Posted By: Mainevent<billygoat359@netscape.net>
Date: 1 October 2003, 2:31 AM
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Will I be forgiven In heaven For the things I've done
Will I be forgiven For the things I've seen
Will I be forgiven For the lives I've taken
Will I be forgiven For saving myself
I have murdered I have stolen I have pillaged And I have plundered
But I have also prayed
So then am I forgiven For the thing's I've wrought The pain I've brought And the fear I've sought
Is it bad enough That I got a strange pleasure from their deaths Watching them choak and take their last breaths Clawing and scratching to get away from me
If I am unforgiven For the things I've done Then so be it
I'll live as such Steal as much And bring my fatal touch to all that oppose me
Because I am unforgiven And that makes me the most dangerous person in the universe
An eternity in hell for what I've done Seems reasonable in the aftermath After seeing my wrath Hands soaked from a blood bath
It saddens me though That no amount of repenting No prayer or other form of divine forgiveness Can save me from my sins Because I am unforgiven
Then so be it If I am unforgiven Then I'll have to do my best To save the ones that are
Then perhaps Humanity will have a chance To win this war And I can finally be forgiven