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And now all hell will break loose Part 2
Posted By: metallicafan<metallicafan84@hotmail.com>
Date: 1 September 2003, 6:32 AM
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"Verify drop on target" "Right on target.Captain Lancer out" Chuck looked over at the 3 boxes that Fox and Merker were bringing over to thier main "camp," if you could call it that.Just a shady area with only a few fields of fire. It was the last of the supply drops they had recieved on their impromptu trip to Cali, the Marine Corps stronghold in the South American Theater ever since Bogota,Columbia's capital,had been largely taken over by Covenant troops.
It had been 3 days since they had been deep in the jungles of Columbia,with almost no real idea where the actually were.[later on,they would learn from operational maps and radio conversations that they were near the end of the Rio Guaviare river.]
In the 3 days since their dustoff Pelican had been "shot" down,they had proceeded to the west,where they found another Pelican that had been somehow raided and all of its contents,bodies,weapons,were gone.However,they were able to get a good radio signal to the HQ,based in the city of Cali,southwest of Bogota.Bogota had been largely taken over by Covenant troops.Then they were given orders to get to Cali,due west of them,ASAP. They had met no resistance,and had made a very good pace.However,they were expected to meet some Covenant troops on their final leg of the journey,so the supply drop had been called in.
"Ooooh.This one looks promising." Fox noted with a smile,pointing at a big box with the word "WEAPONS" stenciled on it.He opened it up."Looks like a new type of rifle.Three of them.It says on the case that they are called "Battle Rifle's." He passed them out to Merker and Chuck.
"No number.Weird" Merker noted.He took aim at a tree and fired."O,yeah.I could like this." He said with a grin.
"Must be experimental or something.O,and here's an M9 to replace that M7,Corporal." Fox threw the pistol to Merker,who gladly caught it and threw out his M7D pistol,which were notorious for its inaccuracy.Fox took out the fake bottom that had contained the 3 Battle Rifles and the M9,and uncovered more new weapons. "Hmmm...it says they are SMG's.More experimental stuff." He threw 2 each to Merker and Chuck.They came with thigh holsters,so all three soldier's strapped them on since it would allow them to carry the Battle Rifle sitll.
Merker raised an SMG to test fire it.
"Don't fire that one.It looks noisy.Might attract some unwanted attention." Chuck said quickly.Merker put the SMG back in its holster.
"O,and of course there is more ammo." Fox passed that out too.
The other 2 boxes contained medical supplies,food,maps and such.When they were all ready,Chuck had a Battle Rifle,2 SMG's,his M9D,and his Sniper Rifle.Fox had a Battle RIfle,2 SMG's,and had managed to somehow tie his Rocket Launcher and his Shotgun together so that with a flip of one gun the other could be brought up to fire,and Merker had a Battle Rifle,2 SMG's, his M9D,and his Assault Rifle.They set out for the beginning of a weeks worth of hiking due west over mountains to Cali.
* 4 days later.........*
"Stop! I hear something!" Fox,who was at point,said.
Chuck and Merker stopped and listened.They heard gunfire and plasma shots,and instantly ran towards the sounds. Fox was running at full speed and almost got cut in half by an Elite that was hiding in the vines. He raised his Shotgun and fired one blast into the Elites gut,dropping him. A contrail appeared from Chucks sniper and Fox turned around,to see an Elite,with its Plasma Sword about to strike and split him in half,bloody with half of its face gone. They ran on until they came to a small clearing,where a fiece battle between Marines and Covenant forces was going on below them,since they had come out on a small ledge.Fox saw a Hunter trying to charge up its cannon,and fired a rocket.This killed the Hunter,but also attracted attention toward them. Plasma filled the air around them as Fox readied and fired off a rocket into the main Covenant group,but by the time the rocket got there half the force had been killed by Chuck's and Merker's excellent marksmenship. Seeing that the battle was not going in their favor,the Covenant turned tail and ran,but not before sustaining more losses to Chuck's Sniper. The Marines in the clearing ran up to them. A Lieutenant stopped and saluted Chuck before speaking.
"Thanks man.You sure did save our asses back there!"
"Who are you?" Chuck asked.
"Lieutenant Jon Steele. Me and my recon squad were on patrol in this area looking for Covenant.Obviously,we found them. This was supposed to be our evac point,but the fight was underway and the ship had to pull back.Which reminds me." He pointed to a radio officer."Tommy.Call the dropship and tell them the LZ is clear.Anyway,I think we can take you back to Cali with us.That ok with you?"
"Yes." Now that he had time to study them,Chuck could see that not only were they a recon group,they were a poorely armed one.Each was equipped with only the MA2B Assault Rifle. They were lucky that he and the others had come along,even tho the fact they survived this long with little weapons was a testament to their training.
The Pelican arrived shortly,and all the Marines piled aboard. They were in Cali within 4 hours.Luckily for Chuck and his men,they were not to be debriefed until morning,so they had a night to sleep.
NOTE: Sorry about the crappy ending for Part 2.If I were to go any farther I would mess up the story unless I did almost another full part at once,