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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Revenge of a Spartan
Posted By: LostRock<The1lone2outlaw3@aol.com>
Date: 4 June 2003, 4:32 AM

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Oog...so late...school...homework...blah blah blah and other excuses.
I need to crash.

       "Don't shoot! We come in peace!"
      If the Master Chief were not wearing his helmet, the Helljumpers might've laughed their asses off if they could see his incredulous expression. The situation was incomprehensible: a Grunt...telling the humans not to shoot?
      There was a rustling from behind a bush, and a Grunt stepped out, both of his hands in the air. This Grunt was unique, however. His armor/methane pack was a shiny greenish emerald color, vaguely resembling John's VALHALLA armor. He did not appear to have any weapons.
      The humans' entire arsenal was targeting the creature. They were ready to fire if the alien showed any suspicious movement.
      "Chief, what are you waiting for?" Cortana nearly screamed in the Spartan's ear. "He is the enemy! Pull the trigger!"
      Every nerve in John's body screamed at him to do this. But the Chief just couldn't do it. Deep within, he had a growing curiosity of this new development.
      The Grunt had stopped in front of John. He seemed calm, but John could see a slight quivering in the alien's legs as he looked into the leveled barrel of the Chief's rifle.
      The stumpy creature extended a clawed hand and said, "I mean you no harm."
      An awkward silence took place. The Grunt moved uneasily and squeaked, "Uh, what's wrong? Can you understand me?"
      "I understand you all right," replied John, "but why should we trust you?"
      The Grunt sighed. "Well, I suppose there is no reason to. But I want you to hear my and my brethren out."
      More Grunts emerged from the foliage with all sorts of weapons: clubs, plasma swords, standard plasma weapons and some sort of long-barreled sidearm, most likely a sniper rifle. The surprised soldiers nearly panicked from seeing so many enemies surrounding them.
      "My name is Tatak. I am the leader of the Grunt Liberation Force."
      "Grunt Liberation Force?" Cortana said over the Spartan's external speakers. "There have been no reports of rebellion within the Covenant ranks."
      "What makes you think we leave evidence behind?" said Tatak, slightly uneasy from the new voice emanating from the VALHALLA armor. "We burn all bodies of our fallen brethren, which is why you did not see any of my comrades' corpses in the Covenant camp. Besides, we have so far only attacked isolated groups of Covenant."
      "But why?" the Chief queried. "Why are you attacking your own alliance?"
      "Alliance??" Tatak said incredulously. "Ha! From the moment we 'joined' the Covenant, We have never been respected and both sides of this war have slaughtered us. We are known only among the Covenant as gas-suckers and cannon fodder. One day I thought, 'Enough! I cannot watch my people being enslaved and killed!' So I have formed this underground army to take back our freedom, and we are rapidly growing. Soon, we will overthrow the Prophets and Elites, and return to our swamp world of Gruntalia."
      "So, you wish to form an alliance with us?" Cortana asked.
      "Yes. It is clear that the Covenant are fighting a losing battle, and now is the time for our people to strike and regain our freedom. We can only beat them with you, and you can only beat them with us. Please, human...for both our races."
      "It's not in my place to decide," said John. "But I'll take you to someone who can."

1459 Hours, September 13, 2552 (Military Calendar)/

      John now found himself in a conference room in a top-secret UNSC stronghold, sitting at a long, rectangular stainless-steel table. He slightly winced as the bright ceiling lights shined on his pale, clammy face.
      There were M.P.s standing in the corners of the conference room. They kept an ever-watchful eye on the alien guests sitting on one end of the table: Tatak, along with his advisors, chatted among each other.
      At the other end of the table sat the top-brass military men and leaders of the UNSC. They warily looked at the Grunts, talking in hushed voices.
      Both sides had been doing negotiations for about an hour, speaking of how the Grunts would assist mankind and vice-versa, and what would be done between the two species after the war was over. The Master Chief sat there as an observer, keeping a neutral glance. Finally, Admiral Stanforth spoke up.
      "Tatak? Come forward please."
      The little Grunt jumped out of the relatively large chair and walked up to the Admiral.
      "After careful consideration, we have decided that we are capable to living up to your terms of peace and cooperation."
      "And we, yours," said Tatak, still getting used to the English language.
      "Then from this day forth, may all humans and freed Grunts live and cooperate with each other." He reached out a hand and shook Tatak's claw.
      "And," added Stanforth, "We shall have to put this agreement into effect right now. A siege on New York City has just been reported. We will need all the help we can get. All UNSC forces have been ordered to recognize your soldiers as allies in the battlefield."
      As everyone began filing out of the room, Stanforth stopped John and said quietly, "Chief, I know that you need some rest, but we could really use your help out there. Will you go into battle just one more time today?"
      "Of course, Admiral," said the Chief. "It's what I was trained for."

