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Fan Fiction

Fafnir - Part Eleven
Posted By: KnightmareWolf<KnightmareWolf@aol.com>
Date: 27 November 2002, 3:27 am

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Cheesehood yanked the wheel as far as it would go, spinning the Warthog through a complete three-sixty degree turn; crushing several very unlucky Covenant warriors. As always, Alza-224 was completely silent, inspecting his weapon. The ONI spook was just too creepy to look at, his odd, uncaring demeanor making him seem like an undead specter.
"You got a name spooky?"
"Yeah." The ONI Spook replied sarcastically. "Go shove it up your metallic ass."
Cheesehood laughed. "One very uneventful kilometer to go gentlemen."

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* * * *

Blast it all, Seeker, these heathen temporal anomalies are more than I'd bargained for!
My viewing pools and visions have been scrambled, my spells are flawed- scribes and soothsayers are restless, yet they dare look to us for advice!
I fear that our tale must be cut short, Seeker. The Queen calls for an assembly, it appears that the Revancers are failing again, those many nights we'd spent rebuilding our empire... And I fear it is all for naught.
Nonetheless I feel it is my duty and obligation as the teller of this tale to inform you of what had happened during the last hours of the conflict, for you can no loner read the scrolls themselves. Like all magic, they are failing. If only we could find a way to rebuild them!
The blasted Forerunners of the past and the future, it is they, their 'temporal machines'. The fools have wrested the fabric of reality.
Were it not for the Queen's magic, the people would have killed her by now, for she is a Forerunner herself. I pray that the magic does not fail entirely, If it did, I would fear for not only her safety, but mine as well. The burning letter, the failing scrolls. Dark times are again coming upon us.

Regardless, you shall know the tale. Shortly after the brave motion of Alza and his compatriots, t he First Recon directed themselves to the Crash site. They'd been betrayed by D'crose. The five surviving members made their way to Facility Four, and succeeded in securing a route off the planet.
Wooly and Alexia retired shortly after the explosive bout, and attended various wartime peace missions as observers and what other things have you.
Alza and Cheesehood succeeded in their own task, rescuing six hundred ONI staff members with the help of Alza's partner, Aras-119. They managed to board the SCS Fafnir before the warship took off, and have not been seen since.

The pilot known as Jacobs succeeded in his various heroic maneuvers, allowing eighty three transports to escape to the fleet waiting in orbit as he held off over twenty three seraphim interceptor craft... alone. Needless to say, he was destroyed after his eighteenth kill. He did however, win the title of ace.
Alec Duran, about to kill Captain Laura Trenton- was himself killed when an elite named Kerdel sliced his unnatural physical form into tiny squares with the help of a plasma sword. With the Dying Captain Trenton in hand, the elite strikes a deal. The Fafnir, dodging various forms of plasma decimates a fleet of Covenant warships nine hundred strong. The funny thing was... It had no crew.
After arriving in the Covenant home system, Kerdel brings the body of Captain Laura to his king, Yalan. These events would spark in motion the creation of a being that the universe had never seen before, a creature in a league of its own. Futures held for it many things. The weapon had single handedly slaughtered entire companies of human Marines, with nothing but a plasma sword. No clothing, no reinforcements, no traps and no strategy- a plasma sword, and nothing more.
Whatever happened to Halsey and Augustus, you ask?
Well, let's just say they could never have fought better.

Ah, Seeker wait a moment, I've found something! Just let me see if this slight bit I have left is enough...

[ Your view ripples, as if you're looking into a pool of water. Close your senses, and hear nothing but the repeating arcane words of Maugrim Furyhammer. "Luna Hectos Alariel, Kcalos Eshma Donoman - Theayro..." FLASH. ]

A single grunt waddles down a purple hallway, sniffing to its heart's content. "What a ship the elite's brought back to us!" The tiny creature thinks. Its hallways are dim, its corridors devoid of all life. But... what's that sound?
He looks to his left, and spots the source of the annoying sound. Red streams, pools of...
"Uzumri!" The Grunt shrieks in fear. "Uzumri is bleeding!"

That's odd Seeker. I've never seen that piece before, in any of the visions.
I will need to address these at a later date. For now, I bid you farewell. More visions are coming to you... I can feel them in the water, the air. Feel them in the living flames themselves. Be warned, Seeker. The Rebirth is coming...
It is coming... The past comes back to crush the present and make it right again. The Future clashes with the past, the future overruns...
And we are powerless to stop it.

Farewell, Dear Seeker, this be the last time I write to you...

With fear in heart and truth in mind,
-Maugrim Furyhammer, First Reaver to the soon to be dead Queen of Aginas
