And now all hell will break loose Part 4
Posted By: metallicafan<metallicafan84@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 September 2003, 1:39 AM
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The Grunt wasn't holding a bomb.
It wasn't holding a gun.
Hell,it wasn't holding a weapon of any sort.
It was holding a flag.
A white one.
Before Chuck had time to even collect his thoughts, John jumped out of the Warthog and leveled his gun at the Grunt. Chuck followed suit.
"Speak." John said with a hint of curiosity.
"Well," The Grunt started with a hint of worry in his voice." My commander, the great Zanozi, hero of many battles, defeater of many enemies..."
"Get to the point!"
"Sorry, sir Human. My commander wishes that you would not fire upon us. We wish to at least temporarily establish a....a....a..."
"Cease fire?" Chuck said with an incredulous look on his face.
"Yes. He wishes to meet with your commander. But until then, he says, we are fighting against your enemy, this monster. Do you agree?"
John simply nodded to Fox,who was closest to the radio. Fox got the point, and dialed in the frequency. The air was filled with traffic.
"This is Private First Class John Jay Fox acting under orders from Master Chief John 117." He paused a bit before going on. "All Covenant should be marked as friendlies. I repeat, the Covenant are our allies."
The conversations stopped.
"What in the hell are you smoking young man?" An astonished voice boomed over the radio.
"What the fuck is it to you? I said...." Fox began before John took the microphone away.
"This is Master Chief John 117 of the Spartan-II program," John began with a heavy emphasis on his title. "I ORDER you to stop firing on Covenant attacking the monster!"
"Confirm Covenant friendlies. I just ran into a bunch of them."
John put the microphone back in its holder, turned around.....and walked right into the biggest damn Elite he had ever saw.
"You are Master Chief?" The Elite asked in broken English.
"Y...yes." John said. His years of training hadn't prepared him for seeing an Elite in front of him and him not being able to shoot.
"Pardon my master's lack of fully understanding your language." The Grunt piped up from behind the Warthog.
"I take it your Zanozi then?" John asked, his feeling now under control.
"Yes.But no time for introductions, I must meet your commander. Also, in about 5 of your minutes, all our cannons, Banshee's, and tanks will attack the 'monster.' I believe we have given that information to your side. I have my ways of getting to your base. You must leave now. In case somebody misses."
He sprinted off into the foilage, with the Grunt close behind.
John didn't stop to watch. He jumped in the Warthog, started it, and mashed the pedal to the floor.
A few minutes later, they were back at base. Zanozi and his group had already beaten them there. Brigadier General Clark went up to meet them as they jumped out.
"Hello there. You're just in time for the show." He pointed towards the monster just as green streaks from the Banshee's and smoke trails from the Longswords arced in. WIth near perfect timing, the missles hit within seconds of each other. A bright flash, and the monster was gone. Wild cheers and many 'Drinks are on me!"''s erupted from the crowd of Marines and radios broadcasting pilot radios.
Zanozi stepped up to Clark. "Tell your men that there is not much to celebrate. The monster is still out there." He said that last part in a whisper.
"Yes, I figured as much. Come into my office, and we'll discuss this." He motioned for Zanozi, Merker, Fox, Chuck, and John to follow him.
A few minutes later they were in Clark's office.
"Well, care to explain about the monster?" Clark asked ."Like first of all, what the hell is it?!"
"Ah, yes. He is one of our race's original ancestor's. We miraculously found hints of his DNA and managed to clone him.....with a few "modifications." He curled his mandibles back into what Chuck realized must have been his interpretation of a human smile.
"Yea, like making him 500 feet tall!" Merker exclaimed.
"He is able to go to just about any height he wants. From 500 feet, to little as 1."
"Which explains why we haven't been able to see him." Clark said.
"No, actually. He is also able to travel in an alternate demension." He "smiled" again as everybody's mouth dropped open."That's what he was for. Surprise attacks to demolish cities. But it get's worse. He feeds off the energy the demension gives him. He enters our demension fueled and energetic. As long as he can warp back to that demension, he is almost invincible. That is what happened earlier."
"Aww man......we're screwed!" Fox yelled out.
"Not exactly. The portal can be destroyed."
"With what?" Clark asked.
"A good size atomic bomb."
"We don't have one. They were outlawed 200 years ago. Nukes just barely made it through also."
"Actually we do have one." A new visitor announced. He stepped away from the wall he had been leaning on for the past few minutes. Clark took one look at him and jumped to his feet.
"Sir!" he said with a salute.
argh...the length limit is killing me. I had a good ending point about 600 words in but noooooooo...