Blood Written-Chapter 2- Walking Into Hell
Posted By: Michael<Darkblade45@aol.com>
Date: 20 September 2003, 8:41 PM
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Chapter 2-Walking into hell
We landed on earth, back to civilization i thought. I couldnt wait to see the covenant try to make it past here. I saw at least another 40 pods launch and hit earths atmosphere all trying to aim near or around cities Were i could see the covenant had the POA II pretty good, The POA II put up one hell of a fight though; at least another 3 convenant ships went down. "Lane! cmon stop adoring the asskicking and lets roll!" Simmons yelled at me "Alright" "Ok, weve got to get to the nearest city" To our advantage i saw a pelican coming toward our position. "To incoming pelican this is Romeo 22, do you read?" "Yes Romeo 22 i read, this is Arch-Angel coming in to get you to the nearest city" "Alright Arch-Angel Well be waiting were you can see us" Which was practically anywhere, We landed in a canyon with a few cliffs. "Ok LZ looks clear im coming to pick you up!" "Get ready were heading to the nearest city that needs support" The convenant ships were already here and had layed siege to some surronding cities. "Ok i've found the nearest city Lost Angels" "So we landed on north america huh?" A rookie said Noone answered already knowing that he knew. After a few minutes we were there. I saw covenant ship tear a few sqads down to nothing. I knew this wasnt going to be easy. "Alright Looks clear were bringing you down!" "Alright marines lets roll, Get down there and lets head to CP" "Yes, sir!" We landed at a heliport obviuosly with the huge H on the ground "Were from POA II we need to head to CP now for instructions" Simmons reported to a nearby marine "Ok CP's this way!" He pointed to his left then ran, we followed untill we were inside of a building. "Sir! weve got some backup from POA II" "Sarge how trained are your men?" The Corenel Said "Sir, We ranked the best of all companies Sir!" "Good i need you here" He pointed to a place on the map i had no idea where it was "Yes sir!" Apparently sarge did though. After that we were told to head to the armory and reload then head out. "Hey Arch-Angel? You makin any house calls?" Sarge asked "Only if youre there to recive it" "We need at least two Carrier warthogs asap! can you apply?" "Yes sir Arch-Angel and Bravo 67 will apply, coming in to your left!" She had saw us and was coming toward our position. "Disengaging" I saw two warthogs hit the ground. They were new like the original but with a longer bed and no 50. "Hop in! Breciano take the wheel of the other one" "Of course sir!" Simmons was in the side seat with Breciano up front. me and 4 others were in the bed of it The bed was much like the old style flatbeds, We all layed down on our stomachs and prepared to shoot. Sarge took the lead for wherever where going. "Hey Simmons where the hell are we going?" I yelled over the gunfire and schreeching whells "Wherever sarge goes we go!" That was all i needed, I turned back around to see the road and then a Elite like lizard coming at me "Shit! another one of those things." "Take it out dammit!" Breciano said hurrying to run it over. When we headed straight for it, it came at us like chicken but instead of hitting us it just jumped "Son of a bitch!" Breciano said as he turned the wheel, and that thing barley missing us. After we shot it down I saw something wierd like a tenticle cooming out of its back My thoughts were interrupted from a covenant elite coming at us with a Plasma Sword. I quickly shot it down and stared back at the lizard, What the hell i keep thinking i probably dreamed it. "Were here!" Simmons yelled We all jumped out of the warthogs, then made way for a structure much like the CP just smaller. "Ok were to head in there and help any marines and recapture the building, After that we do security for this building So noone takes it back." Sarge instructed "Whats so important about this building?" "Its the building for commucation reasons, I dont know what the hell you call it" "Well if they lose this they cant get backup right?" "Thats right Monkey, Lets get in there now!" I heard gunfire everywhere, Grenades going off. I could see some of the fighting in the windows, I was hesitate to walk in but i didnt wanna be left out here alone so i ran to the door with everyone else. "Simmons crack the door!" "Yes sir" He put some device on the door like when we found the flood. I rememberd it all pretty well. Flashback "Sir it looks like the covenant tried pretty hard to lock this door" "Just do it" "Yes sir!" Then it all happened.......Everyone died or if not then when the ring exploded. I had got lucky and was a sole survivor...i couldnt remember much of how i got off that thing All i knew is that im here an still alive. "LANE!" i snapped back to reality. "Sir!?" "Get your ass in there with breciano and simmons and check things out" "Yes sir!" I stood between breciano and simmons ready to fight. "Clear!" Simmons said as he watched a hallway. "Its clear sarge!" "Head in, Alright we need to split in two groups." "Usual sarge?" "Cept you take Lane with you" "OK Lane, Simmons, Yurek, Blane, Zen, and Morrdox with me" Breciano ordered. "Everyone with me" sarge ordered "Lets roll, well cover as much as we can and report in" We all ran up the stairs and waited for some covenant to try to pick a fight. "Stay together and well all live" Simmons said running up the stairs. After about 2 floors we finnaly say some covenant and more lizards. "Over here!" We shot toward the covenant distracting them for the exact second the other marines need to snipe down the Lizard and Covenant Elite. "Nice one!" i heard some marines yell "Friendlies moving in!" We ran to there position ready to fight. "Status?" Simmons asked "Were doing just fine, as for the building its been overrunned with these things." "Well were here to take em out" "Good just follow us and take out anything that isnt human." We followed the mainres all the way to the top of the building cleasing it of covenant. We had a few casualties, but we still heald strong "Thats it for our part, Sarge? Hows it going?" "Just fine Breciano, You done already?" "Yes sir!" "Damn rookies slowing me down" I heard a few screams in the backround. "Crap, I need someone down here now!" Sarge screamed "Lane you up for it?" "Sure" I replied I was insturced to get to sarges position and help out while everyone else mopped up the rest of them. I finnaly caught up to sarge and everyone else without any problems. "Sarge!" "Over here now!" "Sir?" "I need you to get a warthog and these rookies to these coordinates!" "Why ?" "Dont ask just do it dammit!" "Ok." "Hey all you rookies with him now!" I heard some rookies stutter and ran to my postion I told them to follow me, They did but some started to freak out, I guess this is as much action as they ever seem. "Cmon stay with it!" I yelled We finnaly got out of there and headed to a warthog. There was 6 of us including me. "You take the wheel of that one, and ill take this one!" I jumped into a warthog with two other marines, this time with a 50. The other 3 toke the other one and started out before me "Stop where do you think your going?" "Sorry sir" He replied as he stopped "Now just follow me and stay alive!" I never gave out orders before, it felt wierd giving them instead of taking them. "Fuck!" I yelled as a few more covenant stood infront of my warthog I ran them over but something caught my wheel and i ended up ramming into a wall everyone else went uncoinsious do to the hit. As i tried to get out i saw the other warthog hit the wall too. I got out and went for 50 cal. But as soon as I jumped on there i was hit in the back of the head by something then i went unconscience.