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Sergeants Story Ch. 4: Cocoa anyone?
Posted By: Keyes<Captian_jacob_keyes@yahoo.com>
Date: 25 September 2004, 3:17 AM
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"The Covenant is holding those things off at the mouth of the canyon pretty well, but we have determined that a crashed Pelican is located in that area." He pointed to a pile of rocks at the back of the cave. Three Marines, obviously assigned to keep that area secure, stood near a gap in the wall. "That hole connects two caves together, so we can probable go through there to get out and get the Pelican. That's how we found out about the Pelican in the first place. If we let those things distract the Covenant, we can slip in and hold the ship till takeoff." "So why didn't you leave already?" asked Franky, walking over after He and Anthony grabbed ammo and explosives, "I mean, with all the ammo you have, you could have held that Pelican for hours." "We wanted to," said Eversman, "but we don't have a pilot." "Well," said Johnson, "once they come around, we'll have two." Clay limped over, held up by Sheila. "I'm afraid not sir. Julie's dead, killed by some shrapnel. A piece punched right through her neck. You can't see it just by looking, but it's quite obvious on the snow." "Can you fly that thing alone?" Eversman asked. Sheila looked around. "Is it ready?" "Assuming those things didn't tear it apart, it's good to go as soon as you're set." "Then let's go." Sheila said determination in her voice. "After all, it's cold out here." They made there way through the hole, coming out on the other side of the cave. Those things hadn't noticed them yet. Clay, Anthony, and a sniper from Eversman's squad would stay here with Chris, Franky and Eversman and provide cover. Sarge, Locklear, Locklear's four ODST soldiers, Eversman's three Marines, and Sheila would make their way to the Pelican and fly it into the cave to pick the rest to them up. Then they would fly out and see if they could find anymore survivors. Clay, guarded by Chris and Anthony, guarded by Franky, and Josh, Eversman's sniper, who was guarded by Eversman, took positions around the mouth of the cave. Sarge waited for the signal, Locklear took up the task of making sure Sheila got to the Pelican unharmed. The rest of the Marines were caring wounded. One Marine, Private Simmons, had taken an active Camouflage unit off of an Elite, and was moving quietly towards the Pelican. When he arrived, he checked the outer hull, and then ducked inside. The Pelican's hover engines roared to life, and the Marines took off. The Things realized this was a distraction and attacked, hitting the Covenant with full force. Clay fired with a vengeance, getting headshot after headshot after headshot. "Come on, let's go, you want some?" "That's the way you do it, ya," said Chris as he opened up on those things. The Marines carrying the wounded, Sarge, and Locklear's ODST took off, running for the Pelican, while Locklear and Sheila held position for a moment, then took off after them. Simmons climbed out of the Pelican and laid down some covering. When they reached the Pelican, Locklear Turned and began firing as Sheila, the ODST, the Marines with the wounded, and Sarge climbed in. Sheila began to fire up the main thrusters, and brought guns online. As she peppered the Canyon opening with gunfire, the Sniper team made their way to the Pelican. Clay stopped in the middle, covered by Chris, and opened fire. Locklear and Simmons climbed into the Pelican, and then it lifted up, flying low towards Clay and Chris. Anthony, firing out of the back of the Pelican, took several of them out as Clay hopped in, but before Chris could turn to climb in, one of those things jumped on him, knocking him out. Clay tried to grab him, but was just out of reach. The Pelican took off towards the opening in the other side of the canyon, only to find a Covenant blockade of Wraith Tanks, Banshees, and Shade Turrets. "Hold on," she yelled over the COM unit, and then closed the Pelicans bay door. She fired off the only two rockets in the Pelican had, the pulled up and over, flying out of the Canyon. Clay sat slumped in a corner, head down in silent memory of his lost friend. Johnson, however, had made his way to the Co-pilot's seat and sat down. "So now what," asked Locklear, coming into the Cockpit, closely followed by Eversman, and closing the door? "We need to make contact with the others and let them know where we are," said Johnson, "Simple as that." Sheila looked up. "I'm afraid not," She said. "Why not," said Eversman? "Because the Covenant is following us," she said, pointing at the radar, which showed about fifteen Banshees flying full speed at them.
Sorry I've been gone so long. Fell behind in school. Back with the rest of The Sergeant's story. Can't finish till Halo 2, though.