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Capture Part 1: the Sammurri
Posted By: kadjfoiafjasdoijf<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 28 September 2003, 2:47 AM
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Covenant Frigate "Light and Dark" Deep Space Patrol 10/2/2584
Gold Elite Chammor'Orroh looked at the wide plasma holoscreen. Five ships were going to go through the jump point where the Light and Dark and 43 other ships, corvettes, destroyers, frigates, carriers, assault carriers, and a dreadnaught, were. Two of the signals showed two human destroyers. On a veiw screen it showed a holographic representation of the destroyer, next to it written: Human Attack Ship, Class IVb. Chammor'Orroh memorized that line. Those where the destroyers that the humans used. Not those old ones with metal hulls that easily broke from plasma fire, but newones, much smaller, but with 32 meter hulls made out of nanodiamond, stronger than Covenant or Forerunner material, possesed particle weaponry, more powerul than Covenant plasma, and had sheilding beyond the Covenant's dreams. These destroyers were bred for space combat. Lacking single fighters or ground troops, they were loaded with weaponry. Another holo gram popped up, showing the diagnostics of the human destroyer. It showed the small ship, night black in color, with green glowing motes spaced around it, it had wickedly curved fins along it's thick and small hull. Next to it the holoscreen wrote: Armament- 6 Heavy Particle Cannons 12 Light Particle Cannons 30 PDF (Point Defence) Pulse Turrets Sheild- Primary Heavy and Secondary Heavy Human sheilding
What Chammor'Orroh found interesting was that it had a gravitametric energy system, using quantum singularities to produce massive amounts of energy, and that the small destroyer weighed two times more than the Light and Dark, and the Light and Dark was nearly twice the size of the destroyer. None the less, Chammor'Orroh remembered those cherry-red particle cannons, slicing his companions' ships...
Chammor'Orroh forgot about it. The unknown vessels where what frightened him more. They weren't human in design, for they looked like a giant earth whale with many smooth fins along it. Possible the humans found another race, mad at us Covenant. The battlenet placed next to the unknown ships Unknown Attack Craft. It was lighter than the human destroyers, but bigger than the Light and Dark, possible the size of the dreadnaught, the Sword of Light, that was in this patrol group. The slipstream point was growing. The battlenet read "Power up plasma torpedoes, ready plasma charges and pulse turrets".
The slipstream point opened, space boiling around it, and the two human destroyers took the lead. One of the destroyers stayed back to the slipstream point, possibly to protect the three ships, while the other went out farther. A Covenant cruiser slipstreamed a kilometer away from the destroyer, but it was powered down, and a thick, cherry-red proton beam, from the Heavy particle cannons on the human destroyer, vaporized the ship. The three ships finally came out. They looked what the battlenet had scanned. Large whale-like things, with smooth fins along it's hull. It had a light-blue color on it's hull, tingling with energy. It was clearly organic, for Chammor'Orroh saw parts of the hull contract like muscles. "The ship is organic, nitrogen-based", said a red elite at the scanner consule. The human destroyers formed around the three massive vessels. One of the Covenant destroyer Gold Elites reported into the Battlenet. "I have managed to hack into the human computers for a bref moment and find out what those ships are. The humans call them Ssammurri, and these are cruisers, apparently. They have sheilding, and energy based weapons. Crew is unknown", said the gold elite from the destroyer. Chammor'Orroh nodded his head and closed the com. "Fire a torpedoe at the flanking Ssammurri cruiser", he said. The large blue ship, moving somewhat fast, went to around the human destroyer and towards the Covenant battlegroup. The Light and Dark's hull glowed blue, as the plasma built up, and a huge discharge shot out. The holopanel showed the torpedoe launch out, and onboard electromagnetic projectors led it to it's target. The Ssammurri cruiser took it in the middle, but the plasma torpedoe was absorbed by it's sheilding, as the space above the organic Ssammurri cruiser rippled with blue energy. "Little damage to sheilding", said the red elite. The rest of the Covenant battle group formed back, protecting the dreadnaught, containing the hightest ranking Covenant official in the patrol group, a Major Prophet. Two destroyers, small oval like ships with a single seem, went behind the Light and Dark and fired their plasma weapons, all being absorbed by the Ssammurri sheilding. The Ssammurri cruiser glowed with energy, and then a large lightning bolt flew accross space and struck the destroyer. The tiny destroyer was consumed in flames as it was heavily damaged. One of the human destroyers fired twice with it's light particle cannons, the cherry-red proton beams destroying it. Chammor'Orroh was astonished.
