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Fan Fiction

The Sergeant's Story Ch. 5: The Holy Ghost
Posted By: Keyes<captian_jacob_keyes@yahoo.com>
Date: 25 September 2004, 3:26 AM

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Johnson took the initiative and ran to the back, then yelled, "Everyone strap in. We are reengaging the enemy." Johnson helped Clay into his seat, then strapped him in. "Suck it up son. You want revenge? Well, let's take it."
"K, Sarge." Johnson nodded, then turned around and kicked the door release on the Pelican. The main door popped off, causing the air to suck at them, cold air and snow rushed past the Pelican, and a howling filled the air. He knew that the howling wasn't the wind, though, but the sound of Banshees. The howling of their engines was how they got their names. That and it's the last thing you hear before you die. He could see, through the half fog, half snow, seven Banshees, but knew there were more.
"Anyone remember to bring a Jackhammer," asked Johnson, "because we're gonna need it." Fred, Eversman's Heavy weapons expert, hefted it towards him. Fred used to be a pastor, but now he fought for, not taught, gods name. He still preaches, but mostly to ask for forgiveness for killing god's creatures, and asking forgiveness for those creatures. He began saying the Lord's Prayer, and other joined in. Only Franky, Anthony, Clay, and Johnson didn't join in. Franky and Anthony because they weren't exactly believers, Johnson because he was lining up the shot, and Clay because he had his sniper scope set on the nearest Banshee's grav-pod.
"...and the Glory forever. Amen." "Amen," echoed the other occupants of the Pelican. "Amen," said Johnson, and let the rocket fly. Clay held fire, though, and a second later, Johnson knew why.
The sound of the sniper round cracked throughout the Pelican, hitting dead on in the center of the Leader's wingman's Banshee, then passing through it, going into the cockpit of another Banshee. The Wingman, losing control, wheeled around and accidentally hit another Banshee. They both exploded, and fell to the ground, chasing the two pilots, who had fallen out. Even if they did survive the fall, the crushing weight of the Banshee would kill them.
The Rocket flew right towards the leader, but he wasn't the leader on his good looks. He dodged it, but forgot to warn the Banshee behind him. It exploded, and coincidentally, the Fuel Rod gun went off, flying at another Banshee. It dodged it, but didn't dodge its Wingmate as they smacked into each other, exploding and falling towards the ground. As Clay fired two more rounds, Johnson looked back towards Eversman, who was standing in the door.
"How many left?" Eversman looked back at the Radar, and then put up 8 fingers. Johnson looked back, saw Clay take out another one, then realized what was about to happen.
"Brace yourself, Marines," he yelled! He ducked back, and a minute later seven Fuel Rod Guns went off. Only three hit, but it still shook them up pretty bad. Johnson threw the Jackhammer back to Fred, and then grabbed a sniper from the weapons pile.
He, Anthony and Clay fired shot after shot, punching through the Banshees. Unfortunately, one of them must have gotten out a distress signal, because more Banshees showed up. They fired and fired, taking them out. Plasma and Sniper rounds flew in a furious crossfire, and even the Marines closest to the door fired their MA5B's at them. Finally, only the leader remained. He fired a Fuel Rod blast, but missed. Plasma spit out at them, but Sheila was dodging between mountains, making them extremely hard to hit. However, the weaving caused them to slow down. The Banshee slowly gained on them. Clay yelled to Sheila,
"Get ready to stop!" She looked at him as if he was crazy, and then looked at Johnson, who nodded, then got ready. Johnson saw him pull out a Plasma Grenade. It only took a minute to realize what he was going to do. "Now," he yelled! He armed and tossed the Grenade in one swift movement, and it landed and stuck to the front of the Banshee. It shot past, and there was a loud bang, then a thump as the banshee hit and rolled off the top of the Pelican.
"Well, that was easy," said Clay with a sigh. Suddenly, the Elite piloting that last Banshee swung into the Pelican. His active Plasma sword cut through Josh. Josh's eye's bugged out, and then he fell forward, into the Elite. The Elite, who obviously wasn't expecting that, lost his balance, and Clay pulled Josh off the sword as Johnson kicked the Elite in the chest. It teetered, and then fell out of the Pelican. Josh lay on the floor, a hole in his chest. He looked at Fred.
"Tell me that passage again, Fred. The one I really like." Fred nodded, and then began to talk. "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life," Josh joined in with, "and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." "Amen," he said with a smile, and then died.
They stood for a moment, letting the wind be the only sound. For a moment, then Johnson, Fred and Anthony lifted him up, Clay took his dog tag, and then they tossed him out. Johnson hit the blast door button, and the fell into place.

For all you religious people out there, I hope you're not offended by the title. Still, I'm very religious so just don't be offended, please? If you are, please let me know.
