arrived to his first usage in a gauss rifle warthog. He loved this little mini Mac, but was the vehicle was taken out by two Brutes. A melee on one and well placed battle rifle shots took down the other. A ghost approached, and Chief wanted to try a new trick. He jumped on it and kicked out the driver, hijacking the ghost. He loved it. He was then chased down a long area and had to jump off the ghost, he had to make it under a door that was closing.
He got up and saw a coffin-like box fly down from the sky. 6 more came down and the tops detached, and in each was an elite was a plasma sword. One swipe would take him down. He took out his plasma. "Bet you can't stick it." Said Cortana. "You're on." He replied, and threw a plasma on the elite cluster to his right and stayed back holding his gun. He sprayed a couple SMG burst at the elites while the grenade killed 4 of the 7. He jumped to the now empty right side and grabbed a plasma sword. He had never used one before, but it was his only chance at killing the other three. He leaped forward and slashed two, but was cut by the final elite on his left arm. It barely missed his skin, and with a quick turn of the body, he beheaded the final elite. Wow he loved this new sword, and he put it to his side, keeping his battle rifle and dropping his SMGs.
Cortana then pointed out a huge covenant cruiser they needed to board. They approached the gravity lift stealthily, and then saw something crazy. A havoc missile hit the cruiser, it was coming straight down. Chief pulled down his gun and started sprinting, but it was falling too fast. It hit the ground beside the chief, but a hole created by the fall caused Chief to fall deep into a hole, with his armor take damage. He finally reached a bottom, but the gigantic cruiser was no where in sight. He looked around, and all he saw where strange holographic writings and a tunnel.
Chief entered the tunnel with doubt and fear, but after a mile of walking, realized it was safe. It was beautiful, he never knew of any place like this on earth. He finally realized he was going downhill, but it felt fine to him. He then saw it, an orb, a round orb he could fit in his helmet slot. He picked it up, and out it in. No trap nothing. Cortana then told him: "The holy weapon, you are holding it, I now understand, this holy weapon holds the power to wipe out a specific race, it has the power to wipe us out, to wipe out the covenant, but only the prophets know how to use them, and they won't be telling us anytime soon. We have to go back up to earth, and find a way to draw the covenant away using this.
Chief understood, but realized that the exit was swarming with Covenant, and it struck him, they were coming down, a ship worth of covenant. He had to find another exit. He searched this round room in which the orb was. Opposite to the door he entered was another door. He followed that corridor down and it felt like he was still going downhill. They kept walking when they heard a loud sound. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" , the voice of an elite, they found the orb missing. Chief had to run, he didn't want to encounter another army like the one on Reach. He ran as hard as he could until there was a dead end, but he saw a purple light above him, and the rocks above started to move. He backed away from the light, and the rocks above him were pulled out. He looked above and saw what he feared the most, another covenant cruiser with a gravity lift. He had no choice but to back up the other way, he couldn't risk being surrounded. He turned, and a massive amount of heat passed by his head. An overcharged plasma shot. They had found him, and he pulled out his plasma sword, it was time for some close range mayhem.
