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Fan Fiction

Encampment - Part 2 - The Covenant Plan
Posted By: Kyle16<kalenfield@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 March 2005, 12:03 PM

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The Master Chief waited until Blue Two and Four returned from their scouting task. The Chief and his team had been scouting around the outside of the Covenant Encampment. But the he and Blue Three had spotted a lot of Brutes and Elites dressed in gold.
He wanted to know where they were going. It wasn't often you saw an Elite dressed in gold. It was even rarer to see a brute dressed in gold.
"Blue Two reporting, sir" the Master Chief turned around to see Blue Two and Four both standing there facing him.
The Chief filled the pair of them in on what he had just seen.
"So what do you want to do, sir?" Blue Four asked.
"We are going in." he said "but we are going in undetected. The Admirals orders were to not attack the Encampment. So we are not going to, we are going to find out what they are doing in there. What did you find?" he added the question remembering that they had been scouting aswell.
"Well, sir," blue four hesitated "digging equipment sir, just like on Reach. Only, this digging equipment outsizes the one on reach tenfold. That must be why there are so many covenant. Some of the smaller machines are the size of our Longsword Interceptors."
The Master Chief pondered this new information. Digging Equipment. There must be something underneath their feet that the Covenant wanted so badly. The Master Chief was going to do everything he could to make sure that they didn't get what they wanted.
He opened a channel to Admiral Hoom at Alpha Camp.
"Admiral Hoom, Sir. This is the Master Chief, SPARTAN-117, we have a problem out here sir." he said.
"Go on." came the Admirals rough voice.
"Well, the Covenant have a lot of digging equipment. It looks like they are going to start digging soon, because there is a lot of activity in the Encampment."
There was no reply.
"Orders, sir?" the Chief asked
"I want you to get inside that Encampment, unseen, unheard, and I want you to find out when and where they are going to dig. It would also be extremely useful to know what they are digging for." Admiral Hoom said
"Yes, sir" the Chief replied and closed the COM.
The Chief turned to face his team.
"Check your equipment, we may need to use it if things go sour. Do your best to make sure that you are not detected. We should stay a few meters away from each other to reduce the chances of being caught. If you are seen, you must run. Do not stay to fight, that would be foolish. Lets move out."

Da'aremee checked his plasma rifle, it was still a little warm from being used. He still could not had not found the other humans dressed in special armour.
He had, however managed to kill one of them. The on he had killed had made an attempt to run like the rest of them, but Da'aremee's superior intellect had been the Human's downfall. He had managed to throw a Plasma Grenade, which stuck to the Human's special armour. Da'aremee had hidden behind the bush and waited for the Human to run past before sticking the grenade.
He had been criticised about what he had done however, because the Prophets wanted the special armour intact. But the resulting explosion from the grenade had blown the Human into a million particles.
His task now was to find the remaining four Humans and their special armour.
There had been many arguments in the council, as to whether the Humans in special armour had superior combat skills to the Elites. Some argued that the Elites had managed to kill five of the Humans in special armour, ever. Whereas the Humans in special armour had annihilated hundreds of thousands of Elites and almost that number of Brutes.
That frightning statistic had been added to the Records of the Council.
It seemed that hunting four of them with his team of eight was downright suicidal, at the very least.
But nothing scared Da'aremee, he had always been the ruthless one.
But he served the Prophets, and there was no greater honour.
He looked down at the ground trying to find some tracks, something, anything to lead him along the path of the Humans in special armour.
It seemed that they had exceptional skills in covering up their tracks, or perhaps not even leaving any.
He studied the nearest bushes and trees, looking for a snapped twig. But to find nothing was no longer a surprise.
But he would find them.
