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Sarges Platoon, Chapter 3: Heaven, Hell, and all that's in between
Posted By: Bobby Lucas<Seawolf18509@yahoo.com>
Date: 10 January 2003, 4:01 am
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SECTION 1: Medic
LOCATION: PILLAR OF AUTUMN CRASH SITE TIME: 0945 HOURS SEPTEMBER 1, 2552 (Military Calendar) Chris was thrown across the hall. He felt a very sharp pain in his back. In about 30 seconds the ship stopped. Chris couldn't breathe. The dust kicked up by the ship was so thick, he couldn't even see. It burned his eyes, and his wounds. He started to cough up blood. He was choking from all the dust. Then he felt something run into him, then put an air mask on him. In a few seconds he felt the cool air entering his lungs. In a minute he felt better and stood up. His still couldn't open his eyes. "Stay down! You got a bad piece of shrapnel in your back." So he laid down on the floor. It was strange, he barely even felt it anymore. He felt something pull out from his back, and a wave of pain. "SHIT!!! FUCK!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!" Chris said in agony. "See for yourself!" Said the voice. Chris opened his eyes. The dust was starting to settle, but he still couldn't see farther than six feet. He looked down, still in pain, and saw a chunk of metal covered in blood. It was almost bigger than his fist. Then the person said "Let me fix you up, we'll be in some serious shit in a few minutes, and we'll need all the help we can get." "Thanks..." he said. "This is gonna' hurt! Bite down on this!" He handed him a piece of a black tissue. He bit down on it. "1...2...3!!!"
SECTION 2: Dead?
LOCATION: ABANDONED RING-WORLD / UNKNOWN STAR SYSTEM TIME: 0945 HOURS SEPTEMBER 1, 2552 (Military Calendar) The warthog stopped and Tony got out. It looked like there was a rockslide recently. The covenant was engaging the Marines on top of the hill. Then he opened fire. The covenant were surprised by the attack, but they quickly recovered, and began to fight back. They had good cover from the boulders, but that didn't help much, because they had good aim. One bolt hit his rifle, and it turned white-hot, and meted. He quickly pulled out his pistol, and continued to shoot. He looked around. He decided to run to the next boulder, 7 feet ahead of him. He started to run. He felt the hot plasma nearly missing him. Then a Grunt came out from behind the rock, and shot an overcharged plasma bolt at Tony. It hit him in his left shoulder, and he watched in horror as his arm melted off of him. "SHIT!!! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" He aimed his pistol, and shot it in its face. It fell on the ground, blood oozing out of the bullet hole. Tony picked himself up, and leaned against a wall. He tried to stop the blood flowing from his shoulder, but all he managed to do was make the pain worse. Then Foe Hammer came over the radio. "Echo 419 to Cortana, come in" "We read you, Echo 419. We have survivors and need immediate dust-off. " "Roger, Cortana. On my way. I've spotted additional lifeboats in your area. One near the cliff edge. And another near the head of the river. Hard to see from my altitude, but it looks like there are more survivors." "Acknowledged. We're on our way." Tony walked over to the Pelican, got in, and passed out.
SECTION 3: Chris Dies
LOCATION: PILLAR OF AUTUMN CRASH SITE TIME: 0950 HOURS SEPTEMBER 1, 2552 (Military Calendar) Chris was in agony. The medic was pulling out shards of metal from his back. He was lucky it didn't hit his spine. The pain was so enormous, his screaming could be heard through the cloth. "Ok, that's it. You should be fine." Just then, a huge blast rocked the ship. Chris knew the covenant was returning. He got up, and pulled out his Assault Rifle. He saw fighting down the hall. He aimed his rifle, but he was still weak. He couldn't aim straight. Then a huge explosion sent him flying. He hit the wall, and slid to the ground. A Yellow Sword Elite walked up to him. Chris reached for his pistol, but it was missing. It had fallen out during the crash. "Fuck you..."and he spit in its face. The elite, raised his sword, and drove it into him...
SECTION 4: The Forerunner
LOCATION: UNKNOWN TIME: UNKNOWN - CLOSE TO MIDNIGHT "Sir, I did not know... I'm terribly sorry." "There's no excuse for what you were about to do..." "Yes, but the flood-" "-You're only concern is to contain an outbreak, not help with the destruction of another race!" "It's only a matter of time..." "That's why we built Halo, to study and contain the flood, If there is another- "-If there's another outbreak, there will be far worse casualties!" "Listen Guilty Spark, there will be another outbreak eventually. We cannot stop it, until we find a way to destroy... "...What is wrong?" "Take the sentinels back to the lab." "But..." "DO IT!" "Yes..." Tony wondered what just happened, but he didn't have much time to think when he was pulled up by... something. He looked up, and he saw a hooded figure. It looked human. "You heard everything?" Tony didn't know what to say. It reached out, and Tony felt the thought of what he just experienced being pulled out of him. "...I guess I can tell you, now that you know this much... In two days, we will all be dead......eons ago a race known as the forerunner came into being. They were extremely advanced. Within 300,000 of your years, they developed a way to travel faster than light. They spread to the farthest reaches of the galaxy...then came that day. They were exploring a new planet, when they uncovered a horrible species, known as the flood. It spread like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path. They learned to pilot the forerunner spacecraft, and their once great empire, was reduced to one final stronghold: Halo. During the outbreak, the forerunner built this ring. It is designed to vaporize the food supply of the flood: every life form in the galaxy. It was the only way they knew how to kill the flood, the ring was completely ineffective against them. However, to save themselves, the ring would not harm anything on it. They fired the main weapon, but the flood landed on the ring. All looked lost, except, that the flood fell into hibernation. Much of the flood died out since then, but there are still planets out there with them on it. It will not be long before they find a way off the planets, and destroy the universe. Eventually the forerunner evolved into the covenant species, you know as Elites. Some of the Elites evolved into what you call Hunters. The forerunner that remained unchanged tried to improve on halo's mechanism, so that it will only destroy the flood, not everything else. After many years, they started dying out. The only option to survive was to restart themselves as a new race, only that they will not get so advanced, so fast, and unleash another outbreak. They...you...call yourselves humans..." Tony just stood there with his jaw dropped. The thing waited for Tony's shock to pass. After several minutes it continued, "Only 5 of the original forerunner still exist, myself included...We are so close to finding a way to kill them, we can't die before we find that technology. Although we have an advanced AI working in the labs, and it will eventually be found, it cannot activate Halo on its own. Only reclaimer can do that..." Tony couldn't speak. He just stood there...shocked... TO BE CONTINUED...