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Fan Fiction

Omega Red Chapter 4
Posted By: Kane172<Kane172@aol.com>
Date: 24 January 2003, 3:05 am

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     01900 Hours, December 6, 2565, (Military Calendar)/
     Ki Fong Star Cluster, Hayfong 2
     Archimedes Military Academy
      Erik watched, through the window of his new school, the Spartans of Zulu Black spray out the final fires on Hayfong 2.  Which were started days before when the Covenant tried to take the planet.  This was the first Erik saw any other Spartans besides the Master Chief.  These Spartans were different though instead of the Chiefs sheik green armor, they had cold black plasma singed armor.  Cain walked up to Erik.
      "It's scary isn't it?" Cain asked sternly.
      "What's scary?" Erik responded quizzically.
      "That's (the Spartans of Zulu black) what we are going to be someday."
      "No it's not."
      "It scares me."
      "We're not going to become them."
      "They're Spartans, we're becoming Spartans, so how are we going to be different."
      "No, the chief told me that each group was trained with a specific specialty.  These guys, like chief, are for ground combat only.  Delta White was trained to pilot fighters and bombers in both space and planetary combat.  We on the other hand are going to be both and more."

      The remaining trainees of Omega Red stood in a single horizontal line watching Kosh, a massive elite coated in a metallic black armor.
      The fearsome creature began to grunt out a vague sounding English.  "I am your new teacher, if you didn't know already my name is Kosh.  If you hadn't noticed I am not human I am a member of a race called the Kie-Nikon or what you call the elites and I am here to make you the best soldiers ever produced.  You will listen to me as if I were your superior.
      Now onto what you are going to do, see the hole in the wall on the other side of that crevasse?" all of the young Spartans responded with a SIR. "Alright then, after getting through that, pick up the weapons on the ground and destroy the targets on the other side of the laser barrier. Oh, and you all have ten minuets starting...NOW!"
      The squad rushed towards the crevasse ahead there were three ropes hanging over the small canyon Cain was one of the first to reach the edge.  He jumped with all the strength in his legs, he barely grabbed the end of the rope, but he had enough momentum to swing across the gorge though.  He was the first across the crevasse now for the puzzle part of the challenge the hole was ten meters from any surface that a person could reach it from, so Cain began to search for an alternate way through.  Moments later he found a small crack in the wall on the far side, he quickly ran over to it and tore it open only to find 'CHEATER' spray painted, in a neon blue, on the wall behind the crack.  After five minuets of scanning the wall Erik walked up to Cain.
      "Have you fond anything?" Erik asked.
      "Only a decoy." Cain responded reluctantly.
      "How 'bout I give you a boost up.
      "That's a great idea but, how are you gonna' get up then?"
      "I'll find a way you just finish the mission."
      The two dash over to the spot directly under the hole.  Erik clasps his hands so that Cain can jump up to the hole.  Cain backed up then sprinted towards Erik, his foot went into the tightly gripped hands and as Cain jumped Erik used all the strength in his arms and launched him up.  Cain barely reached the bottom of the hole but, managed to grasp the rim, and managed to pull himself through the hole to see that the ground was a good thirty meters down.  Cain closed his eyes, said a little prayer and pushed off just as Erik helped an other kid up to the hole.  Cain landed on the ground with a booming thud that echoed through the great hall.  Cain's eyes darted back and forth searching for a gun when on the far side of the room he saw a faint green glow.  He decided that it was probably the laser barrier.  As Cain began to run the other kid landed, but Cain didn't care, he wanted to be first to finish and he was almost out of time.  When he reached the translucent green wall he found exactly seven-teen M-117 15mm heavy sniper rifles he dashed to the one nearest to him as he gazed through the scope he discovered seven-teen small bulls-eye style targets about sixty-five meters away.  Just when Cain thought he had it made he realized that there was only one bullet in his gun, which meant he needed one hundred percent accuracy.  "Well here goes nothing."  Cain mumbled to himself.  He zoomed the scope as far as it could go aligned the sight with the dead center of the target, held his breath for a moment tightened his grip on the trigger. Without even feeling any recoil Cain saw the smoke stream slam into the center of the bulls-eye and then herd the thwap of the sub sonic bullet leaving its chamber.  He herd a siren then a small section of the wall disinagrait in front of him he passed through and to the right Kosh was standing behind the finish-line waiting with a stop watch in hand.
      "9:45, barely made it trainee." Kosh grunted
      "Well I'm first aren't I?" Cain snidely responded
      "Yes, you are first, but that makes someone else last.  Do you understand?"
      "Yes, sir."
      The other trainees began to arrive in groups of two or three. Erik arrived last by himself gasping for air.
      "What's up with you?" Cain asked Erik
      "I climbed the wall myself after I helped everyone else over the wall."
      "I barrowed a rope."
