THe Fall of the Covenant- Chapter 1
Posted By: MC117<becraft@comcast.net>
Date: 1 September 2003, 5:00 PM
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0600 Hours April 1, 2553(Military Calendar)/ UNSC Heavy Cruiser Washington en Route to Covenant Home World Captain Harrison sat in his chair on the bridge on the Heavy Cruiser Washington. His vessel was part of the Fifth Fleet. The fifth fleet was comprised on new Flight II UNSC warships. These vessels were the most advanced, most powerful ships built by human hands. Back engineered from captured Covanant technology. Outfitted with energy shields, plasma torpedoes, pulsating laser turrets, new reactors, artifical gravity, and MAC guns that fired a special plasma charged round at nearly 5 times the speed of previous MAC systems.
But even with such advanced technologies the Captain was still worried. The mission of the fifth fleet was to capture the Covanant home world and the so called "Prophets". There were so many unknowns on the mission. What was the stength of the enemy fleet in the system. What defenses were in place. The Task Force had 206 vessels at its disposal, but would it be enough.
"30 seconds to normal space!" said the operations officer.
Captain Harrison walked to the comm panel and picked up the mike. "General quarter, all hands to battle stations. Repeat all hand to battle stations"
The view screan clicked on as the Armada dropped out of Slipspace.
"Sensors full scan what are we up against."
The ops officer typed in a few commands and a few seconds latter he replied, " Detecting 6 dozen Covenant warships of various types, sir. Also detecting 8 orbital platforms in orbit, the apear to be weapons"
" Sir incoming transmision from Admiral Halsey."
The view screen came on and the Admiral appeared. "To all ships the fleet will split into three groups. Group 1 will engage the Covie fleet, while gruop 2 engages the obital defenses. Group 3 will imediatly begin landing operations. Halsey out"
Harrison looked at the screan and saw that the WASHINGTON was part of group 1. He began to rapidly give out orders. "Reactors to 100 percent come left onto course 331 mark 27. Charge shields and weapons."
The ship tilted and shuddered as its engines advanced to flank speed and settled on its new heading. 120 vessels were dedicated to engaging the Covie Fleet. The firing solutions came through from the flagship CAROLINA. Each Covenant ship had plasma torpedoes and MAC rounds from at least 2 UNSC vessels targeted at it. The Covenant had never seen Flight II vessels in combat yet and had no idea what the were up against. As the 2 fleets accelerated towards each other the Covenant fired there pulse lasers and launchered there Single ship fighters.
The Washington shuddered and the lights dimmed as she was hit by 2 volleys of pulse laser fire. The shields held at 57 percent.
" Weapons fire all laser turrets and take evasive action, prepare to fire plasma torpedoes and MAC guns. I want a solution that has the topedoes hitting just after the MAC rounds."
"Solution on line sir."
" FIRE!"
Just as the UNSC vessels fired there plasma the Covenant fired as well, the fleets began to scatter as the plasma from both sides passed each other in space.
"Approcing MAC solution sir"
"Fire when ready"said the captain.
The bridge lights dimmed and two wight flashes appear on the view screan as she fired her two main cannons.
The fleets plasma charged rounds slammed into the Covenant fleet taking down there shield and splashing plasma on there hull. Most of the covenant vessels shield were down and the plasma torpedoes impacted on there hulls. 3/4ths of the Covenant fleet were vaporized the rest sustained heavy damage. There was still the Covenants plasma to worrie about. IT was time to see how good these new shields were.
"Transfer all availiable power to shields." said Captain Harrison.
" Three seconds to impact." said the weapons officer.
Harrison braced himself in his chair. The ship shuddered and the lights dimmed, but after a few seconds they came back to full strenght. They survied. Some of the Smaller UNSC vessels did not however survive. There less powerful shields overloaded and the plasma vaporized to ships. 23 frigates and corvettes were destroyed or heavily damaged.
Harrison walkedover to the main tactical display and examined the entire fleets situation. Group 2 had take no losses while engaging the now destoryed orbital defenses. Group 3 had landed 12 marine Divisions that were now in the process of taking major cities and population centers. A wing of destroyers from group 1 was mopping up the rest of the Covie fleet. For once the Covenant had been caught with there pants down, not expecting a human attack this deep in there territory.
"Sir we are reciving new orders. the Admiral wants us to deliver the "Special Package" the comms officer said.
"Very well. You have the bridge. I going below decks to brief our friend."
Harrison walked on to the lift and took it down the bay A2. When the doors opened what he saw was an impressive sight. 30 Spartans fully dressesed in there Mark VI Mjolnir Battle armor. The captain walked over to one peticualy large Spartan and said. "Its good to see you again Master Chief. Well it looks like weve got the Covenant beat. Your mission is a go. We will execute a fly by orbit in 10 minutes to drop you and you team. Good luck."
"Thank you sir." said the MC. He saluted the captain. Harrison retured the salute and walked back onto the lift."
The MC turned to face his Spartans. They were younger than him, they were the second group of Spartans trained. They were still the best, and now they had a dangerous mission. To capture without harming the Prophets. He said to his team "You heard the captain. Max out on ammo and gernades, you have five."
"Yes sir!" they all said in unison.
Five minutes latter 30 heavily armed Spartans, yielding Battle rifles, SMG's, shotguns, and assult rifles boarded Pelican Gamma 32. The Pelican lifted off and exited the WASHINGTON. The chief looked out the window and saw that 300 addition UNSC vessels had arrived in system and were taking up defensive position. Navy enginners were already constructing Orbital guns to defend the plant. The MC thought to himself that if he and his team didn't complete this mission. ALL of this would be wasted.
The pelican initiated its decent burn and rocketed towards the planet....
PS: this is my first time please give me constructive criticium dont just say that it stunk give me a reason.