Sarges Platoon (Chapter 2)
Posted By: Bobby Lucas<Seawolf18509@yahoo.com>
Date: 28 November 2002, 8:29 pm
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LOCATION: ABANDONED RING-WORLD / UNKNOWN STAR SYSTEM TIME: 0930 HOURS SEPTEMBER 1, 2552 (Military Calendar) CHAPTER 2: Ship-Wrecked SECTION 1: Impossible odds The pod had stopped. Everyone seemed okay, except a few who died instantly, including the pilot. The door opened. The Sergeant got out first, and gave an all-clear sign. Everyone stepped out. And looked around, but before they could survey their surroundings the Sergeant shouted "Take cover, dropship inbound!" They all ran for cover but it was too late, the aliens got out and started shooting at everyone. Luke pulled out his Assault rifle and started shooting at anything he could. Many of the Techs fled into the tower and tried to shoot them from there. They were greatly out-matched. He tried to drown out the screams of the people who were hit. He knew he was done for. Then all of a sudden, it seemed like an angel has just waved her arms and destroyed half of their army. Then he looked, the Master Chief was standing there, just shooting at a red elite. He elite fell immediately, and blood stained the ground. That was the last of them. "Heads up! I got a covenant drop ship headin' in, over here!" yelled Luke. The laser from the dropship took aim at several people, killing them, or fatally burning them. Most of the people were near the landing site. As the sides opened, they all opened fire. There were too many and most of the marines retreated into the structure. Those who didn't, got killed. Except the Master Chief. He killed them easily. Blood stained the battlefield. Bodies were scattered everywhere. Then another dropship came in.
SECTION 2: Crash landing
LOCATION: UNSC HALCYON-CLASS CRUISER: PILLAR OF AUTUMN / UNKNOWN STAR SYSTEM TIME: 0940 HOURS SEPTEMBER 1, 2552 (Military Calendar) Chris was engaging several grunts, smearing their blood all over the walls. When they fell, he went down the hall to join a fight down the hall. For some reason, less covenant has been showing up. Most of the halls have blood smeared all over them. After a battle you couldn't tell weather the blood was from the alien they had just killed or from the body right next to it or anything. Chris was determined to kill, and get revenge for his brothers. But after he saw a red elite retreating back into a boarding pod, he knew the ship was going to crash. With no covenant to kill, he just waited, waited for death. "All hands, brace yourselves for impact!" screamed Keyes over the intercom. Chris ducked into a corner and shielded himself in case a piece of flying debris hit him. As the ship began shaking he thought, "Was there ever a way to save them?" The ship shook violently now. The rifles were flying up and down. The Autumn was now just a few miles above the desert plateau, and was falling at a tremendous speed...
SECTION 3: Fallen comrades
LOCATION: ABANDONED RING-WORLD / UNKNOWN STAR SYSTEM TIME: 0945 HOURS SEPTEMBER 1, 2552 (Military Calendar) "Uh oh, another bandit droppin' in behind us! They're tryin' to flank us!" The battle raged of for at least five minutes. Only a few remained; Private Luke Walsh, Private Tony Notarianni, Private Tim Maloney, The Sergeant, and the Master Chief. The fighting continued. The Master Chief was right there, while the rest of the marines were attacking from above. The marines were still fighting off, what seemed to be the forth wave, as the fifth dropship unloaded. Then everything went into slow motion, Luke watched as 5 needler rounds inched towards him. There was no time to react. What was only a few seconds seemed like hours. Then the needles hit, two in his chest, one in his neck, one in his forehead, and one in his leg. The explosions blew his head clear off his shoulders, spraying his blood everywhere. "SON OF A BITCH!!!" Tony said to himself. Then he picked up a plasma grenade and hurled it at the grunt with the needler; it stuck to its face. "GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!! WAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Screamed the grunt. Before it died, it ran to the elite for help and the grenade killed both of them, but the chief was in the blast radius, completely depleting his shield, but the covenant was completely destroyed, so it could recharge. "This is Pelican Echo 419. Anybody readin' me? Repeat. Any UNSC personnel respond." "Roger, Echo 419. This is Fire Team Charlie. We read you 5-by-5. That you, Foe Hammer?" "Roger, Fire Team Charlie. Good to hear from ya." "If you're not too busy, Foe Hammer, we could use a lift. We have survivors to transport to the command shuttle." Then surprisingly Cortana came over the radio "Foe Hammer, we need you to disengage your Warthog. The Master Chief and I are going to see if we can save some soldiers." "Roger, Cortana. Okay, Charlie Team, Warthog deployed. Saddle up and give 'em hell!" "Roger, Foe Hammer. Stand by to evac survivors and transport them to safety." Said Cortana "That's affirmative. Echo 419 staying on station. Foe Hammer out. "The Master Chief and I need some backup, can you spare a few men?" "All right, volunteers step up!" Yelled Sarge. SECTION 4: Through Hell and back! As the warthog pulled away Tony kept thinking "I have to be goin' nuts!" The warthog drove down a steep hill and into a cave. After about a minute, they drove into a large room. Then all hell broke loose! Covenant just poured out of the forest of boxes to the sides of the warthog. Tony and the gunner fired into the mass of covenant. Of course the 50.Cal was a lot more effective than an assault rifle. The grunts' guts flew out of the exit-wounds. The Elites were a little harder to kill, but with the power of the LAAG machine gun, They fell rather quickly. Then a bright blue light flashed up ahead. Tony hardly noticed that Chief was gone. Then he hopped in the Warthog, and floored it over the energy bridge and out of the cave...