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And now all hell will break loose Part 5
Posted By: metallicafan<metallicafan84@hotmail.com>
Date: 21 September 2003, 3:32 AM
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Chuck turned around in his seat, saw 5 reflections of lights in a circle, jumped up, and saluted. Fox and Merker did the same, while Zanozi bowed shallowly.
General of the Army David Wayne, the first 5 Star general since John Parker of the Rain Forest Wars in 2162, stepped away from the wall he had been standing by, unnoticed. "We have a small scale atomic bomb. It's small, so it can be fired from a shoulder mounted rocket launcher, but it should do the job."
Clark began to speak."Sir, are...are..are you sure we can DO that? If this is found out the United Nations will..."
"Be good little boys and not do a thing. They and their damn rules went out the window when the Covenant landed. The bomb we have is simply the second of many. The first is what you have already seen," Wayne said, pointing to Chuck." It is the bomb that set off the monster. Instead of wasting energy upwards, it sends its energy sideways, allowing for a bigger damage radius and closer deployment to airborn units. How it does it, that's for the lab rats to know." He finished with a smirk.
Merker let out a low whistle.
"Well, I guess that is it then." Zanozi said. "But how can it be known that the bomb is of good enough size and strength?"
"After this little meeting is over you can send your experts to our lab."
"W..well I geuss that's all that needs to be discussd then...." Clark said with a hint of new nervousness."
Standing in the corner, unusually silent, John spoke. "Why?"
"Why what?"
"I'm speaking to Zanozi."
"You mean why are we helping you?"
"Well, I'll start from the beginning. My group and I were part of the group that was transporting our ancestor, who we called Kaani, to his final modifications. We had him in a small capsule that rendered him immobile and docile. There was only one of them, and it was destroyed in the blast. My group was the forward recon, so we survived the blast. The capsule was the only thing we could carry him in, and now it is gone. When we saw your planes coming in, we fired our disrupter field projectors, and raided the ships that we could find, and burned the bodies. As to why we are helping you, it is that in Kaani's attack on Bogota, he killed 5 times as many Covenant as Humans, and he couldn't be stopped. He was to be modified at our destination to tell the difference between allies and enemies, but now he attacks anything in sight. He is just as much a threat to us as to you. We felt that without us joining forces with you, he couldn't be stopped and Earth, everybody's goal in this war, would be lost. Does that satisfy you?"
"Anything else?" Wayne asked. Nobody spoke up. "Well then, Zanozi, come with me, and I'll show you to the labs." He and Zanozi left.
"I guess that's it then." Clark said. "Sleep on it, kids, its Midnight."
Chuck looked at his watched, and was amazed to see that he had been here for the past 4 hours. Sleep didn't sound too bad...........
***14 HOURS LATER***
"We have seen your bomb, and we have determined it to be the right size." Zanozi said. They were all now back in Clark's office, with the addition of two of Zanozi's scientists, both Gold Elites.
"Before I went to sleep, I thought of two questions," Fox began. "One: how big is the target, and two, since I'm the one who has to fire the rocket, how am I supposed to hit the damn thing without getting killed?
"The portal is anywhere from 10 to 15 feet in height, and about 10 in length. An easy target. As for not getting killed, my scientists have added a chip to the warhead that will detect the difference between demensions, and only then well it explode. You miss, and it won't blow up. The shock wave will not travel between demensions either."
Fox looked more at ease after that.
"One more problem. How do we find the mon...Kaani?" Chuck said.
"We have to get a tracking device on him." Zanozi said. "The trick will be finding him. After that its a matter of following him, and destroying the portal."
"Sounds like a good plan so far. I'll have all my recon units and then some look for the monster." Clark said.
"Correction. MY units, Clark." Wayne said. "Orders by the President."
I think that stopping point'll do fine. I got rid of the biggest plot pains[I HOPE!]