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And now all hell will break loose Part 3
Posted By: metallicafan<metallicafan84@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 September 2003, 5:29 AM
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Chuck woke at 0700 hours and began his morning routine. He made coffee,got dressed,and was surprised to find that the Army daily newspaper, The Armed Forces Newsletter, was already on his desk. He picked it up, and threw it in the trash. The paper was too biased for his taste. It had even been quoted as saying "We are killing Covenant left and right and we conclusively forsee an end to the war in 2 months." That's when Chuck stopped reading it, 3 months before. He saw something fly out of the paper, and quickly grabbed it in its decent. It was a tiny slip of paper, saying only, "2 hours, my office." Judging by the handwriting and shortness, he instantly knew who it was.
2 hours later,in his dress uniform, Chuck was in Brigadier General Justin Clark's office. Fox and Merker, having both received that same message, were there also, with an empty seat to Fox's right.
"Hello gentlemen." Clark said in his thick Midwestern accent, waving his trademark cigar around. "First off, I would like to congratulate you on your excellent performance on your last tour out in the jungles. How you made it back from that mess is beyond me. Anyway, the reason I brought you three together is because I need a platoon of excellent soldiers to reinforce our troops still at Bogota and evac them quickly. You three have proven your worth against Covenant, and will be part of this op. As you can see, there are only three of you, and six is needed for a platoon. We are still looking for two more, but we have a fourth already lined up."
Chuck didn't see it, but he knew that Clark must have hit a button, as a second later the door hissed open, and a metal *clank* announced their visitor. Stand six feet tall, in his already battled-scarred armor, Master Chief John-117 of the Spartan-II program snapped to attention and saluted.
"Howdy, Master Chief. At ease." Clark said, returning the salute without getting up. John walked over and sat in the one empty chair. Fox just stared the entire time. "As I was saying, we have a fourth lined up. You probably already know his name, so I'll just introduce you to him." He went through the introductions. A few seconds after he was done his intercom rang with his secretary's voice.
"Sir, your intel director is here. He says he has something urgent."
Clark spoke into the intercom. "Send him in then." He turned off the intercom. "Damn right this better be urgent."
The intelligence director walked in the door, carrying papers.
"Sir, I have new information about the Bogota attack! A few of the radio signals sent out by the surviving Marines state that during the attack a huge blue Elite-looking monster appeared and leveled EVERYTHING in its path! It has been blamed for at least half of the casualties inflicted, sir. The worst part is that..." He trailed off after John suddenly went running out of the office at full speed, with nobody able to catch him. The director looked stunned. "Anyway, the creature soon left, and hasn't been found since. But the part that has everyone worried is that if the creature headed straight after all this time, it would be right in line with us." A brief silence followed."
"Well," Clark began, obviously shaken. "I think it's safe to assume that the monster probably hasn't stayed on course that......" He trailed off.
Chuck had felt it too. A rumble in the ground.
"Oh shit...." Merker said.
By the time he had finished that sentence, Chuck was already out the door, with Fox and then Merker close behind. They emerged from the building on a porch-like terrace with steps. They heard an engine whine and John pulled up in a Warthog.
"Need a lift?" He asked. Chuck hopped in the passenger seat, Fox took the gunners position, and Merker wedged himself between the gunners seat and between the drivers and passengers seat, bracing himself and praying. John gunned the gas and soon pulled up to the ammunition dump. Chuck, Fox, and Merker grabbed their gear, still not even cleaned from their last fight, and John got his Battle Rifle and M9D. They all got back in, and head for where the sounds seemed to be coming from. The base was in chaos, with people going every which way to prepare for the fight. The communication airwaves were in a never-ending state of confusion. The only pieces of info the group could pick up was that the monster had appeared, with a sizeable Covenant force in tow. John finally got the "Hog out of the base, and into the jungle. He deftly maneuvered it around trees and vines, following a path that was fading in the ground. Suddenly a Grunt popped out of the foilage and waved something in his hand that made Chuck's heart stop.
muahahaha....now I'm just being evil :)
But in all seriousness, this series is getting too complicated for now. Gotta fix all this in the next few weeks,which is about how long it'll take to write part 4!