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Sarges Platoon, Chapter 4: The Flood
Posted By: Bobby Lucas<Seawolf18509@yahoo.com>
Date: 31 January 2003, 3:32 am
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SECTION 1: 343 Guilty spark LOCATION: HALO TIME: UNKNOWN "...reclaimer...not too long ago we sent 100 children to your colonies. We hoped that they would grow up, and stop the spread of human colonies...but most of them were abducted by your military, and changed...you call them Spartans...and at least one of them is back here on Halo." Tony was staring at the figure, too shocked to move. The story kept playing over and over in his head. He tried to put it together with anything in human history. He found nothing. But he barely noticed that it was continuing its story... "The race you know as the covenant prospered. Eventually an uprising occurred, and the victor made them all believe what they did. They made them destroy any trace of the forerunner...which is why they want to destroy the human race...Guilty Spark!" Just then a brilliant orange light lit up the area, and a small round figure came out of the center of it. It gave off a blue light. "Yes?" It had a British accent. He remembered that it was the same voice that the thing was talking to earlier. "This man knows too much...Get rid of him." "Of Course" Then, an orange light surrounded the hooded figure and it disappeared. The orange light appeared again, and 3 things appeared. They looked like yellow-green blobs. They hurried toward Tony. He shook off his shock and pulled out his Combat Knife, and when one jumped at him, he stabbed it and it popped. Then he felt a tremendous pain in his leg. The remaining two were eating his left leg. He stabbed one, and it exploded, but the second one jumped, and started digging into his chest. He fell down, and the last thing he saw was his knife on the ground next to him, and everything getting darker... SECTION 2: Wake-up call LOCATION: CAMPSITE / HALO TIME: 1245 HOURS SEPTEMBER 2, 2552 (Military Calendar) "Uhh...What happened?" Tony got up and stood up. He was completely undamaged. His left arm was oddly metallic and there was no damage to his leg, or his chest. "You okay?" asked someone. "Uhh...I'm...I'm fine." "You sure?' "Yeah..." "I didn't think you'd make it. We used an experimental robot arm replace the one you lost...the disorientation from the drugs should pass in a few minutes." Tony looked at his titanium hand. He wondered how he was still alive. "Uhh...What happened to those things?" "What things?" "Those things that were eating my guts out..." "...Okay...You must've been dreaming or somethin'." "Sure as hell didn't feel like any dream I had..." "Maybe you thought you smelled them." "Whatever. I'm not gonna sit here and debate this with you...By the way, what's your name?" "Private Matt, and you?" No sooner than he had said that, that Sarge came over and said, "Hey! That was one hell of show. Not everyone gets half their body melted off, and lives to talk about it!" "Half?" said Tony. "Yeah," said Matt, "the plasma ate through your left lung, and kidney, and part of your stomach." Then Sarge said calmly "Look. You're the most experienced in this squad. I need a Corporal. You're it." "Yes sir!" Tony has been in the UNSC for 10 years, and was a veteran of Sigma Octanus, and Reach. As far as he was concerned, he deserved it. "You are one lucky son of a bitch" said Jenkins. "All right! All members of Fire Team Charlie, and November to the dropships, double time!" yelled Sarge. "Sir, what's goin' on?" said Tony to Sarge as he ran to the Pelican. "Captain wants us to look for something in a Swamp. You'll be briefed in the dropship." SECTION 3: The Swamp LOCATION: SWAMP / HALO TIME: 1310 HOURS SEPTEMBER 2, 2552 (Military Calendar) Heavy metal music filled the pelican. "God. Were not even in the same ship and he makes us listen to this shit." Said Tony. "You said it!" said Matt "Everyone listen up!" yelled Sarge over the speakers. "You're going to be inserted a click north of us! We will meet you at Rally point Bravo when the package is secure!" "Aye sir!" Tony said. The Pelican accelerated ahead of the second one, and disappeared in the mist. "Sir! What's out mission?" Private Tom Said to Tony " We're going to keep a path clear from the structure's entrance to the LZ. Any of those mother-fucking bitches show up, kill 'em" "Oh..." said Tom, disappointed. He wanted to see real action. There were 5 people total in the pelican. Pvt. Matt, Pvt. Tom, Pvt. Dave, Pvt. Jason, and Tony. The Pelican slowed down, and began it's decent. "Heads-up! LZ looks pretty hot...touchdown." "Move, move, move!" shouted Tony. Almost Immediately gunfire broke out, 5 grunts, and 2 jackals. But they retreated in no time. "Yeah! You better run!" shouted Matt "No...It's too easy" said Tony quietly. "It's not easy, they just never expected the best squad of marines in the corps." "Something scared them...and it wasn't us..." "...maybe they're setting us up." Said Jason "Right, OK! Stick together. Fall in, and prepare to move!" LOCATION: ENTRANCE TO SECRET FORERUNNER LAB TIME: 1527 HOURS SEPTEMBER 2, 2552 (Military Calendar) They found the entrance of a structure of some kind. "Okay! This is it! Everyone, take defensive positions. Then Tony opened a COM channel to Sarge. "Sir! We are at rally point Bravo, awaiting orders." "Corporal. We need you, and your team down here, on the double." "Yes sir!" Tony closed the COM link. Alright stick together! We're goin' in...and we don't know what's down there. "Yes sir." They walked into the cave-like structure. They approached an elevator. "Matt, throw the switch." He pressed a button on the holo-panel, and immediately they went down, about 100 meters, and went through a series of hallways. "Okay..." They walked into a room full of marines. "Sargent, sir. You