The Main covenant battlegroup was back, guarding the dreandaught as they tried to come up with a way to destroy the Ssammurri cruisers and the two human dreadnaughts. Their weapons couldn't penetrate their sheilding. "Why not send our ground troops to the Ssammurri cruiser?", asked a red elite. Chammor'Orroh gleamed. "Yes, it might work", he said. The whole Covenant group formed up, deciding what to do. The human destroyers and Ssammurrri cruisers stayed their in one location, waiting for the Covenant to do something before making a move. The Light and Dark had all of it's SpecOps troops into the hangar bay. The SpecOps, grunts with fuel rod cannons and elites, donned their dark grey space suits, and prepared to go across space on their jet packs, and go into the Ssammurri cruiser. They couldn't send boarding craft, because the Ssammmurri cruisers would target them. Yet the troops in their EVA suits would most likely be targeted by point defences.
Covenant SpecOps Elite Shammoran' Covenant frigate "Light and Dark" The Hangar Bay Repulsion Feild doors shut off, and the 50 Spec Ops troops:38 Grunts and 12 Elites, flew off into the night sky. Shammoran' checked his plasma rifle, whioch was at 100%. He also had three spare power cells. His plasma sword read 100%, along with his back up plasma pistol. He had 7 grenades in his holster, and he was ready. His tiny plasmaplack flared, and he skuttled in space. It would take 5 minutes to read the first Ssammurri cruiser. They needed to board this Ssammurri cruiser, to investigate these Ssammurri, determine their strength. 30 seconds passed. The cruiser loomed up, the giant blue ship, with it's smooth fins. The problem with that was that it still had sheilding. So the fleet would assemble behind, and fire all of their weaponry at the sheilding. 23 destroyers, 15 frigates, and 20 cruisers went behind the 50 SpacOps troops,charging their weapons. Plasma torpedoes flew accross the space, hitting the Ssammurri sheilding. The sheilds flickered from the blasts, and then went out. A plasma torpedoe went onto the unprotected organic hull, and the organic hull boiled at that part, only to be stpped as the hull immediately healed itself. 2 minutes. The Ssammurri cruiser fired two lightning bolts at a frigate, destroying it. It then fired at 5 more ships until they fled off, the Covenant hulls spinning in space, melting from the intense energy of the Ssammurri lightning weapons. The human destroyers, and the other two Ssammurri cruisers where a while back, hanging in their orbit.
Shammoran' was told that the Human destroyers were communicating back to Earth, a planet nearly destroyed by a fleet of 300 assault carriers. Of course, the messages were incripted, so they couldn't listen in. 1 minute until they reached the ship. Shammoran' saw figures in grey suits ahead of him, other Spec Ops troops, ready to board this ship. The Light and Dark went back to the Covenant formation, as the Covenant ships were going to head back and defend the closest Covenant planet, a small colony, that the major prophet suspected the Humans and Sammurri would destroy. 30 seconds. The Ssammurri cruiser didn't notice the 50 SpecOps troops in space, but a human destroyer did. It descended down, and began charging its point defence. 15 seconds. Cherry red beams cut through the Covenant troops. Shammoran' saw blue and purple blood freeze up in globuls as the particle cannons cut through them. Shammoran' and roughly 40 other troops made it onto the hull of the Ssammurri cruiser. Shammoran' was on the hull, while his troops were over at different locations, one grunt stuck on the top of a fin. The human destroyer went back, guarding the other Ssammurri cruisers, as the SpecOps troops formed together where Shammoran' stood. The The grunts raised their fuel rod canons and fired at a spot between fins, as the part of the blue hull boiled. The 42 SpecOps troops immediately went into the hole, as it regrew back. Shammoran' was scared of what he saw.
