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Fan Fiction

Posted By: MC's Cousin's Cousin<alsaif_9@yahoo.com>
Date: 30 May 2005, 3:36 PM

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Arthur's note:
Please tell me what to improve since I'm new n' all. Because I know I have a lot to improve=))

Day turns to night and night turns to day, history past into legend, legend past into myth and all that should have been remembered was forgotten;
For when history is forgotten it brings about death;
Hunger endless, hunger is only what they fell for fell they do little;
They have no face and no disgrace for what they do, for what they do is indeed death of another form;
They reproduce continuously, and without stop endlessly;
Arbiter to Demon will help in the extermination, of this infiltration and manifestation of death; Two is chosen in prophecy too take on this heresy;
One, known as demon, has above all great strength;
The other, arbiter who is a scholar of ancient yet corrupted history, though will learn the faults of his people's chosen destiny;
Truth will come to pass before the end and will save the world of the prophet's tyranny;
The chosen, will work together even though they hate each other, to the end of the empire of flood;
