End of the Forerunner // Chapter 2
Posted By: MarcusP<Darth_Shroomy@hotmail.com>
Date: 3 January 2004, 12:54 PM
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Dimernil opened his eyes slowly, to a blinding light. It felt like ice had been thrown into his lungs. He started to shiver. He looked at the room in front of him, staying as still as he could. The whole room was white with only one black, light absorbing, window. He sat up and raised himself onto the balls of his feet. Dimernil then twisted to look down at the strange shaped bed in which he had slept. A dreamless sleep, nothing but cold black memories. Memories seeped back into his head slowly. Dimernil could not remember anything of his life. He could remember escorting a group of scientists out of a ship onto a planet, and that was his most recent memory.
He launched himself, like a cat on its prey, out of the bed and onto the floor. He then crawled on all fours up to the window. Dimernil then pushed his pointed ear to the wall. There was no sound on the other side.
"Dimernil good to see the D.N.A reconstruction went well." Dimernil spun and looked back at the bed. He saw three older men sitting at a curved control consul made of all glass a few meters behind it.
"Ahh yes you are a bit behind with what has happened. Do not worry all will be explained when you sit back..." The doctor was interrupted by a man running in through a door behind them.
"The other ship from the scientist convoy has been located." The young man said.
"Where is it?" Asked another Doctor on the left.
"In the grounds outside the temple." The Doctors turned to each other and whispered between themselves. Dimernil stood up and looked at his hands, his gaze then followed his arms to his white robe.
"Something does not feel right." He murmured. The first Doctor snapped his gaze on his patient.
"What did you say?" He inquired.
"Something is not right. I feel healthier than I ever have before, I also feel younger." Dimernil was only 234 years old, which considering the Forerunner lived at least to 500 years old, this was still young.
"Scan him." Said the first doctor. The Doctor on his right taped the glass screen in front of him.
"He is right sir he is different. He seems to have a strange new gene inside him." The doctor informed.
"But where did it come from? It can't have been our equipment, it does not make mistakes." The Doctor puzzled. Dimernil walked over to the panel and looked at the new information in his gene structure. Suddenly a high pitched whine came from no where and calm female voice announced.
"Please make your way to the nearest docking bay, there is an attack in progress on the colony." All of the Doctors jumped up and ran out of the room as if the room was on fire. Dimernil calmly walked out of the room and into an ornate grey corridor. He thrust out a hand and grabbed, with an iron grip, a man as he ran past.
"Where is the armory? I need clothes and weapons." He asked in a collected voice.
"Down the hall and take a right." The man then wrenched his arm free and carried on his path. Dimernil walked down the corridor and took a right as he was told. There was a creature outside the armory door, it was slowly making its way forward dragging one long tentacle arm along the ground. Dimernil lopped his head to one side and frowned, he recognized the creature's distorted face.
"Dara?" He asked. The creature faced him for the first time. It had no eyes, but brown skin covered the sockets and its jaw hung open, dripping with a green substance. The creature was hunched over and its arms hung limply at its side. Dimernil could see some of its internal organs where there was no skin covering them. It raised its right arm which was fused to a weapon that Dimernil defiantly recognized. Two pure white charges ripped through Dimernil's chest as if he was not really there. He then fell to the floor with a sickening thud. The creature then slid over to him as his blood made a small pool for him to drown in. The creature bent down and a small creature bust out of a whole in its stomach. The small creature floated over to Dimernil's injury with some gurgling noises. It then tried to attach itself onto his wound, but it pulled away quickly as one of its tentacles crumbled. Dimernil's vision slowly blurred then cut out.