Shammoran' and the other SpecOps troops were in an eery, blue, organic hallway. It was like a Covenant passageway, yet it had veins along it's walls, the sides oozing with a slippery substance. The atmosphere was 80% nitrogen, 10% helium, and 2% Arsenic, which would kill the troops if they took off their suits. It also had an atmospheric pressure two times that of Covenant preferences. As they went down the light blue cooridors, they saw other cooridors, and no markings as to what they where, just in complete disarray. As they kept walking down, a hatchway, also organic, opened along the side of the cooridor they where in, and a Sammurri came out. It had two legs, like an elites, going out, in, and out, but it was very boney. The Samurri's skin was grey, with blue along it. It had a skinny waist, a skinny chest, and two arms. They didn't have fingers, but just a claw like tentacle on each arm, no movable parts on the 'hand'. It had three parts on it's arms, like it's legs. It also had skinny arms. It's somewhat wide neck, with three bulging veins around it, went to it's triangular head. What scared Shammoran' was that it didnt have two eyes, but eight of them, in stalk like things, slightly drooping down. They where in rows of three, then three, then two. It had a small mouth. The creature stood their for a moment, and then it raised it's arms upwards. Shammoran' noticed black smooth bads along the insides of it's claw-like pincers, they where sparking with energy. It was going to fire it's weapon.
The creature's pads glowed, until it threw it's arms down, and a massive lightning bolt shot out from it's pads. It struck a group of elites and grunts behind Shammoran', killing seven off them, turning them into goo against the pusling organic wall. The creature raised it's arms, going to fire another lightning bolt. Shammoran' raised his plasma rifle and shot rapid fire into it's chest. It's chest boiled, and blue blood sprayed out. It fell onto the floor with a thump, motionless. Shammoran' clenched his three jaws, and ordered the groop to move ahead.
----------------------------------------------------------- Apparently it wasn't going good for the Covenant fleet, as they were preparing to fight the five ships. The human destroyers came down onto the group, raining their cherry-red particle cannon fire, smashing ships all around them. The other two Ssammurri cruisers flanked the group and fired their massive lightning bolt cannons. Although not as powerful as the human particle cannons, they were deadly. The one with the SpecOps troops in it stayed back, fighting the troops inside. The Covenant ships fired plasma torpedoes at the human ships, but they where too heavily sheilded, and they went on unaffected. Another volley of cherry red particle cannon fire and purple volley of plasma discharge went accross space, the particle cannon fire hitting first since the particles were shot at .99 the speed of light. The heavy particle cannons struck with deadly efficiency, while the plasma charges were absorbed by human sheilds. The Ssammurri shot another volley of lightning bolts, 5 ships went down in flames. The remaining ships formed around the dreadnaught, which was powering up it's slicing cannon. The humans had other ideas in mind. -----------------------------------------------------------
Shammoran''s group was badly tired. After growing through endless cooridors, they met with hundreds of Ssammurri, each firing their lightning. Shammoran''s plasma rifle was out, his plasma sword nearly out. He had two grenades left, and he got out his plasma pistol.There were 13 grunts left, each used up their plasma grenades, but still had their fuel rod cannons, which proved effective against these Ssammurri. 7 other elites remained, 4 with their plasma rifles, the others in the same state as Shammoran'. This ship was essentially an endless maze of compelx coordiors, with their light blue organinc interior, this ship pulsating slowly. Shammoran' recounted those deadly encounters with the Sammurri, 13 came out once, throwing their lightning, which had devastated their platoon until a few elites sliced them with plasma swords. "This way", commanded Shammoran'. Their was a large, light blue door at the end. The doors on this ship opened in three parts, one going up, the other two from the sides. They had to press a small control panel near the doors. Shammoran' knew that they were near the center of the ship, as he could feel to rythym and pusling of the ships power reactor. His group readied their weapons, and he opened the door, just to be met by lightning thrown by these merciless Ssammurri.