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Blood Written
Posted By: Michael<Darkblade45@aol.com>
Date: 20 September 2003, 5:39 PM
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Blood Written... Chapter 1-Just the beggining
"LZ looks clear, Ok were coming in" "Go,Go,Go!" "Keep close, Hurry towards the door" "Alright, Set up a perimeter and wait for the captain" "Sir!" "Which is wierd right? I mean something scrambled its insides" "Sarge! Listen...." "Wheres that coming from Mendoza?" "I dont know sarge....Wait There! Via!" "Dammit shoot your weapon!" "ahhhhhhhhhhh"
I remember it all inside my head. The flood let loose on the human race at alpha ring. I cant stop remembering the sounds of screaming marines. I knew it would stay with me, Even here on the Pillar Of Autum II. It was made to honor everyone on the ring that died. We hoped we wont serve the same fate as the original. We were stationed to hold out near earths final defence before earth itself. "Alright here they come!" I heard one of the marines say. The POA II is much bigger then its predaccesor. It held over 100,000 Marines. Of course this came to a disavantage, We were a big target and had to stay close to earth due to all the supplies needed to run POA II. Guns were a primary defence on POA II. 5 stationary offence cannons and 8 linear cannons for defence reasons only. We knew it couldnt last to long toward all of the covenant on their way to Earth. But we planned to serve some major damages to them before then. "Whats your name corpral?" Said the Sargent "Brent lane, Sir!" "Alright Lane your with my squad" "Yes, Sir!" "You'll help us cover airlock C-10 through C-15" "Yes Sir!" "Alright lets go! Get ready marines" We geared up at the armory and headed down stairs to the C-Airlocks. The armory is on the 5th floor of the Autum. The A airlocks were on 1st floor B- second, C-Third, and so on untill the 6th floor which was the top bassically of POA II Each A-F airlocks had 20 Airlocks, 10 on each side of the Autum; East, West, North, and South. Its confusing for the rookies like me, but to earlier enlisteds like sarge it was home. "Keep up Lane!, Alright here they are, Make sure to stay away from the locks incase of explosions." We didnt want to make the same mistakes like our For-Fathers did. "All men in battle stations, 15th Company guard the Engineers Quarters. 18th Company Guard the Technician's Posts." Captian Quater yelled over the intercom. "You heard the man let roll" I heard down the hall, apparently 15th company. We watched all around the airlocks. I counted 5 airlocks 10-15. We had 20 men in our company. around 4 men each lock and a few extras for patrols. "Alright i want some partrols to watch the surronding areas, Yurek and you 2 partol down the east hall." "Sir!" Yurek, Blane, and Zen said at the same time nearly "Lane!, Take Simmons and Breciano" "Sir!" We yelled together. "The rest stay here with me and watch these locks incase anyone needs to get the hell out of here" Me simmons and Breciano ran down the hall and started partols. "Whew i can smell em already" Breciano said sarcastically "I wonder how many baths they take a year" Said simmons "Probably 5?" I replied Breciano and simmons both laughed not knowing i was being serious. "Alright Lane and Simmons lets head down the hall and watch for covenant" "Lets" We walked down the hall hearing gunfire and plasma guns shooting. We all knew there was something ahead. "Eat this!" "Watch your six!, Incoming!" "Im out Landcaster! need some nines" We heard while waiting for the covenant meanice. "Sir! permission to pull away from partol to aid 10th Company Marines" "Permission granted, Head back ASAP when done!" "Yes sir!" Simmons replied "Lets roll!" We ran down the hall as plasma grenades went off next to us. "Glad ya could join us" "Whats up?" "5 Badass elites and about 8 grunts" "Alright no problem" I counted around 20 marines. even with these many marines 5 Elites still will take some work. "Grenades!" "Shit" I yelled as one bounced off a wall and near me "Dammit!" Simmons yelled as he grabbed me nearly 2 feet from the grenade as it went off "Be more carful!" We shot down the last 3 grunts as they ran toward us in terror from the grenads "Elites'!" 