Tides of War
Posted By: Mainevent<billygoat359@netscape.net>
Date: 10 October 2003, 12:46 AM
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Falling Never landing Can't touch the ground
Flailing futilly Grasping for anything Something to stop me
My greatest fear I'm not in control Powerless
Without power I am nothing My existence useless Not even an essence
They kill recklessly With abandon and hopeless disregard Who am I to stave them
I am one man One gun One piece of sand on the beach
How much can a piece of sand do in the ocean What can it change What can it do
It can neither kill the smallest fish Nor the largest whale But it can do something
Sand bound together Glass or pearls Objects of use
We must band together To become the glass The pearl
To become a single united being Strong and beautiful Unchallenged in beauty and strength
A shell of titanium A furnace of lead A necklace of death
We are the sands Washed and abused by the tides But in our perfect form, we are invincible