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Fan Fiction

Posted By: Keyes<captian_jacob_keyes@yahoo.com>
Date: 8 May 2004, 2:29 AM

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Sergeant A. J. Johnson thought he was still in bed, and that what he had seen was a dream. However, when he opened his eyes, he knew differently. He was still in that room, those little creatures were scurrying around, and the pain in back told him this wasn't a dream either. He didn't want to move, for fear of being caught, but they seemed to take no notice of him. He saw his MA5B on the ground in front of him, but just out of reach. Keyes's pistol, however, was right next to him. Keyes, Jenkins, Bisenti, or the rest of them were nowhere to be seen. There was, however, a lot of blood spilled everywhere. Then it finally came to him that he was bleeding.
He saw Mendoza in the far side of the room, hand on his rifle, perfectly still, a hole in his right side, visibly in pain, his eye's, which after searching the room, fell on Johnson. He signaled him with his flashlight, not really wanting to move too much due to the pain in his back. Mendoza nodded back to him, and then winced with the pain. They waited till the coast looked clear, and then took off towards the door. Johnson turned and fired the last of Keyes's clip into the several of those things. Suddenly, a vaguely humanoid shaped thing vaulted the length of the room in one jump, landing right in front of the Sarge. Mendoza put fifteen shots into it, and then the gun ran dry.
Mendoza reached back, pushed Johnson out the door, shut and locked the door, then charged. Sarge heard a muffled thump, and then it was quiet. He quickly left. He ran through hallway after hallway, finding no resistance. As he entered a hallway, his motion tracker flared up. Normally he would have jumped on and beat to death whatever the thing the hall was, but with the wounds he had, though he'd never admit it out loud, were pretty bad. He ducked into the shadows and say it pass into the room he had just been in. He entered the next room, dropped down to the bottom floor, and found himself face to face with Franky. He sat, pistol up, against the wall.
"Sarge?" he asked, his voice cracking.
"Get up Marine. We need to get the **** out of here." Now Franky had no question it was the Sarge.
"Ready to go, Sir," He said, trying to stand, but almost lost his balance. Sarge quickly steadied him. "Thanks Sir."
"No problem Marine. Now let's move," He said. Together, they made there way to the elevator shaft. There motion trackers showed red in the area. "How much you got?" Sarge asked Franky.
"Not enough," He responded, "and if that elevator is not down on the ground floor, then this is going to be a short escape attempt."
"On three, we charge." "OK Sarge."
"Ready? One... two... three!" They both came around the corner and opened fire. The things, taken by surprise, turned to look at them. Johnson hopped up and onto one's head, then jumped onto the elevator. Franky took a more direct approach. He fired thirty rounds into its chest, then hit it with the butt of his weapon. He barely made it on, and turned around to find the one he had just shot getting back to his feet. He emptied the rest of the clip into it, and then it went out of sight as the elevator went up. When they reached the top, they found themselves staring down the barrel of Anthony's shotgun, Clay's pistol, and Chris's rifle. Chris was Keyes's best riflemen.
"Sir, good to see you, sir," said Chris, raising his rifle, "We hoped at least some would make it up from inside."
Johnson turned to Franky. "Rig this thing with as much C12 as you got and let's get out of here."
"Sir!" Franky pulled a small bag out and began placing charges on the elevator.
"Sir, I think someone went inside a little while ago." "When?"
"Not to long sir. We were pulling back and driving the Covenant out and Clay here had the brilliant idea to through a frag at that turret over there." He pointed to a downed turret outside.
"Hey, it looked like a good idea at the time." "Anyway, we all dove for cover and waited. We heard the elevator go down and would have investigated except for the fact that the Covenant should up again and started shooting at us."
Franky stood up, his cool composer back now that he was out of that hell hole. "Done sir. Should I set the timer?" Johnson thought about it for a minute. Certainly anyone who went down there was dead. But what if there were more survivors? He turned to Franky,
"Blow it private." Franky nodded, turned around, and set the timers for thirty seconds. They ran as fast as possible to the entrance of the structure, and turned to watch as the explosion engulfed the elevator. The elevator, however, appeared to be intact at first glance, but a closer look showed that there were several cracks in it. Suddenly, the control panel for the elevator came online, and the elevator fell, in pieces, to the next floor. They did not, however, here it stop. Johnson motioned for them to move it out, then took one last look down the shaft. Then he turned and ran after them. As he caught up with them, Julie's voice came over the COM channel. "Sorry I'm late, guys. Got a couple of weird things on my ship and had to clear them off. Foehammer is in the area and said the Chief went into the structure. Have you seen him?"
"Negative, but tell Foehammer to stay on station for him. He won't be coming out of this exit though, so she needs to find an alternate way out for him." "Roger that," Julie answered, setting the Pelican down, "hop in and let's get out of here."

I hope to squeeze as much out of Halo 1 and the book First Strike as I can. But, if all goes as planned, I will continue this story as much as possible through Halo 2. As you might know, this is my third Fanfic. If you are trying to send me E-mail, please don't send me an attachment. They usually have viruses, and since I get Yahoo for free, I can't open them. So please, just send me an attachment free E-mail. Thanks.
