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Fan Fiction

ShipLife ODST: Part 1
Posted By: LongswordPilotMan<ringworldhalo@yahoo.com>
Date: 25 May 2004, 12:20 AM

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A fog flowed around him as a hissing noise filled his ears. He realized he couldn't take in a breath and panicked. His hand hit metal and he brought it to his chest.
"Sergeant Winters! Relax!" A voice called firmly but softly from above him.
He allowed his body to relax and gentle hands pulled him into a sitting position. A long stream of mucus ran from his mouth to the deck as his lungs cleared the Cryo fluid. All around him, a group of long metal boxes lined the walls. The boxes rested at an angle, and were covered by a glass lid.
The last of the fluid ran from his mouth and he stood. A short hop down from the padded rest placed him on the deck. To his left, a woman was being roused from cryosleep. She flailed about wildly until the blue jumpsuited tech grabbed her shoulders and held them to the back pad. She fell silent and he pulled her up to a sitting position.
About twenty, she had a great body but the long line of fluid running to the deck kind of killed the turn on. "Sergeant Winters" walked over to another tube, this one inhabited by a female Leutenant, his second in command. He tapped a key and jets of steam erupted from the tube. The soldier had been through many Cryo awakenings and quickly sat up coughing.
"Welcome back to the world." Winters said quietly.
"The world sucks." The woman responded. "Bring back la-la land."
Both of the soliders laughed and the second person to be awakened wandered over.
"Private Lucy Simmons reporting, sir!" She said, saluting smartly.
Winters returned the salute and waved the tech over.
"Wake the others." He said, and before the tech could run off, Winters added, "But open the damn door first."
The man jogged to the hatch and keyed it open. The three soldiers were joined by a young man who looked over the women. He almost tripped over his own feet.
"Pervert." Winters's second in command muttered. The other woman, obviously the mans girlfriend, grinned at him and they went down a side hall as Winters and his SIC continued to the bunkroom.
Winters keyed the door open and opened his footlocker.
"Why'd they wake us?" He asked.
"How the hell am I supposed to know." The woman shot back.
"Easy, Karen!" Winters said.
"Sorry." She muttered. "I was just having a really good dream."
"Lets keep the back rests clean, OK?" He laughed.
She punched his shoulder, hard. "Shut up, prick."
Winters grabbed his Marine Jumpsuit and zipped the front closed. He reached into the footlocker and grabbed his combat boots. Karen was busy doing the same. The two pulled on deck caps and buckled sidearms around their waists.
The two marines who'd gone off course wandered into the room looking...pleased. They dressed quickly and followed Winters out the door. The group went to the mess hall and they all picked up a meal from the dispenser. Foregoing the need for cooks, a simple push of a button slid a ready to eat, fully nutritional meal into the recovery slot. They sat around a table and ate in silence. The mess filled with noise as platoons moved in the doors, fresh from morning training. The Marines finshed eating and walked a short distance to the 32nd ODST ready room. The deck caps were discarded and a flak vest was clipped over the jumpsuit. A special full face helmet was clasped to the belt and the M6D pistol was replaced by a Z22 Forgo sidearm in the waist holster. The ODSTs were fully decked out by the time the rest of the squad filed into the ready room. Clacks of safety checks and clip dispensing filled the room as the men and women of the 32nd recovered their ammo from the locked safe. Through a side door, a special ODST only armory was filled with extreme temperature resistant MA7B battle rifles, M92 Three shot seeking rocket launchers, and DL3 SubMachineGuns. The SMGs were battle tested by the UNSC but were yet to be fully pushed into service. The ODSTs gathered their chosen weapons, three, including Winters, grabbed battle rifles. Six grabbed SMGs. Two grabbed an SMG and an M92. The last four gripped S3AM SRS99D sniper rifles. The group wandered through the halls and made their way to the entertainment area. Three women and two men walked to the library section. The young couple walked to the "chatter box", a small box outlined by small couches. Winters walked to the arcade area and the rest went ot their favorite sections. The arcade area housed some of the older game systems, as well as a smattering of tactical game simulators, meant to increase command thinking. Winters sat at a Z-Box and flipped the game to NBA 2550, the last game made before the ship had, well, shipped out.
He was finishing the third quarter of a game when a klaxon wailed overhead.
"This is the Captain." A voice blared over the intercom. "Covenant ships inbound on Eriadue 6. We will arrive in six minutes. All hands to battle stations!"
The entertainment room came alive as the ODSTs snapped the helmets from their belts and slapped them onto their heads. Looking like a platoon of SPARTAN-IIs, the ODSTs hustled to the hanger bay. Pelican engines wailed and roared as they began start-up sequences. The ODSTs watched as Scorpian Tanks rumbled to life, and M12 LRV Warthogs motored across the deck to the staging area. Pelicans lowered themselves to the deck and techs hooked the magnetic clamps to the Warthogs metal skin. The Light Recon Vehicles jumped up onto the clamps and the Pelican wobbled into the air. Rising up to the Pelican docking bay and backed into it, landing gear extending. The ODSTs watched this go on with a look of awe. Then ran to the exit, down the hall, and into the HEV storage room, also known as Hells Waiting Room. The ODSTs sat down in their HEVs and waited for the captain to signal the jump. They were ready, and they had four minutes left...

As this is my first story, (well, released anyway.) It might not be exactly story of the year material. I tried, and I'll try again, so feel free to offer constructive critisism.
Or the normal kind, whatever...
