Posted By: Master_Chief189<andrw849@aol.com>
Date: 6 September 2003, 12:01 AM
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Chapter 3
1300 Hours September 15, 2552
"Master Chief we're here at Arcnine."said the pilot in the longsword.
Then the Master Chief stepped off the longsword and took a glace at the ship. It had the frame of the Pillar of Autumn, but it had five MAC cannons. They also said it is ten times as fast and it had a plasma shield.
"Cortana would like to be the ships A.I. I am Captian Ryan Sprowl" he said. " Yes sure but---" Then he interupted before Cortana could finish. "You will still go with the Master Chief on missions." "Ya sure!" she said with enthusiam. "I need to install you into the mainframe right now." "Okay Chief yank me." "You seem to be in a little in a rush." "I know but I being in here in a little small." Then the Master Chief gave Cortana to the Captian.
"Master Chief please follow me to your room." said a marine that was trying to tie his boots. "My name is Sergeant Kyle Elder. I will probaly be with you in most of your missions. Okay we're here. We are sharing this room." Then he stopped talking like he was expexting something or someone. "Sergeant Kyle Elder please report to the bridge immediatly." blasted the intercom. "I better see ya at the meeting at 0700 at the briefing room Sir." Kyle said.
Then the Master Chief went over and found a labtop and research what has happened while he was gone. It turns out that while he was gone major weapon improvements have been made like the pistol it can shot farther. Then he fell asleep.
Meanwhile on the bridge
"Hey Captian should I tell the Chief about project SPARTAN III." said the Sergeant. "Tell him when he wakes up. That includes you Cortana." the captian said. "Who me I wouldn't dare of telling him yet." she replied. "Be careful Sergeant." "Be careful why?" "Because you are telling him and you will be battle ready when you tell him."
"Master Chief wake up. Wait keep your eyes closed."said Kyle. "Why?" "Go to the armory." "Then when he opened his eyes he was gone." Then he walked into the hallway and asked a marine to give him directions to the armory and saw something he thought he would never see again another spartan. It looked exactly like him but his suit was black. "Sergeant?" "Yup." "Your a spartan?" "Ya I wanted to tell you but the captian stopped me. He was able to stop Cotana." he said jokingly "Master Chief we sould get to the briefing room." Then he left.
He left the armory and went to the briefing room. He rushed in and saw the Captian, Cortana's image, and Sergeant. "Master Chief please sit down. I know you probaly have alot of questions I will tell everything. Well it started when you went missing after the fall of Reach we started project SPARTAN III. The only thing different from you and him is just alittle bit more powerful. You will leave on a longsword to Halo right now so you three get prepared in the launch bay. Oh ya here is cortana." He gave Cortana to the Master Chief and then they went to the longsword. "Hello Master Chief welcome aboard." said the pilot with a russian accent. "Nice to see ya again Sergeant." the co-pilot said. "So Sergeant do you know where we are going?" said the Chief. "We are going directly to the Control room ." "Look you two remeber this is still called a fortress world so be careful just in case they have those flood." Cortana said. "Master Chief we're here." the pilot said. "Ready Sergeat." the Master Chief asked. "Ready as I will ever be." "Be careful it is going to be heavely guarded. I will pick you up at 2300 hours NO LATER." she warned them.
Then the spartans jumped off the longsword and went to the entrance of the structure. It looked very different from the one on the other Halo. It had a statue blocking the door. It had strange writing on it and it looked very similar to the brute. "Cortana can you decipher the writing?" The Sergeant asked. "It will take me a while before I can make a rough translation." she responded. "It looks like we don't have much time." the Master Chief said while watching five Banshees appear behind the hills a hundred meters behind them followed by fifty dropships. "Hurry hide!" the Chief said. Then both of them jumped behind the trees to the left. Suddenly the banshees fired at the statue continuesly until it crumbled into sand. The Sergeant took a peek into the stucture when the banshees went to escort the dropships. He came back in a rush. "Master Chief we need to get out of here!" he said in a scared voice. "Why?" "The structure is filled with Brutes!" "We have to go in there is now where else to go." "Okay but lets hurry before they hear the covenant ships, they are asleep." They sneaked into the sturucture and slowly rushed to the door to the left. Then one of the brutes slowly got up and saw the two and woke the others they barely got through the door alive. "Master Chief I have finally deciphered the insciption. The brutes are not Covenant they are forerunner." Cortana said.
Next: The brutes