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Fan Fiction

Desert Brigade: Part 1 “Contact”
Posted By: Martin Cahill<MJCDragoon@aol.com>
Date: 18 September 2004, 10:49 PM

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He knew, though he couldn't actually feel it through the suit, that it was hot and dry. Hot and dry like everyday.
"Felix," said an ODST running up and saluting, "You're needed at the CP stat. Colonel Matthias wants to see you. Says it's important."
"Thank you, Sergeant Speirs," said Felix slightly unhigned by the way Speirs had used his real name, but then again Felix liked his real name, but people seemed to only address him so in extreme situations. He ran to the CP, which instead of being its usual quiet self, was abuzz with activity. Felix moved into the prefabricated building that was the CP. He took a seat at a bench in front of the Colonel's office where the Lt. Colonel was sitting looking over some documents Felix couldn't see. As he sat waiting for his turn in line he over heard some of the officers talking in anxious and scared tones...
"How many ships!?!"
"Are they gonna glass us!?!"
"Lord help us!"
"Lieutenant, the Colonel will see you now," said the Lt. Colonel barely looking up at all from his work.
Felix saluted as a ashened-faced Major exited the Colonel's office.
"Hello, Lieutenant, please have a seat," said the Colonel, who had the back of his chair facing the door.
"I'll stand, sir," said Felix gruffly.
"Suit yourself," said Matthias, who waved his hand and some holograph pictures appeared over his desk. Most showed the space surrounding space which he saw was now full of Covenant ships.
"These were taken this morning by one of our orbital satellites. There's a total of roughly thirty ships, but I suppose the most comforting fact comes from the knowledge that these guys are an invading force. I'm sure you recall yesterday what we found in those Forerunner ruins...I know that these Covies have come to collect. Or so our AI has been able to translate their transmission..."
"They want us to surrender the artifact and they will let us leave this system quietly...or we fight to the last man and hopefully our destress beacon will not go unheard..."
"Pardon me, sir, but I thought that goes against Cole Protocol-"
"To hell with protocol, I'm going to tell you something that cannot leave this room. The Covenant have found Earth," said the Colonel turning around in his chair and looking Felix in the eye, or as best he could through his lens.
There was silence as Felix contemplated this new information.
"So do you think the reinforcements will arrive, Colonel?"
"You know the answer to that question as well as i do," said the Colonel, still staring him straight in the eye.
"What do you propose we do, sir?" said Felix.
"The way I see it is they land their invasion forces amass as a whole, and we group up and they try bargaining one last time before the attack begins. That is the crucial time. When they start talking we need to be ready with enough snipers to take out most of their Elites. As soon as the first Elite hits the ground we charge their ranks opening fire with everything we have. Let's hope for our sake they don't bring armor support..."
"That sounds like suicide, sir," said the Spartan.
"I know what you're thinking, but remember what you've learned about history, think of Thermopylae, the Battle of the Bulge, the Alamo, and just about any other situation where the smaller force was dominate in battle; not because of their strength, but because of their wit," said the Colonel.
"Sir, two of those battles ended with the weaker force completely destroyed, no survivors," said Felix who remember back when he was being taught by an AI in a room full of the other Spartans who were then children.
"Well, I think you'd have fun trying to convince these Marines and ODSTs to run from a fight, especially, since if they did it would be our first ground battle lost," said Matthias, a grin spreading over his face.
"Understood, sir, fight to the last man. Do you want me to tell the men now or...?" said Felix inquizzitively.
"Might as well tell them now Captain," said Matthias saluting and handing Felix a small box, which he opened and did indeed contain a Captain's insignia.
"Sir, yes sir," said Felix returning the salute.
"Also, tell them they will be briefed more fully on this matter and 1530 hours," said the Colonel as an after thought.
"Yes, sir, understood," said Felix.
