Battlefield Earth: Mission One
Posted By: Master_Chief189<andrw849@aol.com>
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:46 PM
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0900 Hours September 14, 2552
Chapter 2
"Cortana?" The Master Chief asked. "Yes." she replied "What is the name of the ship we are going to?" "The 'Armageddon'." "Nice name." "Yup." "So what do we do when we get in there?" "Just sneak by 1,000 different covent." She said sarcastically.
"Master Chief were here." "How do we get in?" "The ship has a big hole in it from an earlier battle. Oh and we are gonna need to borrow a banshee."
"I know I am going to regret this but why do we need to borrow a banshee?" "Because in order to get in the ship we need them to lower their shields. To do that they need to fire...at the longsword."
Then the Master Chief jumped out of longsword and went to the hole in the ship. "Jump!" Cortana yelled. As the Master Chief got through just as the force field went down. Then the longsword blew up.
"Where do I go now?" "Take a left then the elevatorat the end of the hall." The Master Chief took a left and saw three jackels. He shot the light and took care of them on at a time.
"Hold on there is way to much activity around the corner. Place a remote grenade where the three jackels were. Now go to the room next to the elevator door and blow it."
Then the grenade blew and the Covenant went to check it out while the Master Chief sneaked by them to the elevator.While going up in the elevator he notice that it seems that they left all of the vents open.
Just as the elevator stopped he jumped into the vent under the floor. Then he went over to where a elite was guarding a door.
Then one grunt approched the elite.
"I need to talk to the prophet." The grunt yelled. "Why?" The Elite yelled back. "Because we have a intruder in the ship and he might be in the ventilation so I need him to approve something." "Fine but hurry he is in a bad mood." Then the Grunt entered the room and so did the Master Chief.
"Prophet?" "Yes?" "There is an intruder in the ship so I was wondering ifn I should send out the Brutes?" "Do you know anything about this intruder?" "He seems to be the one from 'The Fortress' and Halo." "Yes send them out now get out." Then the Grunt left. "I know you can probaly here me so you are the last surviver of Halo, The Pillar of Autumn and of your home planet." he said with a sinister smile.
That struck a nerve with the Chief. He was just about to come out of the vent to kill him when he got an order to stand down. "Who is this?" he yelled "This is Corneal Ky Kiami. I said stand down. I am coming to your level." Then the Master Chief went to check on the prophet whenhe noticed he was gone and the room was filled with this unknown Covenent. "That must be the brutes." Cortana said.
Then a slamming noise through the vent. And then he saw that the whole room was sealed off including the vents. "What do we do now?" Asked the Chief. "Get out the vent and fight them. NOW! Becaus they might have a gun that can blast through the door!" said Cortana. Then the Master chief got out of the vent and shot at them with a pistol and it had no effect at all. "Shot at them with the Heavy Machine Gun it is much more effective." said Corneal Ky. It toke him five minutes but he finally killed them. "Go to the control room I will meet you there." said the Corneal
The Master Chief got halfway there when he noticed that there was no Covenant. "Corneal are you there?" The Master Chief said over the radio. "Cortana where was he when he last radioed us." "He was in a lauch bay a floor below." Then a Grunt came a round the corner. "There he is!" said the grunt and five hunters came out and shot at him and made hole in the floor. He took care of them with three fragmention granades and four well placed bullets. Then he heard marines shouting from the floor below. "Hey look there is a spartan on the floor above." said a marine.
The Master Chief help them up and took care of five elites. "Master Chief lets hurry and take control of the ship. The prophet has already left so it should be easy." Ky said. The Master Chief got to the Control room with little resistance. Then the Corneal radioed into his 'superiors'. Then the Master Chief got the file and took care of the rest of the Covenant on the ship.
"Master Chief someone needs to talk to you follow me." Said a marine. "Hello Master Chief I am Captian Samantha Lensley. Thanks for helping to get control of the ship I was sent here to pilot the ship and get the encrypted file." The Captian said. "Master Chief I read the file and it is all about their tatical data, ship scamatics, and the coordinates to another Halo." Cortana said. "What!" "Excuse me but as you probaly know from Cortana they have found a second halo. We are sending you there and another ship simalar to the Pillar of Autumn it is called the Arcnine you will leave tommarow."
Next:Another Halo, Another Day