2 Elites ran toward us aiming to kill We mowed down both elites with AR fire "Im hit....OMG omg omg.....help me Medic!!!" A marine was bleeding enourmisly. I read his name on his helmet: Lanner "Shit son of a!" "Stay with me dammit" "Get an IV now. Ok pressure on the wound" I almost puked from watching them tend to his wound "Its deep, dont worry we can save him" "Ok, the bleeding stopped, Bandage it hurry" "Im dying ....shit forget it dude im dead." "If you say that again ill kill you now hang in there" "Ill......try.." He was fading away. "Ok his pulse is stable...hes out of it though." I heard a medic curse under his breath. I saw the rest of the elites walk towards us cautiously. "Ok....grenades yours left mine right" Breciano whispered I threw my last 3 grenades left of the elites and Breciano threw his last 2 right. We were lucky they didnt see what hit them and died wihout any more casualties. After the battle we headead for back to patrol incase anymore convenant wanted to suprise our company. We stood about 3 hallways down from the airlocks and the rest of our company. Before we reported back in we heard it. The sound of something mean coming around the corner. It was huge like a hunter just diffrent, I mean this thing didnt look like it took shit. We shot off 1 clip dry each and it was still running at us. "Ahhh shit, Eat this you gigantic Lizard!" Breciano pulled out his pistol and to his amazement shot the thing down. "Whew what in the sam hell is this?" Simmons said cautiosuly incase more were around. "Hell if i know, Probably some Covenant reject." Breciano replied I sat in amazement we even killed it. "Partrol where the hell are you?" We heard sarges voice over some gunfire. "Sir were a few hallways down from your position!" "Get down here now!" "Yes sir" We ran down the hall and saw gunfire everywhere. The thing we shot down had a few buddies. Around 6 marines were dead or injurend lying on the ground. "Argh! Die you bastard" A marine said throwing a grenade at it. When it blew all that was left was a few parts of whatever it is. "Dammit! i lost 6 men, Yurek? get your tail down here ASAP" "Yes sir" i heard yureks voice over the radio. "All companies guarding the airlocks: stay on duty untill further instructed to leave the POA II." "You heard the man keep these things on hold and ready for evac at any moment!" "Yes sir!" We all said together. A few moments later after some grunts came about scouting ahead i heard the intercome again "Everyone evacuate to the airlocks and leave ASAP. All technicians and engineers be advised to leave your posts and duties now." "Move like you got a purpose!, All injured in the pods now and the rest guard these things until only ours is left to launch" After 2 had launched i saw more covenant "3 Elites right side now!" Sarge Drew his sniper Rifle and shot down two of the elites runnning towards us "Dont stand there shoot the last one you monkeys!" After the command all of us opened fire upon the lone elite and desecrated his body into nothing. The last 2 launched without no problems and we were instucted by the sarge to get in the pods and get the hell off this hellhole. As more of those huge lizard like things came at us we closed the door and had one stuck between the door. A new recruiet jumped as the thing tried to tear him up with its claws. Unfotuantly it got Iziks left arm and tore it pretty good, After he got loose sarge intructed. "Blow him a new ass marines!" At least 10 clips went dry on him as he fell backwards allowing the door to shut. "Alright how many of you Marines are left?" "I counted 12 sir!" "Dammit i lost 8....those bastards better not let me get hold of one of them or ill......" Sarge hated to lose any men. He was glad he keeped us though. Even though the company was family he liked keeping Yurek, Breciano, Blane, Zan and Simmons around, They were like his sons he never had. I was new and so far he seemed to like, me or at least i thought. "Hit it Lieutenant" Sarge instucted "Yes sir" The pod shot off and i saw space all around me, I started to freak out thinking we wernt going to make it "Dammit marine pull yourself together and grow some!" "Cm'on sir hes the rookie give him a lil slack" Breciano said in my defence "I dont care if hes Christ himself he needs to pull it together now! Do you hear me?" "Yes sir!" I stuttered After a few moments we entered earths atmoshpere "Dont worry hes like that to all the new rookies, and i think he likes you!" Simmons whispered into my ear.