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And now all hell will break loose Part 1
Posted By: metallicafan<metallicafan84@hotmail.com>
Date: 30 August 2003, 3:07 AM
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Location: Somewhere in Columbia,South America. Date: August 17th,2552.
"Gotcha! You dumb Covenant bastard!" Captain Charles "Chuck" Lancer yelled out as he blew a hunter in half with his Sniper Rifle. Him and his squad had been fighting in the dense jungles of Columbia against the Covenant for what had seemed like years,but had only really been a few weeks. It had taken a toll on him and his men. The jungles were hot and VERY muggy,and the Covenant had ample hiding places for ambushes. However,Chuck's squad,part of the 101st Airborne, had picked up on their tactics, which is where this story starts. "Dropship!" a Marine yelled out. "O,Jesus Christ Almighty! What in the hell is that?!" Another shouted. The ship had the strange look of a mix of the Covenant's Bandit dropship,and a Banshee. It stopped in midair,and started spewing out Banshees at almost unimaginable rates. Chuck screamed into his radio. "We need air support NO....." The dropship suddenly blew up. "Already on it, Captain." Captain John Martez of the newly commissioned Black Day squadron butted in. "We'll mop up the rest. Those Banshees don't have a chance. A collective sigh of relief could be heard from the Marines. "Oh,yeah,almost forgot.There is a group of Pelicans off to your northeast.They're coming to pick you guys up. The top brass has decided just to nuke the damn place." "I see 'em!" "Alright men,gather up your shit,and prepare to hopefully get some R&R." The Pelicans landed,and the squad piled in. They took off,and the voice of the pilot of the main Pelican came over the intercom. "Ladies,Gentlemen,and Sergeant Martin,I would like to welcome you aboard Pelican group 55903,and would like to wish you a happy trip,cause my orders are to take you to South Africa after a short layover in D.C." All the Marines groaned. "Yea,yea,yea,shut up. The nuke should be arriving any second now...." His voice trailed off as a rumble and a flash of light came over them. They looked out the viewports,and saw a horrible sight. The entire jungle they had been in,including ground that was JUST under them,had been vaporized! "Holy shit......must be a new nuke.Damn powerful too then." Chuck said. "No shit Cap'n,I think your glowing!" A private said. "Uhh...you might want a look at this!" Captain Martez said,only a few feet behind the Pelican. Chuck went over to the rear viewports,and saw a horrific sight. A massive blue creature,easily 500 feet tall,was standing in the middle of the now fading mushroom cloud,roaring.It had a long,muscular body and tail,with a 3 fingered hand,all of its fingers ending in razor sharp claws,and a head with no nose or mouth. "Oh,now aint THIS just so damn predicable! Every damn time the Army does something new, shit like THIS springs up!" Staff Sergeant Zahn piped up. "Watch it,Zahn" Chuck rebuked."For all we know this could be what the Army unleashed!" "C'mon man,the top guys are dumb,but not THAT dumb!" "Awww hell I'm losing altitude!" The pilot yelled out.Looking at the viewports,Chuck could see that the other planes were falling too.Something must have happened. "Alright men,prepare for a crash landing.We're going throught trees." He purposely forgot to add "Don't forget to pray" The Pelican hit the trees,its weight literally bending some trees out of the way. "I see a clearing,I'm heading for it!" Chuck held on to the emergency restraints tighter as the Pelican continued dropping. The Pelican finally hit,its front end hitting first and getting totally decimated.Both pilots were chopped up and killed instantly. The main body of the craft didn't far much better.When the plane came to rest,the body was in 2 parts,one at the south edge of the clearing,and one at the north,with alot of debris between them. Chuck carefully unstrapped himself,stood up,and fell back down. "Broken leg" he thought,and hobbled over to the other Marines.Out of his original 7 other men,he only had 2 left,but had only 2 bodies to account for. The 2 Marines alive were Corporal Michael Merker,and Private First Class J.J. Fox. "oh man,wheres everybody man!?" Fox yelped upon seeing Chuck. "Calm down.I have no idea.They are probably dead tho.Any info on the other 2 groups and the fighters?" "Can't really say,Captain" Merker replied" I think I saw a Pelican go off to the west though." "Well,we'll have to go for that then.Get your weapons,max out on ammo and grenades.You have five." He set out to set words to action.Five minutes later,they were ready,with Chuck carrying the S2 AM Sniper,and the M9D Pistol,Fox carrying the M90 Shotgun and the M19 SLM Rocket Launcher,and Merker carrying MA5B Assault Rifle with the M7D Pistol,with a Plasma Rifle with a full charge. "Lets head out" Chuck said "Damn,I have a bad feeling about this!" Fox said. "Oh SHUT UP!" Merker replied.