asked us to come here?" "What do you make of that?" He pointed at a blue elite with its chest torn opened and the insides were thrashed. "I don't know sir. It looks like something was in it." Then Jenkins and Mendoza approached the elite. "What do you think that is?" asked Sarge "It...looks like something...ate it, or...something...which is weird, right? I mean... look at it. Something... scrambled the insides." Replied Mendoza. "What's that, plasma scoring?" asked Sarge "Yeah...Maybe there was an accident. You know, friendly fire or something?" Then Keyes walked in. "What do we have, Sergeant?" "Looks like a Covenant patrol. Badass elite units, all KIA. "Real pretty. Friend of yours?" Keyes said looking at the dead carcass. "No, we just met" said, Mendoza "Okay. We found a door, but it's locked pretty good. Get the squad down there. I want to see what those covenant bastards were up to." "You heard the Captain!" At that the squad followed Keyed out of the room. "You can go back to your positions. "Yes sir." SECTION 4: Death of Fire-Team Charlie LOCATION: ENTRANCE TO SECRET FORERUNNER LAB TIME: 1532 HOURS SEPTEMBER 2, 2552 (Military Calendar) Tony, and his squad waited in the dark, cramped tunnel. Then they heard a sound. It sounded like bugs, a lot of them. "SIR! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK...BUT IT ISN'T COVENANT!!!" shouted Tom "GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!!!!!" Howled Matt Tony ran to the entrance of the structure. He saw millions of those tiny aliens he saw in his dream, pouring from the outside. They were attacking his squadmates. Tony opened a COM link to Sarge, while shooting at the creatures. "Captain, Sarge... can you hear me?!" "What's going on, soldier?" said Sarge over the COM Channel. "We've got contacts...lots of them...but they're not covenant...they're just tearing through us...what the?...NO!!!" An alien attached itself to his right arm, and was about to rip it off. "Eat this, fucker!" he whipped out his pistol, and shot it, killing it, but the bullet broke bone also, but he suppressed his screams. He took a SPNKr rocket launcher, and shot into the center of the swarm, and a chain-reaction destroyed all of them. "Can anyone hear me?!" "Yeah..." said a bleeding Dave. "Thank god...you okay? You look horrible." "Look who's talkin'!" Dave mumbled, staring at his arm. "Hold on..." Tony opened a COM Channel to First squad. "Sarge, You there? Sarge? Captain?! ANYONE?!?! DO YOU COPY?! Damn!!!" He changed the frequency. "This is Fire-team Charlie, to all UNSC Forces, does anyone copy? Over. Repeat: This is Fire-team Charlie to ANY UNSC Forces, does anyone copy? Over. Shit... Okay Dave, sit tight." "Okay..." He was slowly bleeding to death. "Anyone else here?" Anyone at all?" "Help..." replied a gurgling voice. "Matt? Is that you? Jesus..." His leg was missing, and his intestines were hanging out. "...Just...Just...e...end it..." Tony was about to take out some biofoam, when Matt replied, "No...Nothing...Just let me die..." "Do it," Said Dave. "He doesn't deserve this..." Tony raised his rifle at Matt's head, and pulled the trigger... "This is Fire-team Delta, Fire-team Charlie, come in!" SECTION 5: Escape! LOCATION: ENTRANCE TO SECRET FORERUNNER LAB TIME: 2400 HOURS SEPTEMBER 2, 2552 (Military Calendar) It was almost 12 hours since they had any contact other than Fire-team Delta. They were all camped in the cave. Tony was trying to sleep inside, while 5 others stood guard. "HEADS UP SOMETHING'S COMING!!!" Tony jumped up and grabbed his rifle. "THE ELEVATOR!!!" The rest of the squad assembled at the elevator. They were scared out of their minds at the sound of Foe Hammer. "This is Echo 419. Chief, is that you? I lost your signal when you disappeared inside the structure. What's going on down there? I'm tracking movement all over the place!" Then they almost fainted when a Spartan showed up on the elevator. Almost none of them had ever seen a Spartan in a full suit of MJOLNIR armor. The Haunting green tint of the armor made him look almost inhuman. "I thought there were Spartans with us!" whispered Dave Tony briefed John on the situation. "Sir! Thank God you're here! We've been lost out here for hours. After we lost contact with the rest of the mission, we headed for the RV point, and then these-these. these things... they ambushed us. We've gotta get out of here!" Then Foe Hammer Told them where to get picked up. "There's a large tower a few hundred meters from your current position. Find a way above the fog and foliage canopy and I can move in and pick you up." They followed the Chief out of the structure. "Shit! Here they come!!!" A swarm of the little creatures swarmed over the hill. Tony opened fire, and the other did the same. "What is that?!" There were several huge figures running toward them. They looked like mutated humans. "I don't feel like finding out, shoot them!" AHH!!! GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!!!" Screamed one of the Marines. A creature was digging into him. "Damn..."said Tony , after examining the body of a mutant. "They change you somehow...they make you into these...things...YOU RAT BASTARDS!!!" Tony switched into full-auto, and unloaded into the swarming masses. They eventually found the tower, and a group of hovering machines came into view, and began using some kind of lasers on the aliens. By now only Tony, Dave, The Chief, and two other marines were left. Then the chief disappeared in an orange light, up to the tower. "What the hell? Where'd he go?!" "Hell if I know." "Chief, I've lost your signal! Where'd you go? Chief? Chief!" Yelled Foe Hammer. "He just vanished!" "What?" "I'll explain later...we can't get up the tower." "Damn! Stand back, I'm going to use missiles to clear an LZ." An explosion rocked the swamp, Then the drop-ship lowered, onto the ground... TO BE CONTINUED...