End of the Forerunner // Chapter1
Posted By: MarcusP
Date: 1 January 2004, 2:43 PM
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Maegnar was on his way to the High Inquisitors office to discuss recent events. He was wearing a maroon ceremonial gown, with a cream and black pattern trim. His long dark hair was pulled to the back at the sides in a plat. He hated meeting with the High Inquisitor he always made him feel guilty about something that he had not done, yet. Maegnar stood outside the large old door and ran his hands over his hair and pointed ears, which both came up into a large point over the back of his head. He then pressed a button on the glass panel and walked in.
"Ah Maegnarion, I trust you are well? Please take a seat." a graying man wearing a black metal crown with several spikes on it sat at a crescent moon desk. He had a dark green robe on and was fiddling with piece of glass, which was usually used as a memory stick.
"Yes my Lord I am well." Maegnar slipped into a seat.
"Well Maegnar I have not called you here for a friendly chat. Why did you refuse to carry out any more research on the Prophets?" The graying man asked in a concerned tone. Maegnar ran his hand over his metal blade under his robes. It was cold to the touch, like its use, and as smooth as glass. Maegnar shifted in his seat making sure he was in stabbing distance.
"You know perfectly well why I refused Xin." He said calmly.
"That's Lord Xintarc to you Maegnarion, and what do you mean I know." The High Inquisitor was starting to sweat and twitched uneasily.
"I was on your database about a week ago, making sure the archives were up to date." Maegnar started.
"You found the file about the Prophet's deal?" The Old man said while shrinking even more.
"You know they now have some of our technology?" Xin asked.
"Yes" Maegnar replied even more calmly than before.
"So you also know they wish to enslave some other planets and convert them to their ideals?"
"Now that was something I did not understand." Maegnar ran his finger up the back of his blade feeling the tooth like grooves. He did not like killing, but he did have the training for it, and was always chosen by the High council to sort out the corrupts.
"They want power you see. And they said I would get some to, you see. And, and, and...You could help us. Help us gain control.." the old man gibbered.
"I don't think so Xin. If you noticed we, the forerunner, are watching other races develop not giving them huge advances in technology. The Prophets will be watched more closely for a while now. As for you I wish you a happy life." Maegnar stood up and thrust an empty hand towards the crumbled man. He stood up in turn and took his hand. Immediately he felt a sharp pain in his rids as Maegnar thrust out his other hand.
"You You said have a nice life?" The Inquisitor questioned as blood slowly trickled down his chin.
"Oh did I. Sorry I meant I hope you had a nice life." Maegnar pulled out his knife and the man slumped backwards into his chair, Maegnar turned and calmly walked out of the door.
There were several armored troops waiting in the corridor outside the office.
"You may take him away now; he should not be any trouble." Maegnar ordered.
"Yes sir."
Meagnar walked down to the gardens outside the council temple. He found an empty bench and lowered himself into it. He then let himself relax with a large sigh and pulled out his knife. He cleaned it on the grass leaving a black stain. He then closed his eyes and let his head drop backwards.
"Lovely day." An angelic voice commented to him.
"It is not as beautiful as you." He said without opening his eyes. A woman clad in the same robes and Maegnar sat down next to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist. She had long brown hair, and the lightest blue eyes.
"How are the Humans?" She asked.
"They are doing well, isn't it amazing that we can watch their development?"
"Yes, I could sit and watch you for longer though." At this Maegnar opened his eyes and smiled.
"What is to become of the Prophets?" She asked.
"Full of questions, why so today Lilaon?" Maegnar inquired.
"Well it occurred to me that...What is that sound?" Lilaon stood up and looked around worriedly. Maegnar stood up and looked towards the sky. There was a scientific space jumper floating above the temple.
"It does not look right Maegnar, there are things hanging from it." She was right the ship did not look right. The ship was covered in what seemed to be a plant. There tentacles hanging from the ship with spikes on them.
"What the Zicarn is that? The whole ship is throbbing, it looks alive." Maegnar exclaimed.
"Ships are metal they cannot be alive, can they." As this was said the ship slowly descended into the gardens. Many forerunner walked towards the landing ship in amazment.
"Let us go see Maegnar." Lilaon murmered while taking her first step. She felt Maegnar's hand slip into hers it was cold but sweaty. He turned her around. "We have to go this does not feel right."
"But Maegnar this could be the most amazing thing ever. A living plant ship!" Lilaon exclaimed.
"No its not a plant. It's like a, well I don't know but we have to go to the council. This does not feel safe." As he said this the ship landed and there was a faint sound of gurgling. Maegnar pulled Lilaon up the stairs to the front doors of the temple. As he reached the door he stopped and looked back at the ship. The door had still not opened he had time. Maegnar pulled Lilaon down the huge ornate corridors passing many people running to see what was in the gardens. He slammed his way into the council's room and all twenty faces looked relieved to see him.
"Ah Maegnar we are glad to see you."
"What is that thing out there?" Maegnar got straight to the point.
"It gave us the right code whatever it is." A female Senator said.
"It seems harmless." Said another. Maegner walked over to a huge clear window, and looked down at the ship.
"It worrys me. I mean we have never seen this specie before; we are the watchers..."
"So?" Asked the female Senator.
"So we should know what this is. Shouldn't we? It's opening." Maegnar whispered.