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Halo Heaven: Chapter 1: The Story of the Surviving Spartan IIs
Posted By: Justin Harrison, Halo Heaven<mountain_biker28@mchsi.com>
Date: 20 March 2004, 4:26 PM

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Halo Heaven RPG

The Story of the Surviving Spartan II's


1630 Hours (Standard Military Time)
Sidewinder Base in the Azura Mountain Range
Sir Cloud, Spartan II of the base

Name: Sir Cloud
Age: 21
Weapons: Laser sword, Battle rifle, and a S-10 Sniper rifle
Birth date: 18/9/1981
Armor color: Black
Base: Sidewinder
A.I name: Cortana

      Sir Cloud was standing on his lone base in the lonely Azura mountain range of Sidewinder. He was one of the few Spartan II's, that hadn't been cryo-genetically frozen after the war. It had been approximately one year since the destruction of Halo. It had only been mere months since the Earth had conquered the Covenant from taking Earth, the human's home world. Sir Cloud had been assigned to this base after Earth had rebuilt and didn't need the Spartan II's anymore.

      Sir Cloud was one of the strongest Spartan-II'S but he stayed in his base, mainly relaxing. There hadn't been a Covenant attack in almost 2 months, which Sir Cloud was happy for the rest.

      Sir Cloud was standing at the opening smoking a cigar. His helmet lie beside him and the armory weapon station on the back wall. He looked out the massive opening, seeing snow falling and a dark miserable background.

      Sir Cloud was happy that he had made it through this war. UNSC and Earth had lost half of its population from continuous battles and UNSC had lost more than two thirds of all its ships.
      He had been daydreaming about past battles and the people that had dies in the war when suddenly a Spartan-II from his team ran up to him.

"Sir Cloud we're under attack! Our air patrols are being attacked by Covenant Seraphs. Four Covenant cruisers have just dropped out of slip space and are preparing drop ships!"

      Sir Cloud walked over to the stand-up armory and took a modified S-12 sniper off the rack. He scoped to 10x and saw the tones of purple alien hull of Covenant drop ships unloading. Sir Cloud started shouting out orders.
"Staff Sergeant Smith I want the bases marines in tactical position 4. Get the Warthogs and Scorpion Battle Tanks. COM's I want you to call UNSC High Command, tell them we are under Attack. He went to the armory and grabbed a battle rifle and 10 extra clips of ammunition. He loaded a clip and pulled one into the chamber with a satisfying 'Click'. He grabbed 4 fragmentation grenades and looked over his base.

Chapter 1
2050 Hours
Sidewinder Base in the Azura Mountain Range
Base Under Attack by the Covenant
"What the hell is the Covenant doing here, at SIDEWINDER BASE of all places?" Sir Cloud said.
"I'm not sure. I just hope that they're not going to strike earth." Cortana replied.
"Well let's hope not. Get into positions!" He yelled.
      One of the other Spartans ran up to the top floor of the base and sniped. Barrat and me got into the warthog, I had the 50 mm chain gun with Barrat driving and the other Spartan II, Red, in the passenger seat. He accelerated next to the drop ships, while Sir Cloud blasted the drop ships with the LAAG gun on the back of the warthog.
      The drop ships started coming faster and harder with more experienced troops. Red sniped out of the large window in the base, overlooking the battle site at the oncoming Covenant. He needed to stay hidden so Barrat and me were trying out best to keep the Covenant away from his position. He got a head shot on an Elite that was about to take Sir Clouds head off. Blood sprayed across the white snow and on top of Sir Cloud.
      The once white snow had now become purple and runny with bodies strewn over it. The Spartan II's had just taken them down and no one was injured yet, but maybe the covenant will succeed next time!
"Haven't had a battle in ages." Said Barrat as he loaded a clip of shredder rounds into the gun. "I'm just getting warmed up!"
      Sidewinder base was under serious Covenant fire. Twenty more drop ships unloaded 20 Covenant Elites and Jackals with Vehicles dropping from the drop ships under side.
      The Warthog had Sir Cloud and Barrat in it with a marine in the passenger seat getting the Covenant too close for the LAAG gun. Barrat fired off 500 rounds per minute ripping the Elites and Jackals in a spray of blood. Red sniped out the elites in ghosts at the top opening of the base. Four Hunters that had just been unloaded caught site of him in the base. They fired up towards his position. Red saw and gave 1 final shot at a hunter. It harmlessly bounced off his armor. Red dove toward the back of the base but was hit with the fuel rod guns. Red was blown backwards into the wall. His position had a puddle of blood that splattered down the side of the base.

"SHIT!" Red grabbed his side in pain. He was bleeding badly. He filled his wound with bio-foam and past out.

"Take the front Elites out marines!" Sir Cloud shouted as he blasted the back line of Elites with the LAAG gun. He could see more and more drop ships on the horizon it didn't look good.
      Barrat had been replaced in the Warthog with a marine driving Sir Cloud. He replaced a bloody marine from another Warthog's LAAG gun and reloaded its ammunition. He locked back the bolt and pushed a round into its chamber. He let loose rounds per second ripping the Elites with its armor piercing rounds. The Elites shields flared and dropped as the rounds penetrated the shields and took the creatures down.

      Ten-drop ships unloaded grunts. The Elites commonly used Grunts as cannon fodder, running them into a battle to weaken the enemy's position, by the thousands.

"Shields low!" Barrat said. He was hit by glass shards from a needler and fell from the passenger seat and dropped his AR.

"Take him in Smith." Cloud shouted over roaring plasma fire. Staff Sergeant Smith grabbed him and ran towards the base. He got their with mild plasma damage to himself and was patching Barrat up just as a UNSC Pelican came and unloaded six marines fresh marines. One was a Sergeant named Johnson. He gave orders to his men and ran to the top of the base. He took out his S-12 Sniper rifle and scanned the battlefield. He started shooting from there.

"Marines hustle!" Johnson yelled out. His marines got aboard 2 Warthogs and started pummeling the Grunts and Elites. The remaining marines gave supporting fire with Sir Cloud's remaining marines.
      Sir Cloud's driver swerved into a group of Grunts taking the unfortunate few out by the vehicles large wheels. AR fire ripped through the weak grunts armor leaving bloody purple smears where they fell. Barrat was badly hurt. He was lying against the wall on the top of the base with Sergeant Johnson. He had his Battle rifle lying next to him and was using a Sniper rifle to take out targets on the ground. Sir Cloud had got out of the Warthog and was engaged with the Covenant on the ground. He was backing up the marines taking the Elites down and letting the marines get the smaller targets. Then 5-drop ships came and unloaded Spec-ops on the battlefield. Red had came to by then and was standing next to Sir Cloud.

"Shit, Red use your sniper. I will take these Spec-Ops" Sir Cloud jumped down bringing his shotgun to bear. He pumped a 3.5" shell into the chamber of the gun. He blasted a spec-op in the face, blowing his face apart. A marine was hit by plasma fire, which burnt though his armor, which started smoking.

"I'm frying!!" Said the helpless marine. He burnt alive in his suit to death. The other marines saw this and didn't want to come to that fait. They tried harder controlling their fire and working together to bring down bigger opponents.

"One down Sergeant, couple hundred to go!" The gunner cheered as he ripped through grunts and elites, bringing them to a blue bloody death. The Jackals started using their shields to cover the Brutes and Elites. Marines fire helplessly at them. The bullets just ricocheted off the advanced shield system the Covenant had.

"Brutes!! AHH!" A marine shouted as a Brute charged through his using the spikes on the end of his gun to gore the marine through the stomach.
      Red set up a LAAG gun turret at the top of the base. Barrat climbed into the seat. He couldn't do much now that he was wounded. He started firing from the base taking down the front line and anything that got in the guns way.
      The Spec-ops made a bloody mess out of two marines. They where turned to mangled corpses. Sir Cloud saw this and gave an order to pull his men back.
"Marines, pull back to the base. On the double!" Sir Cloud started working backwards blowing 12 brutes with his shotgun. He left a trail of dead bodies and purple blood back to the base. A drop ship dropped off a M808B Scorpion MBT Tank. The drop ship lifted off again, using its 50mm chin gun to blanket the battlefield with fire.
      The drop ship pilot radioed in, "Kick some ass with that tank, Sir!" Sir Cloud intended to do just as the pilot said. He got in the tank and targeted the far away Wraiths. He let off two shots leaving 2 Wraiths burning. He turned to see a Brute force tearing up some marines with their large spike blade on their arms and on the end of their fuel rod cannon. He blasted away the brutes in two shots leaving a smoldering ground where they were.
      Sir cloud blew them away with the 90mm HV rocket from the Scorpion. Blood covered the front of the sidewinder base, both purple and red. Cortana gave out instructions for a decent battle plan. The warthog's gunner aimed at the Elites as they tried to advance forward and shoot plasma but the gun was way to powerful for them. Red sniped the grunts with Needlers and the Jackals with their powerful shields.
      Barrat with the LAAG gun took out down a few hunters and made a runny mush out of the elites. One of the Hunters that were left saw his Blood brother die. He yelled something in his own language and charged. He reached its top speed and hit the warthog in its side. Sir Cloud couldn't risk a shot. The warthog did several flips and landed upside down. Barrat was thrown from it and lost his weapon. A marine was crushed under the Warthog. The remaining marine stood firing at it. Barrat tried to tell him to get out of the way but it wasn't enough. The Hunter hit him with its massive shield and probably broke every bone in the marine's body. Red took his sniper and fired 3 shots at it. One of the shots went through its orange flesh in its lower back where the armor plates gapped. It fell down screaming in Covenant language.
      A wraith sent a plasma bomb aimed up into the top of the base.
"RED MOVE!" Yelled Sir Cloud
      Red couldn't go backwards so he jumped from the top of the base. The plasma bomb impacted the base and sent him flying through the air. He landed on the ground and rolled. His shield gave a pulse and was gone. He had blood around him and had plasma burns on his suite. Red got up slightly dazed. He was bleeding badly and his armor was black from plasma burns.
"Shit Sir Cloud I'm pretty screwed up now." He mumbled at Sir Cloud.
"Shit! I'm sending someone to get you." Sir Cloud muttered.
      Red was hit by plasma from a Spec Op down below him and was knocked out. Sir Cloud finished off the drop ships with the LAAG gun. The Warthogs rammed over the Elites. Infantry fired at the grunts. They bled all over the ground and their methane suites shot out methane.
"MMRRRRGGGGWWWWWW!!" Screamed the grunts
      They where pummeled by AR fire. Only the Spec-ops where left with a hunter. The hunter blew up the warthog. It flipped over, but Sir Cloud landed on his feet and pulled his rocket launcher out. He sent a rocket-flying square at the Hunter and blew it up in an array of orange blood spraying across the white sky. The ground was multi-colored blood stained. They had lost many marines on the first battle and were going to loose much more. They had to do something before the Covenant struck again.
"You've done well men." Sir Cloud replied. "UNSC High Command thinks that this was just a recon mission by the Covenant. They think that the Covenant is coming back this way intent on the destruction of Earth."
